>are they shills
>losers trying to reassure themselves
>Chads getting tons of pussy on a 48h Sup Forums missionary expedition
>are they shills
>losers trying to reassure themselves
>Chads getting tons of pussy on a 48h Sup Forums missionary expedition
Other urls found in this thread:
Many previously married (now divorced) men are in MGTOW, far more than I would have ever imagined. Ignoring this phenomenon as just something only low-value men are interested in is a dangerous mistake for our societies.
This. You have no idea how frustrating it is to be a certain age and trying to date. To be honest here, I gave up. Many divorced men either seem to view the world as their oyster with no reason to settle down again, OR they're so fucked in the head from their prior marriage that it's all they ever talk about, oftentimes projecting the faults of their ex onto the woman they're currently dating, as a self-defense measure to NOT become committed ever, ever again.
>as a self-defense measure to NOT become committed ever, ever again.
this almost sounds more miserable than loving and losing
They're the first to complain about how they can't find a nice girl. They're sabotaging themselves and they don't even realize it. So, yeah - I think it's more sad than loving and losing, and certainly more destructive. It's like walking around with a gaping hole in your chest while stabbing others. At least your stereotypical Chad will be open about not wanting a relationship.
>Alot of them are in their (most likely early) 20's
>The Defeatist message has an adverse effect on young men
Ah, well, I didn't read the article - Was agreeing with the other user. But, yeah - the eternal manchildren as well as muh strong feminists is a real threat to the future of the family unit and family values.
true MGTOW
are men
>making bad choices all their life
>not being enough carrier focused in their 20's
>not having climbed to the top of the hierarchical ladder by 30's
>married mid-30's
>wife dumps them at 45
>they are pathetic losers
>corrupting the young
>t. incel roastie
Once upon a time (70 years ago)
> Get married at 23 to a 20yr old
> Her worth to you: 10 years of prime reproductive time and beauty
> Your worth: Bringing entry-tier bacon to the table.
> Marry at 30 to a 28yr old
> Her worth: 2 years of reproduction, after that she gets the wall and you get downie babies.
> Your worth: On average 2-3 times more bacon than you 23 year old counterpart
Why would anyone?
>Marry an 18 year old at 28
>Best of both worlds
The state will assrape men at the drop of a hat in family courts. It is literally fucking insane to get married today
>not being enough carrier focused
Better get that college debt and work those 60hr weeks if you're a real man.
>not having climbed to the top
Better compete your every waking moment if you want that pussy.
>wife dumps them
>they are pathetic losers
Not like she has any moral agency in it.
jeremy moore is mosad/triad kill him
is a mosad agent
It should be a place to heal and reflect not something you stick to forever
I get that - I really do. But, there is a lot of throwing the baby out with the bathwater on this. Anybody who remarries who isn't a complete retard WILL have an airtight prenup, as insurance against marrying the wrong type of woman again, and to protect an inheritance for children from another marriage, assuming either exist. If the woman won't sign it, well, that's a clue to move on.
aka sleeves
kill him kill roxy ryan and kill the saudi agents connected to the haddads
mossad agent
haddad is a saudi agent
stevens is mi5 (prison)
brian hayes is mi5
kill everyone else or let me remove moores jaw bare handed
jeremy moore
brian hayes
zach stevens
funny i even wrote moore giving him a warning via thc.one but didnt believe it.
pizza gate is real
it is jeremy moore
ashley haddad
Chris Moot
rape culture
luke raped rebecca dixon
another fths
pizzagate is deep state
war on
Mgtow is about self improvement and making money and not throwing away your cash for some vapid roastie who will divorce you for tyrone
>20K year max
>Anarcho-capitalist memeflag
>Setteling down for town's whore
MGTOW makes sense
>Marry for love
>None of this matters because you love your wonderful wife
night night altright...we have no sides here in america! fuck all foreign agents!
The Nuclear Family is the foundation of our civilization
>If you are dumb enough for settling down for a whore, that is your fault,
>Don't expect others being as dumb as you are
>Here is some advice on how not to
he was interviewed about this particular and image and explained he is trying to reach out to the people here who he thinks are turning to the far right and "enlighten us to individualism"
but that wont fix the fact that leftists are importing millions of nigger and muslim militants to destroy our countries, now will it, Mr. Peterson?
now we know who ratted out jappe and fucked everyone in 805 kike
moore is sleeves lol you all got scared of some little jew that likes to suck dick hahahahahaha
>t. beta
>Look around
>Tides are changing
>Fire Arises
>It starts with ourselves
>It ends with the world
He is making conservatism great again
Soon the basedmen will arise
kill jeremy or let me break his jaw off
The pussy that the chads are getting have been tainted by an army of nigger dick. Stop chasing white women
hes targeting far right men though, he should be targeting libtards
MGTOW is for fucking losers, I don't know a single MGTOW guy who I would even consider a beta let alone a chad. most are Omega males.
