umm...user, what proof do you have that the Jews are the Synagogue of Satan?
Umm...user, what proof do you have that the Jews are the Synagogue of Satan?
Other urls found in this thread:
Who's the slut?
Jesus said so, and He is literally Truth, Life and the Way
also kikes constantly prove that with their tricks
They denied Jesus Christ
*prepares to unleash powerful and undeniable information stream and btfo this kikess * --until I see it--, the milkers, the khazar milkers. My mind goes blank, completely entranced by those gentle firm beige-white bags. I stutter, "M-milkie" drooling and grab out my hands desperately
The jewess smiles, "Good Goy"
I fucked a Jewish girl once. I heard rock music when I came. Case closed.
If the OP is just a question or a writing prompt then the post is CTR spam. Read the rules. Don't give them help in deceiving you.
Ignore shill threads
it's older than that character
checked and wrecked
Hey babe, ever rode a volvo? It's sturdy, keeps going forever and never lets you down. Just like my cock. Get in the car and I'll take you places you've never even imagined before.
Start here and then die for that Hunger Game status.....
They got so much to talk about being a part of a major little princess fairy tale op for so long....
It goes on and on and on....
Who will be the little princess?
Project Monarch?
Consumer trash and persona to match
Satan is a Roman Catholic invention stolen and twisted from Zoroastrianism.
In the Aramaic (there was no Hebrews or Hebrew langauge) the term Satan is (s)atan, as in not a character but anyone, even groups of people because it means "ADVESARY".
So when Jesus said to the Pharasies you're the church of the advesary he was speaking about their illegiance to Rome, as Pharasies were the group that most worked with Rome and the royal family (Herod).
Jesus was a Zionist but Paul turned his religion into a universal cult as a weapon against Romans.
>Y2k + 18
>having polotical discussions with a fucking woman.
They arent, sage
Pharisees are Hyksos, and they came up with the Moses exodus story to cover them being chased out by Egyptians. They got booted out for Blood Libel and other forms of demonic worship. Sound familiar?
please tell me that's real gold
You gotta specify better than that.
Is this a joke? It's literally word for word the verse in Revelations...
the Muslims are literally stopping them from destroying the world right now
I don't even know how the jews do it. all their jewery does not make any sense
and second for semen demon source
They killed Jesus
Says the person with the glazed over look in the pic. Prove you're not. Oh, and go fuck yourselves btw JIDF
There’s tons of proof. Read the Bible.
>umm...user, what proof do you have that the Jews are the Synagogue of Satan?
Uhh, let's look at the two verses in the Bible that mention the Synagogue of Satan. They're both found in Revelation 2 and 3:
>I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
>Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Figuring out who the Synagogue of Satan is isn't that difficult. Just look at the clues that Jesus gives here, that prove conclusively that we're dealing with modern day Jews.
>they use synagogues
>they blaspheme Jesus
>they say they are Jews
>but do lie
Check (Christians are the real Jews according to the Bible).
>the persecute the church of Christ
>they are of Satan
Check (Jesus continuously refers to the Jews as being of the devil).
Literally every parsable characteristic squarely points to the eternal Jew.
Hey man, i used to go to school with Katie Way in 1988.. She was one fine ass bitch.. Of course she was porceline white... I think thats her.. I might be wrong
>John 8:44
>You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
>Jesus to the Jews
>Pharisees are Hyksos
Hyksos were a real people. Stop making shit up to justify your (((Bible))) lies you fucking faggot.
Hebrew = "nomad" in the Aramaic because there were never any Hebrew langauges.
If shes from the El dorado and Sacremento area in 1986-1993 then thats her... She was pretty hot.
I went outside a couple of times and used the google.
Turns out they love ruining everything
>there's no satan
Yep. And everyone is worshipping imaginary-friend, and all of the sudden, they have money and fame. Just because they're (((lucky))). And from the other things, guy who invented f.e. roulette made pact with that imaginary-friend, and by the concidence sum from 0 to 36 gives 666.
>shill thread
Fuck of shareblue kike
yes, that is real gold
The words of Christ Almighty.
>those pictures
The physical appearance of Jesus was never described in the Bible.
Also, that Jesus on the right is Catholic interpretation of Jesus.
Hey bro.
I'd only like to point out that in addition to what you posted, the Jews had left Judaism centuries prior to Christ, and then as now have followed their own Rabbinical Judaism which is divorced from the Law of Moses.
