I can't be the only person sick of this ugly uppity nigger goblin. I can't stand him or his wig wearing bleached monkey wife.
Enough already
Other urls found in this thread:
>bleached monkey wife
She's always been lightskin. She didn't bleach her skin.
His wife is a brainwashed mk ultra monarch cunt, but yeah whatever fuck these stupid niggers.
I've seen more Jayz threads in the past 2 days than I have in my entire life. Wtf is going on.
>Jay Z’s bling from ‘whites are devils’ group
>Black people are the fathers and mothers of civilization, white men are the devil, the Christian god is nothing more than a ghost and only a small percentage of people understand the world.
>“The rationale is that the black man is God and created the universe, and is physically stronger and intellectually stronger and more righteous naturally,” says Michael Muhammad Knight, an author of two books on the radical group.
>“Whiteness is weak and wicked and inferior — basically just an errant child who needs to be corrected.”
Bitch please she's getting into MJ territory.
Trump tweet
>tfw he's upset that his tastes in pop culture are dictated by freemasons
>tfw he's not prepared for the Zuckerberg/West 2020 campaign and presidency beginning January 2021
He was in a CNN interview I believe. Telling black people not to be "fooled" by trump causing a lowering of their unemployment level and somehow being able to also say that money doesn't make you happy. Basically spreading propaganda that is blatantly stupid bullshit.
come on now
The only place I've seen his face in the last three years is on Sup Forums because niggers like you keep making threads about him. Just fuck off retard.
Literally who? You Americans are just as bad as the Italians for obsessing and giving the slightest of a shit about celebrities.
>its da hwit peepo dat look lik da apes!
Isn't that line acknowledging what Che said?
What do you mean?
>ITT: shills pretending to be racists so buzzfeed can write another "blog"post about how racist Sup Forums is
No one forces you to listen to his music
Every time I see queen niggress, I just think of her and king nigger on the stage with Shillary saying "I'm with her"
>Hey calm down, OP. Black people are based i'm dating one lol
>Be Jay-z
>Make money repeating the same words (guns, drugs, hoes, violence) effectively brainwashing low i.q. fans which in turn increases crime rate in black communities
>Make billions of dollars for jewish record labels and hundreds of millions of dollars for himself
>Live in mansions and be choeferred around, permanently changing his personality from a struggling black thug from brooklyn to a rich white 1%'er that still thinks hes black and lives in the ghetto
>Still rag on white people
>Still pretend youre poor
>Still feel oppressed
The delusions are strong on this one
I heard when you shave monkies they actually have white skin
If you still listen to rap or pop music then you are a blue pilled soylent guzzler
B-b-b-b-b-b-but Blacks are based
Yes I wonder how jay z would fix blacks. He really walked face first into this one.
But Rockefeller has treated him so well by rapping about degenerate behavior like slinging crack. That’s good morals for our youths to hear.