>seek your Sup Forums
Wait, is the name Sup Forums actually a pun? I never noticed that before. I feel really stupid now.
Nuclear family is dead. Society has has evolved into a creature where the world will hammer away at your family until cracks start to show. You have no power to stop this.
Okay roastie
how much more money does he need it's like a million dollars a year he's on now.
Not targeting libertards...
> WTF?
> He criticized the very foundation of today's liberals ( equality of outcome, lack of discipline in education, the lack of masculine values in education...)
Targeting far fight
>He is aware of the fact that the ideologies diluting the individual into the group have recked (Nazism, Communism) the world enough.
>That these extreme ideologies are just replacements for a true religious belief and way of life (hence Bible series).
>He is a 1950 liberal (FDR)
>He is redpilling millions of young men
>He is too smart for letting the media destroy his respectability
If you have been divorced you shouldn’t get married again. I don’t see the problem. You are trying to ignore the fact that they are influencing teenagers to join their stupid group which is effective white genocide
I do not actively look for women, and therefore term applies as I go my own way
therefore, according to roasties I am virgin beta something
this is fun
>He has some projects in preparation ( online psychology university)
>He is an honest man dedicating his life to his discipline, why shouldn't be a millionaire at 55
>You are trying to ignore the fact that they are influencing teenagers to join their stupid group which is effective white genocide
I can see both arguments. On one hand, sure, lessened competition, fewer betas to keep women satisfied, women more desperate for Chad Thundercock's thunder cock.
On the other hand, the MGTOW no longer have to worry about competing for a one-night-stand, no longer need to worry about rape allegations when someone's slutty girlfriend can't acknowledge that she cheated, and don't need to worry about getting fucked by the frankly broken marriage law in most of the western world.
It sounds like a win for both factions of men. The only team that's losing here are the women.
I find it alienating that I can't even sympathize with my fellow losers because while they're concerned about relationships and getting GFs, I'm so autistic and full of self-hate that I can't even imagine sharing my life with someone else and the only thing I worry about is pulling my piece of shit life together
Because some of us managed to find girlfriends at a young age, and didn’t waste their time jacking off or watching anime or playing vidya games or trying to have degenerate sex with roasties
T. Kike
>No Wife
>No Family
>No Children
>No Whites by 2050
You're very focused on income user, they did a good job on you.
>Because some of us managed to find girlfriends
good job, do you want diplomma or occassional sex suffices?
shoo shoo vaginal jew
I don’t know what your autistic anime memes mean, I an interested in politics not faggotry
I have decided to stop coming on Sup Forums. I think it starts messing with my psyche. I also started to improve my life and I think this site pulls me down
I thought the purpose of this site was to save the white race. You are helping your own genocide.
>started to improve
started improving*
and yet, you push your faggotry in here
amazing mental gymnastics
yes, MGTOW advocates are either shills, fags or incels.
>I thought the purpose of this site was to save the white race
lol nope you faggot
this is anime board first and foremost, shitposting goes later, saving the world is last point on agenda
Women never, ever lose. If they fail it's entirely their fault because they have retarded standards, but there are always, always plenty of men that want them.
How is having children and saving the white race faggotry?
social engineering
Post the sauce or gtfo.
how is marrying and having children for the sake of simply having children better in any way from what subsaharan niggers do, you monkey brain?
The whole MGTOW movement to check out is simply a man's version of feminism. They're not happy so we are hearing the nonstop bitching (instead of improving or using the time wisely for other things). There is no need to bitch about it or announce it - that's what women do.
Simply use your time wisely, do other things but at least make them productive. Locking yourself up in a room, locking yourself away, playing endless hours of video games - all not productive, not healthy, etc....
white race is doomed lmao
rev up those black dick memes
>t. roastie
Not totally on topic. I used Jordan Peterson's self authoring suite when at the lowest point in my life (post a long and difficult break up) and it really helped turn things around in my mind and attitude. I highly recommend it.
>They're not happy so we are hearing the nonstop bitching
top kek, how is
>leave me alone to my own devices, ai waifu and japanese animus
same as
>listen to our planted and approved gurus, goyim
thanks but no thanks
Playing video games after work is no different than watching a game or Netflix. This retarded stigma about video games is just stupid. Instead of dozing off in front of a tv, people actually use their brains. This notion that every second of your waking time has to be ''productive'' or spent on chasing women is just stupid.
but it is, you can only have socially approved hobbies, like knitting, going out with your gf, and sports
vidya, miniatures, tabletops are all off the table
boardgames are sometimes allowed
Yeah, mgtow is retarded, reproduction is natural
why do you care? if you're really a chad, more men out of the dating market and more pussy for you.
mgtow is fucking retarded, I got 2 gfs they cost me nothing.
so is rape, attraction towards symetrical bone structure
but not low interest loans
low interest loans are not natural therefore retarded
>I have decided to stop coming on Sup Forums. I think it starts messing with my psyche
implying incels are pessimists ayylmao
It's the idealogy of people who've said "fuck it". If you aren't aware of how fucked marriage courts are and how badly a woman can fuck up your career/college life with an accusation online, you're either unaware or insist on using your successful relationship as a basis for society which is woman-tier logic.
