Just another day in Sweden

Another day, another cultural enrichment incident.

> 19 year old girl go to club
> fat sandnigger starts groping her
> girl pushes him back
> sandnigger first punches her in the face, then shatters a glass bottle on her head.
> pic very related
> police have already shut down the investigation because the suspect is unknown.

At this rate, shit's going to boil over at some point.

Other urls found in this thread:


She got what she voted for. I am happy for her

>girl pushes him back

Nah, Sweden is lost. Those who aren't cucked should come and settle in America to tip the 56%.

Sooooooooo progressive.

update: swedish police say the girl is currently being investigated for racism against the suspect

and now we start the process of her turning in to either a massive racist or humongous cuck

place your bets, I'm going to go with her blaming herself and becoming the next Olof Palme

Wasn't this fake? Someone posted this yesterday.

Birdbrained twat got what she deserved


Nope my dude. Unfortunately not.

The fact that they keep cutting the top of her head off in every picture makes me think this is fake

>be libtard whore
>supports refugees and open borders
>gets btfo, raped by refugees

Fuck her

refugees welcome bitch. no sympathy

Who gives a shit about some clubbing roastie slut, she's probably fucked a bunch of black dudes by now anyway

70% of Swedish women voted for rapefugees.

next time the degenerate whore wont go to a ''club''

The only people migrating to USA will be more nog's

> 19 year old girl go to club
Found problem

what do they mean the suspect is unknown? like he got away? or they just dont care to find him because hes a shitskin and it would hurt their "racist" crime data?

Why do you think she was a libtard?
Women from 18-24 had FPÖ as the strongest party in my country.

this is one way to get redpilled
play to God that these fucks keep on chimping out so you can get rid of them sometime

>> girl pushes him back
oy vey that bigot

Yeah i can't really see any outrage because if this. I'm sure the consensus between her and her circle of friends is that she shouldn't have pushed him and none of this would have happened

>what do they mean the suspect is unknown? like he got away? or they just dont care to find him because hes a shitskin and it would hurt their "racist" crime data?

He disappeared and no one has come forward as of yet, so the police are basically btfo until someone comes forward with tips about the suspect.

Holger Danske would have woken up already.. if only Skåne was danish huh?
I skal sparke tilbage Svenskere og en skalle der smadre tænderne ud af kæften.

>went to a club

got what she deserved

Your clubs don't have bouncers to manhandle and detain people like this?
What a shitty club

No matter what the fuck happens in Sweden they will never get a drop of sympathy from me. They voted for this and threw their native men to the wolves.

Nah, we mostly don´t have bouncers either because we don´t have niggers. The thing that I find surprising is that the people didn´t hold him back/detain him.

cant get raped if you willingly submit

why dont you defend your woman? or are they just as fucked as they are here. still shouldn't let niggers touch our white girls.

Bouncers are racist. They perpetuate the cycle of racial stereotypes

This wouldn't have happened if she had been more tolerant of his culture

>The thing that I find surprising is that the people didn´t hold him back/detain him.

swedish males wouldnt be allowed into a club. theyd lookt too young, and moreover why would they want to leave their cucksheds in the first place?



girls who go to clubs are whores in favor of leftist values anyways, who cares lol

So when are women in swenden going to submit to allah

unironically this. serves her right for clubbin with niggers and sandniggers at the night time. now if it a pure qt that got hurt, its worth fighting for no doubt.


>he was a manlet and had black hair

Is this the new swedish politically correct way to say "he was not a swede"?

How the dick cutting problem there?
Gangs of pakis have been ambushing cops and stuff and cutting off their dicks and balls.

Honestly, I hate it when girls push me back when I just wanna dance.

Fuck her. She got what she deserved. If she didn't want dudes grinding up on her, then don't go to the club dressed like a slut.

Gonna chalk this on up to, "Had it coming."

>we don't have niggers
>niggery happens in clubs
You have niggers my friend.


>goes to the club
She’s a whore and deserved it

why are the swedes so domesticated?

Stockholm should have been burned down by a band of angry swedes over a decade ago already


First of all this could be fake.

Secondly, if it is real..you cucks deserve it anyway. Make your bed now deal with the consequences.

what country?

I'm sorry Sweden but we need you as a scapegoat. Your country is already lost so the sooner you get autonuked, the sooner the rest of the world may wake up.

They have. The feminist government wears hijabs publicly and it might have been Germany but one of those shitholes started a 'liberal mosque'


I don't feel an ounce of sympathy for her. You go out clubbing and shaking your ass around foreign invaders you deserved to be grouped,raped, and glassed.

Someone should set up a program where native Swedish women can find and marry American men to escape their decaying 3rd world shithole.

have you met swedes? there's a 99% chance she was a far leftist zealot of absolute highest order.

The swedes must really love their female politicians.

>why are the swedes so domesticated?

It's more they are ideologically subverted so far you wouldn't believe and would rather suffer than ever admit they were wrong.



fuck the stupid degenerate whore, conducting a sexual display in front of drunk Jihadis is absolutely asking for it.

