Do Quebecois count as leafs? If not I think posters should be allowed to choose a Quebec flag like the C*talonians.
Do Quebecois count as leafs? If not I think posters should be allowed to choose a Quebec flag like the C*talonians
you had your referendum and you voted no
you're leafs
they're feuilles
I wish we had our own flag
Catalonians can pick their flag, cuase they are homosexuals and no other flag really represents them
The French speakers voted yes by 60%. But I'm not a French speaker so flag for me.
no flag*
You def need the flag, bros
I am an Anglo Quebecois and no the Quebecois are not Canadian. I speak French and have my entire life but they can sense my Angloness. Maybe it's how I look, idk.
I can visit any part of anglo canada and feel welcome, but I dont even feel welcome in the city i was literally born in
>but I dont even feel welcome in the city i was literally born in
That's because you aren't. Why should we welcome foreigners who want to take over our land?
I might have sounded like I was whining, I didn't mean to. I don't want to live here, and will move.
I was just replying to the OP about whether quebecois are canadian.
>I don't want to live here,
>and will move.
That's a rare breed, most anglo quebecers just stay here and whine.
Shut the fuck up anglofag, you are not welcome here in Quebec for the same reason Sup Forums calls you a fucking leaf.
We, real Quebecois, are not sorry for it.
Yes give me this flag, pic related
Flag looks good
Not exactly their fault for just being born somewhere that hates them
Hell yes, there SHOULD be an option to select a Quebec flag. Why the fuck not?!
fuck off shill
def not a shill, I'm a natsoc, that is all.
Oh, its cute when frogs get angry.
>born somewhere that hates them
C'mon waspfag, its not zululand... yet.
>comparing nu pol shills to frogs
do you have migrants and do people in montreal even speak french?
i mean why speak french if you're becoming amerimutts 2.0
Recent immigrant to Montreal here. AMA.
Fucking this
Whenever an independence reference is held and the fucking PUSSIES vote no, the option of independence should be taken off the table for 150 fuckin years.
I'm looking at you, Scotland. Bitchmade pussies.
Most of Montreal is French. You HAVE to have working knowledge of French if you're looking to get hired, so yes most immigrants do learn the language.
No. I'm just not a dumb Quebecker.
Your flag has 4 buttplugs on it.
You ARE a buttplug, mutty
>Most of Montreal is French.
only the east side
montreal is basically Haiti and Northern Africa. A multicultural paradise
Reminder that when that province belonged to New France is was already and specifically called Canada.
They're the true leafs.
We're not leafs, we differ a lot from anglo canadians.
We lost to money (jews and anglos) and ethnic votes (shitskins). Real Québécois voted yes.
>A multicultural paradise
Un trou a marde,la raison que je reste c'est pour mon emploi sinon je déménagerais dans la région de québec
Frogs have an altogether different mentality and culture, they are a peasant race, so no they're not leafs and are close in character to hues, Brazil is even very popular in Quebec
Yet "Canada" itself is an indian name. Does that mean they are the real leafs?
No being a leaf is not about who was first. Leaf is about the flag of the cucked anglos.
Although, you're right that we're the real Canadians, but we've been robbed of that term by the anglos and so we now claim ourselves Québécois cause we want nothing to do with them.
Because you lost a war to them and they were merciful enough to not deport you back to France? Why are Francophones so fucking entitled? When you don't rule you whine like whores and when you do rule you try to pull shit like wiping out Flemish and trying to force everyone to speak Fren*h
We still call ourselves Canadiens-français since they stole our gentilé after the 7years war.
Quebec was a fur trade region for the French. The fur traders fucked tons of native chicks. It got so bad that France sent boatloads of whores (les filles du roi) to satisfy the lust of the trappers. 70% of Quebecois have at least 1 native in their ancestry. If you are Acadian, then you have 85% chance of being mixed race.
You have to go back.
Well maybe we do but at least we aren't having catalonians separatists like spaniards.
No, Canadien français is our race ('ethnonyme' I guess); the descendants of French settlers. We call ourselves Québécois because that's our land.