In fact, it is based on the same gospel that satan told Eve, which is why its practitioners are the Synagogue of Satan: Know good and evil, choose good, avoid evil, and thus be like God.
Many "good" people are living by satan's gospel in just such a way.
He was, a little bit.
Isaiah 53
Who has believed our message? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?
For He grew up before Him like a tender shoot, And like a root out of parched ground; He has no stately form or majesty That we should look upon Him, Nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him.
He was despised and forsaken of men, A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief;
And like one from whom men hide their face He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.…
And then a little bit more....
Revelation 1
And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band.
His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire; His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters; He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength. And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead.
Hilarious pic.
Satan = truth in sanskrit
No, they are enemies of truth, However, they use it to their advantage. Their "enemy" isn't necessarily your enemy or even an enemy at all. Or shall we say adversary, as they know it.
They hoard the truth and give you your normie bullshit to pacify you. And you suck it up like naive little sheep.
I essentially agree with you, except I don't think we should even use the term "Judaism" as a legitimate term for the Old Testament religion. The Jews essentially invented "Judaism" as their own weird religion, that had nothing to do with God's religion from the Old Testament. The closest the Bible ever gets to mentioning Judaism as such, is when Paul mockingly refers to it as "the Jews' religion" in Galatians 1:14, in the context of Jews literally having a completely different, man-made religion.
Sup Sup Forums jew here. The (((real))) jews aren't the jews of today, they don't follow the sayings of moses.
I've been in a synagogue many times and the people there are good, living regular lives having regular jobs. Unfortunately they don't know whom they are worshiping.
And Jesus noted the difference, telling the people to listen to the priests when they taught the Law of Moses, but not to listen to the takenot of the Pharisees, the additional nonsense the Pharisees invented but did not follow themselves.
Personally, as there are only two spiritual fathers, Jesus and the devil, anyone not born again in the Spirit belongs to the Synagogue of Satan, no matter if they know it or not, approve of it or not, or are aware of it or not.
How do sessions in Synagogues go?
How do they differ from churches?
What percentage of them would you guess are going through the motions and do not believe in God at all, v going through the motions but still retaining a belief in God?
I got it right here
>unzips dick
Bible was written in Hebrew and Greek, where satan means "Adversary" and is not the name of any one being.
Norwegians have zippers on their dicks?
They don't really differ that much from what I can tell ( not really easy to compare considering the few times I've been in a church ) Basically, a rabbi goes up and sings some prayers and sometimes you follow along, sometimes you don't.
From my friends that are also jews, none of us are especially religious. Most just follow kosher (google it if it isn't familiar) and that's about that it. Some doesn't even follow Kosher, they just go to Bar Mitzvahs and similar events at special occasions.
Hebrews are real people too. And Zoroastrianism is just Judaism.
Babylonian captivity turned into Persian captivity. Guess when?
When Zoroaster was an adult living in Babylon.
I saw the saddest thing. A young Orthodox man in Jerusalem answering questions the best he could with the current state of Judaism there in Israel.
He said that if they did not have anything from their fathers and their fathers before them, they had nothing.
I had to agree. They have nothing.
god told me
Yeah, the dietary laws are the simplest to follow, are very Jewish, and have virtually no penalties for breaking. I think that's why they linger when other parts of the Law were discarded.
Like I said previous, modern day jews aren't (((real))) jews.
What a strange but logical phenomenon.
I've heard of well known historical figures (ben franklin, maybe?) that said that Jews religion MUST exist with them as the minority. They can't live amongst themselves otherwise they become atheist.
They must live within gentiles as a parasite.
Jesus was a jew. Im not a jew but christianity is literally derived from judaism
Their star does NOT come from David. These are the only biblical mentions of their star:
>Amos 5:26
But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.
>Acts 7:43
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
The six points were believed to invike satan
Christianity predates modern rabbinic Judaism--which rejects God in favor of the opinions of men (rabbis)
I think what she's saying is
Many people say that Jesus was not a Jew. He is descended from the Israelites, but the people of today that call themselves Jews are Edomites or Pharisees or soemething.
So wait...what path are we supposed to follow if not good? Did Jesus not preach to follow his way? With the Gospel meaning good news?
>inb4 someone posts a pic of literally non-attractive Shapiro's sister
>ITT jews are really mad about being exposed as the synagogue of satan
What's this synagogue of satan? Sounds like an interesting research topic brb
It says that in Revelations.
Revelation 2:9
The fuck, she looks like the female version of me.