Depends if she was a leftist or not doesn´t it?

I saw that thread
I'm an EMT and the blood is real
the argument in that thread is that there were no visible signs of cuts
my response would be that she was most likely hit on the top of the head and her hair is covering the gash that could actually be quite small maybe an inch at most
to me it looks like the bottle opened the flesh and happened to split a vein causing her to bleed profusely
the way the blood runs down the center of her face is how it would flow if she was bender over in pain, having her head down, ect
I've seen injuries just like this 100s of times
I'm guessing OP of that thread was a leftist trying to make it look like she made it all up so cover some sand nigger's ass because he's a swedecuck traitorous faggot.

The "youths" now like to ring the emergency services for a false call and when the officer/ambulance people get out they ambush them and cut their dicks off.

Lol, looking through her likes. She is a "light" feminist and animal rights activism supporter.
>Likes "feminist self defense".
From the article:
>I framtiden kommer Sophie inte våga vara lika hård om någon försöker ta i henne.
"In the future, Sophie won't be as tough if someone grabs her"
>– Nästa gång det händer måste jag gå till en vakt eller en killkompis istället, jag kan inte göra något själv känner jag
- "Next time it happens I will have to go to security staff OR A MALE FRIEND instead, I feel that I can't do anything on my own

I wonder what happened with feminist self defense. Still hot though. She has potential in porn.

No! Sandnigger goes to the Club. That's the fucking problem

That girl was a fake larper.

probably bouncers were muslim and just said security cameras were off becouse of some maintnence or energy cuts, or something broke.

>At this rate
What rate? The norm? This is nothing new in your country if you havent noticed.
>shit's going to boil over
It won't.

I'm calling it: Sup Forums will be pro-muslim in no time.

>>Suspect is Unknown
>>fat sand nigger

Isn't that a bit harsh? I mean, surely, they will lower their standards, but to go with an american is still 'out from the frying pan, into the trashfire' kind of situation...

>At this rate, shit's going to boil over at some point
no, propaganda is a wonderful thing. This sort of violence can easily be redirected into an "all men are rapists", even without censoring information of only a very specific demographic doing it. I remember making a prediction here when someone posted about censoring rape statistic for "problematic information" and martial law being dropped on some island that didn't want muslim rapists that Sweden would spin it to show an increase of all men being rapists in statistics (and because most men in Sweden are white = white men are mostly rapists) . I thought it would take a couple more years but I'm already seeing the signs

>degenerate goes to a degenerate place
>gets her ass beaten by a degenerate she voted to have there

Swedish military coup when?

i dont care sven. Your country is done.

new red pilled person, welcome to the real world

no, but I assume that it´s the same thing as here.
I never met a young women admitting that she was an extreme rightwinger but the recent elections showed that 1 out of 4 women are hard right crypto nazis und a lot of them are conservative.
The people voting green etc are the boomers which is why we need the day of the pillow.

This is Sweden's toxic masculinity

You guys must become more tolerant. That is the reason the migrants don't assimilate 'cause you're such racists and treat the migrants like they're second class citizens.

This is like Christmas for the average poltard

Too bad the mudslime didn't snap her thot neck.

If you go out clubbing you deserve the noose

Sweden needs to learn it the hard way.

Well, the woman in this thread is a real victim. Isn't it better to use real victims in your memery?

What will it take for Sweden to wake up?

I wouldn't mind cumming on her face when she's like that.

This is what she chose.

thread theme

>thousand yard stare

she done broke now more ways than before

That's what I thought, afaik all the better clubs around here have a zero brown people rule.
It's not racist, it's "face control".

you can only be tolerant if it still bothers you, though
else it's either called being indifferent, or even complacent

>In the future, Sophie won't be as tough
Wow. The meme's about Swedes are real. She's already decided it was partly her fault.

If this had happened in a library or a church, I would actually give a fuck.
But some roastie thot getting bottled by a nog while whoring herself at night club? I just find that funny.

Yeah let's bring feminist liberal roastie shits here. Yeah, Fuck you.

sven , can you please answer why there isnt a swedish IRA yet? kill the bastards, and overthrow the government, occupy buildings with guns and die in a blaze of glory for your nationalism, like a man.

Who's based in this situation, the whore or the refugee?

Implying the IRA is doing anything agianst your migrant invasion.


There's a difference between being pro-Muslim and stating that a woman got what she deserved.

It's our political enemies hurting each other.

Stop being a faggot.

Was she arrested for racism? She doesn't sound very tolerate.

This. Every immigrant I ever meet is a fucking nigger.

This place is starting to look like Planet of the Apes after they won. I hate America, don't let this fat larping cheeseburger loving amerigoy fool you.

There is no tipping the monkey cage.

What they mean is that police exist to take tax money and harass law-abiding whites. Police will not protect you or the public order in any way when the attacker is nonwhite. What they mean is that vigilantism is coming.

not yet.

Its the future they chose. Inaction is still a choice.