>now claim ourselves Québécois cause we want nothing to do with them
Then how do you explain the results of that census? You're still attached to the term "canadien" after all because that was the name you chose right after you gave up "français".
nice one zhao
j'habite sur la rive-sud de québec, mes contacts avec les minorités se limitent à quand je vais à l'université Laval
Quebec's name at that time was "Lower Canada".
Explain what? That most people Quebec, when filling out a federal questionnaire for the Canadian census, enter that they're Canadian and not French?
>Province of Quebec
Pick one, Nigel
The rainbow flag fits them perfectly
Le Gay
> Arrivée en 1738 sous le couvert d’un déguisement masculin, son identité féminine et juive est rapidement mise au jour. L’audacieuse étant réexpédiée dans son pays natal, sa découverte du Nouveau Monde est de courte durée.
lmao jews trying to destroy a country before it even exists. At least back then they had the balls to turn them away.
Jeanne d'Orc
It just means you have more canadian identity than the rest of Canada. You're like those in the US who define their ethnicity as american.
Truely a bunch of rats
If you have any drop of testosterone in your body, unlike the Ontario canucks, I will do my best to support you fellas
anglocucks would just use it to falseflag as us if Sup Forums gave us the choice
Quebecois are Canadian and therefore ruled by the British.
Will Frenchies ever stop being cucked by us? Lmao
i've seen anglocucks refuse to even vote for the CAQ because they think it's a separatist party
just fucking throw them out of the province already
Suck it Pierre.
Stop posting this every week.
these plastic frogs keep thinking they are special while voting to remain Canadians
They blindly vote Liberal like guineas.
Yes. Exactly like Quebec and the rest of Canada. Just leave.
francophones in general are retarded
personally I think it's because they mistake speaking a language that uses ten words where one will do for intellectualism
>look how romantic and poetic our language is, we have 'apples from the earth' yet you have mere 'potatoes' hawhehaw weewee
They are permanently angry.
When are you leaving?
Daily reminder: in Canada, on average, Quebec
>Has the highest IQ
>Has the tallest men
>Has the biggest dick
>Fittest men
>Is the nation with the highest percentage aryan genes
>Is the most creative
>Is the most talented in all fields
>Has the best soldiers
>Is naturally bilingual, thus superior to monolingual Anglo scum
>Has the best aesthetics on both women and men
>Has a carefree attitude, no stress, longer lives
>Has strong nationalism, compared to the rest of Canada which has zero
>Best hockey players (their national sport)
Some bonuses:
>The strongest man ever came from Quebec
>Quebec has the second highest gdp after Ontario, tied with Alberta (even though its economy is about to crash)
>Has some of the laws considered the most racists by (((them)))
>Quebec was Canada before any other province, thus making it the country's founding nation
>Quebec has the strongest culture and started every single stereotype about Canadians
>Quebec is Canada's masterrace
i literally do not understand why they do this
all they do is bitch about how we suck at running a government and they never vote for anything other than the party which actively fucks us
nice copypasta
Qu'acé que tu viens de m'dire , èspece de p'tite pute? Men'va t'laissez savoir qua jé gradué au top de ma class dans les tabarnack de Navy phoques, pis jé été impliqué dans un criss de dégats d'escarmouche secrets avec Al-Caida pis jé plus qua 300 tué confirmer. J'suis entréné dans l'combat d'Ostie d'gorille pis j'suis le meilleur tireur à longue distance dans les jesus christ d'armée Améric, saint ciboire de criss. Tu es rien pour moé sauf une autre cible de tabarnak. Men'va t'essuyer d'la terre avec d'la précision jamiais vue sur cet ostie de planète, marque mes sacrament de mot. Tu croé que tu peut me dire ces chose là à moé? Pense encore, boutdviarge. Pendant qu'on discute, j'suis entrain de contacté mon ostie de réseau d'espion et ton IP est entrain d'être tracé en ce moment mêm, alors prépare toé pour l'orage, espèce d'épais. L'orage qui va essuyé la chose misérable que t'apelle ta maudite vie. T'est fucking mort, calysse. J'peu être partout à n'importe quel temps et j'peut te tuer avec plus de sept cent façon, et sa cé juste avéc mé ostie de main. J'chui pas seuleument entrainé excessivement au combat sans-armes, mais jé accès avec toute l'arsenal du crops des Marines Américain pis j'va l'utiliser au maximum pour t'enlever de cette ostie de continent. Si seuleument tu savait quel effet secondaire ton commentaire "intelligent" allait avoir sur toé, peut être que torait garder ta fucking langue dans ta bouche. Mais tu pouvait pas, ta ouvert ta grande geul. Là tu paye le prix, espèce d'épais de marde. M'va chié d'la furie partout sur toé pis tu va te noyer d'ans. Tes fucking mort, fils de pute.