Divorce rate is around 70% with women causing most of them under the reasoning or unhappiness. Not abuse, not rape, but just discontent.
This is actually a great time to be a weak beta man: because of shameless there's no honor anymore so nobody cares if you become a drag on society. You could be a numale living off welfare your entire life and nobody will care. Most countries don't even have mandatory military service anymore and the odds you'll be drafted to a war are practically zero. Of course if everybody does this then society will eventually collapse but who cares? is not like we were having a nice time.
Back in the day being a MGTOW would've been a dishonor, you wouldn't be able to even show your face outside without people giving you shit for being a coward, but now they can't judge you so no biggie.
>inb4 guys like lautrec
The difference is that guy was born a cripple, and in the french nobility which is why they didn't throw him into a ditch. He still had a shitty life and died young so my point is still correct.
If anything is valuable successful men who get the most from MGTOW because they are the ones with something to lose. They also try to dodge taxes as best as they can because they know the state isn't gonna help them and their money will go to shit they don't support at all. Also if they get a divorce they are fucked, and why bother when they got enough money to pay a surrogate to have their kids for them?
MGTOW is the ideology of people who realize women are obsolete
The purpose of this site is to shitpost, you idiot.
>because they are the ones with something to lose
>you cannot divorcerape or fakely accuse mediocre guys
eh, no, not at all
>have an airtight prenup
What are you 12? prenups are not legally binding, any judge can throw it out the window thus invalidating it by using any shit like saying it was signed "under duress" even if you had a witness saying it was a mutual understanding
MGTOW only has traction because any other alternative or legal loop that worked in the past is gone, now most courts consider living with a woman as marriage so just sharing an apartment with your gf can get you divorce raped
about legal stuff, watch this:
1/2: Canada
2/2: France
>somehow also a roastie who fucks a lot
What? Just say "fag," all these memey buzzwords you use stop having any sort of meaning or context as soon as Sup Forums starts using it hivemind en masse
>present themselves in public as a couple
So any bitch who says "I'm user's gf" is automatically your wife? what the fuck cucknada?
What's next? tinder likes=marriage?
>relantionship of some permanence
How the fuck is that a measurement?
And yeah I knew that about france, its fucking insane. Anyone got numbers for infanticide by the father? because I think there might be a correlation
Like if you're going to jail for refusing to raise some bastard then you might as well murder/suicide your entire "family"
yes to first, or at least I assume so
you can technically present in public on social media, why not
>that cunt
>literally saying she will marry a guy who will treat her like shit as long as he's rich
>over a guy who's not necessarily poor just not rich and who would treat her decently
But MGTOW are somehow the problem
yes, because:
a) muh white race
b) muh marriage+kids package
c) muh duty, which can be applied to any- and everything
Yeah except that she doesn't give a fuck about "love" as you can see here So you better have a ton of money to get that love, at which point you should seriously wonder if your marriage isn't just a very complicated and expensive form of prostitution
Funny how that lady says men should fight more right after mentioning they have zero fucking chance of being heard
At this point the only way to have a normal life as a man is to move to an islamic country where women are barely more than animals. Roasties can bitch saying that doesn't works but muslim birth rates say the contrary
women love differently than men
men love romantically, also looks
women love security and future prospects of a person and what she can get from him
Unless he's fighting for legal reform at the cucknadian congress to change marriage laws then he's doing fucking nothing and is no different from the cunts saying "you should man-up" as if that means anything anymore
Nah they lose, the reality is that 10/10 men can still only marry one woman so at the end a bunch of women are going to end forever alone. They hate betas now but the vast majority of men are betas including some dudes who made incredible things, and not all alphas reach greatness either. The point is that beggars can't be choosers and a lot of women are beggar-tier yet thing they can choose.
>be me
>get engaged to gf of four years
>her sister indoctrinates her into feminism
>gifted life turns into victim life
>everything is racist and sexist
>dump her
>start tinder and okc
>countless dates and hookups
>literally all damaged whores, even the good ones
>realize casual sex nullifies nofap
>go full mgtow and nofap
>quality girls start paying attention to me
>whores blown away when i say no to casual sex
>makes them want me even more
>life starts to unfold. Excess energy forces self improvement
>look and feel my best in years
>travel more often, succeeding at work, saving money, taking music more seriously and starting to record and perform
>realize the key to happiness is following the way of Jesus and conserving semen as long as possible. Say no to sin and whores, focus on self improvement and God will gift you with abundance for your loyalty