America's reluctant septuagenarian workforce

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>Boomers rekt the economy for a ponzi scheme retirement plan
>End up living too long and must feel the woes of their grandchildren

Shit sucks man

>If I don't have any children I won't have to pay for their education, healthcare, nutrition and entertainment, and all the money goes to ME ME ME!
>What do you mean I can't retire at 80?

This beaner gets it.

Millenials, you are being warned. Avoid having kids, you just eliminated your most reliable support in old age. Childless couples are relying on other peoples children to support them, and let me tell you, this is going to cost quite a bit, as much as having kids would have costed almost. A free market fixes everything

I fucking hate the leftists don't understand the way business works.

>old man keeps working and staying mobile and is still productive and alive
>this is somehow bad because at a certain age you shouldn't have to work

How does business work, Cletus?

Well for starters you fucking cunt, you cannot expect to give each employee thousands and thousands of dollars just for existing.

>He shrugs off the difficulty. "I don't want to sit around and play checkers and get fat," Combs says. "I used to pick cotton in 90-degree heat. This is easy."
Millennial and nigger BTFO


I always assumed those old geezers working at Walmart were doing out of boredom and to feel useful.

If I ever get too old and feeble to be the stick man at the craps table I would rather just die.

People work to keep sharp.

Fags that specialize in kissing ass or appeasing middlemanagement deserve this fate.
Develop skills, leave the cities where people tell you how to live.
try collecting taxes from me in the utah wilderness, we need more able bodied men dropping out of this system that only leaches and start working for their own development and morals. Let the zogbots inherit the browning cities and cucked good boy busy work. The world still turns like it did ages ago, don't let some faggots decide how to live your life when you and your ancestors know otherwise.

>wanting pensions
They're being phased out for a reason, the days of staying with a company for 20 years to fully vest are fucking gone

I agree that staying active during your twilight years is good for longevity but working at a McDonald's, man, come the fuck on. That shit ain't right. She should involve with helping raise grandchildren.

How did it ever make sense to begin with?

Great some faggot worked for you for 20 years not you have to pay him 30 more while not working for you?

>what happened to pensions
>pensions come from an era where the us was at it's hieght of dominance
It's funny. Leftists latch chain after chain on the American economy so the rest of the world catches up, then complain about something that really only comes from abundance

Competition and efficiency today are more fierce than ever and a large part of that is the amount of taxes and regulation

Only the poor and lower middle class look forward to retirement. Every male in my family has remained in their profession until the very near end. Work maintains your vitality. Secondly to all of you dumb dumbs who have life figured out and concluded that your not falling for the work meme, young and stupid grows into old and stupid. Remember lads all of the posturing about finding yourself and living life, is just Talmudic non sense to have you step out of life.

Man's been around a lot longer than he's been specializing into careers kissing asses and pleasing his superiors.

>waste all of your savings on frivolities
>open the borders out of Christian altruism
>decades of tort abuse and feminist regulations
>$20 trillion in debt
I’m having a hard time feeling sorry for them tbqh

>Only the poor and lower middle class look forward to retirement.
poor and middle class would look forward to "working" into old age too if they had "upper class" positions too you fuckhead

your old men remained with their jobs until the end because they were easier and well paying, not because they have a proclivity to working until they drop dead

How do you get to be 80 and have no savings, no invetments, no retirement fund/pension?

Here in Italy you get a minimum ~500€ old age pension at 65, even if you never contributed anything to the pension system.
This is why old fucks with te minimum pension will never have my sympathy. The reason they get the minimum is that they've always worked under the table, i.e. they've been a net drain on society for their whole lives.

You stop it. Cletus is a fine name.

>were doing out of boredom and to feel useful
They are. The snowflakes are makin' shit up.

Make bad choices and life and can’t afford retirement.

It’s the governments fault

>retire at 62
>buy rv, a Harley and roadtrip year round
>10 years later
>waddayamean I'm broke

Poverty and class “struggles” are not virtues, and neither is affirming your wrong choices. Those who choose a more pedestrian path always choose mediocrity. But honestly user if you hate where you are in life, choose another, you don’t have to be the captain of the baristas.