You can also say "patate" so.. yea looks like we won again heh nothing personnal angloïd subhuman
>Navy phoques
Maudit bout d'viarge de Google translate du tabarnak.
in fact almost no one says pomme de terre in quebec, everyone fucking says patate here
why do anglos keep acting like they know more than one language when they clearly don't
PQ is pretty bad too. I guess Legault being a former PQer scares them.
Holy shit you made me spit my coffee
they are all bad.
On vit dans une province de commies. J'ai vraiment l'impression que la majorité des Québécois, c'est une sale bande d'enfants, esti que j'ai honte
Anglo here. As much as many of us hate voting lib, we'd rather not split the vote and risk a PQ government again. Language politics is a cancer that must be exterminated at all costs. Now that the PQ is a joke, there's a solid opportunity for the CAQ to step up. They'll have my vote this time around.
What is ''patate'' you subhuman britfuck?
fucking disgusting
language politics are only a cancer because they may inconvenience your shitty overly privileged minority
>implying you can even read this
I'm actually scared of PQ now that they nominated (((Véronique Hivon))) as vice-cheffe. She was one of the opposing voices in the multicultural divide that struck the party recently. This also reminded me of PQ's """integration""" policy, pic related, which is Trudeau tier on some points.
>this word
You are the gayest of Canada. All languages combined.
Thanks, I made it.
this is literally true
francophones outside quebec don't even have half the rights anglophones in quebec do
Quebec is the only province standing up. The rest of Canada is just as cucked as the USA.
Canadian minesalt youtuber if you fucks like to watch them squirm in agony as they realize their inferiority.
I'm of Quebecois or Acadian ancestors and I don;t like being associated with Canadians outside of the Francosphere.
'pomme de terre' is also used. it would simply be translated as 'earth apple' though
No shit, on peut meme pas construire une piste cyclable sans faire une étude de 5 ans sur l'impact que ça peut avoir sur les couleuvres.
Betcha she gets sick again.
Exactly. I vote in my own self interest.
>Battle of the plains of Abraham
Get conquered, frog
this fucking faggot is trying to seem reasonable
>Dangerous opinions
yeah, like accusing us all of producing terrorists
les couleuvres sont plus importantes que les cyclistes
>Language politics is a cancer, so I only vote for a party because of it.
Les couleuvres font moins de dommage quand je leurs roulent dessus.
Then why are you paying us money, abiding by our moral code, submitting yourselves to the superior BQC and doing everything your power so we don't leave you to rot in your shithole?
Kek, to me it seems like you were conquered from the inside; your women are getting poutined and all you can do is LARP about mounties on a loli images trading board.
The powerhouse will always reside in Quebec, it has been for the last 400 years. The rest of the country is basically Kansas.
Watch his video, he's quite dishonest and doesn't go in depths on anything. For example, he claims we're mass shooters because of multiple shootings we've had, while he still doesn't compare it to the rest of Canada, he mentions the shooting of 2012, which was an attempt to kill a politician by an Anglo. Also, he claims it's hard to learn French if you don't use day to day, so we should learn English, then state we use French in our day to day life. Honestly, I go back to his channel from time to time to mine the salt of the Anglo.