REEEEEEEE yes you can!! you've got a business, so you're a fat cat capitalist, I've seen it in commie comics. Fat capitalists have a cornucopia of unlimited money.
You and all the capitalists have all the money in the world, and just because you're selfish, you are not sharing!
communism does not work because you capitalists refuse to share!!!! and refuse to work for the party earning what WE say are your basic needs.

>specializing into careers
Get awesome at numerous skills.

yankee doodle went to town riding on a donkey

>live too long
>not useful for anything

Then die. I'm sorry but this is a grim reality we are going to have to face as medical science pushes age limits for humanity into 120 year territory as a common thing.

It really was just one generation after the war that got to live the good life.
It all went downhill so insanely fucking fast.

Will they ever learn?

>The world still turns like it did ages ago, don't let some faggots decide how to live your life when you and your ancestors know otherwise.
I like your post


americans don't care about their old people. Its every man for himself which may or may not work depending how good you do

That's fast food not wal mart tho

>having no children and grandchildren the pic
Yeah no shit. You want to have at least four or five kids so that you get one or more successful enough to help you not be a slave at retirement age.

>americans don't care about their old people
I care about my grandparents, and they care about me, which is why they worked hard and aren't poor.

You know, in the good ol' days these old folk would have the common decency to wander off into the forest and die so as to not put a strain on the younger generation.

>boomers get into power
>cancel all pensions to save a buck
>cut all benefits for newer workers
>all so they can look like they've done well to their higher ups by lowering costs

The Eternal Boomer truly is despicable. Selling out not only their children but their parents as well

I guess it's hard to generalize, but I think most are just looking to get out and be around people yet. Really, the pay is not enough to make much difference for most people.

Most Americans support assistance for people who truly cannot help themselves

Even the only libertarians who oppose it do so on the grounds that charity would do it better and cheaper

>some faggot worked for you for 20 years not you have to pay him 30 more while not working for you?
Basically, yeah. But your numbers are wrong.
It was usually 30 yrs of work minimum, and those were gold plated jobs. And then you'd retire at, say 62, and live maybe another 10-15 yrs on average.
Those numbers make a big difference.
Anyway, the company set money aside during your career and invested it, at least theoretically.

You think the boomers favored all that stuff? What planet do you live on? That was A) the younger college indoctrinated people, and B) low class non-whites.

I'm not extolling poverty I'm simply stating basic facts, your comparison is totally apples to oranges, if your old men had to bang rocks for 40 years for a living they'd want to retire just as much as anyone else. You bragging about them refusing to retire is a crock of shit and is quite literally neither here nor there.

There are minimums here too, at least for anyone who has ever worked. There are other programs for those who have never had a job.
But people like more money. So maybe they make a little extra on a job. Or, they just want something to do. They don't mention it here, but tons of old fucks volunteer for stuff to (no pay)

Pensions are the worker's own money retard. You take like 5% of all their paychecks and put it in some account, then when they retire they have like 50 millions to live some 30 years. How the fuck do your pensions even work?

So now they're working to support themselves and avoid being a burden on their kids.
Hey, you still want their house and everything when they croak though, right? Just checking.

let them suffer. theyre the ones that let the spics in

people need to learn to be fucking afraid of fucking over their children

We'd be able to invest in ourselves to a greater degree if the government weren't levying an additional social security tax on our wages to fund a program we will never see a dime from when we are finally eligible to benefit from it.

Boomers literally steal your money explicitly for themselves.

their social security funds have not kept up with cost of living.

their funds could support them if they moved to other places, but htey don't

they are demanding free money yb stangling the youth, and in addition they're demanding enough to make them more comfortable than their benefactors/ pure scum

if you asked me 2 years ago i would have said i will never want kids

now i want to impregnate an aryan goddess and have 10 aryan children

Boomers are quite possibly the most destructive generation in American history. I genuinely feel no sympathy for any of their problems.

>white children
enjoy shady acres
gotta go mexican or eastern european if you want the real good old age life

This, I can't wait to abuse my parents as they get senile.