is this true?
Is this true?
Just let me find my magnifying glass first... i'll get back to you in a bit
no but this is
big if true
>In socialism you don't have cars and 199 of the people starve to death
That part checks out
Yes, El Amexicano is a retared faggot that saves thumbnails.
You worthless piece of shit
This pic is not the only tiny thing OP delivers.
this is what he tried to post
Did they give up trying to take our guns away and now they want to take our cars?
Under our Jewish feudal lords, cars will be reserved for the nobles.
Oy vey goyim give up even more private property. Only our benevolent elected overlords can own secure private means of transportation that cost more than 2 million per piece.
>is this true
Sure, but quality of life goes down noticeably if people have to resort to public transit in the US. Also "people" smell weird and it leaves a stench in the public transit vehicles. Fights are also unusually common in cities as well here in the South.
I'd sooner walk or take a bicycle than take a bus or rail in the US. Taking DART in TX and MARTA in GA were miserable experiences. Literally a chimpout every week at minimum. Even back in prehistoric times when I was in K-12, I hated riding the bus to the point where I'd just run to school instead. I matched or outran the bus every time.
I'll keep the car and the bike, thank you very much.
Thanks wafflefag. The bike one is pretty funny. That's too crowded for a US cyclist.
They hate everything. It's best to ignore them instead.
trump is a pedo lol
I don't know, I can't see shit fuckin idiot
ha i dont live in a city and my commute is great................
here the issue
weather proof, independant, long distances in short time, get stuck in inner city traffic
>by foot
healthy, but only a solution for very short distances
healthy, good in citys, but as soon as it rains people take the car or use public transportation(overfull buses and trains)
never on time, annoying people, you have to wait, on time stress in fear of missing your next bus, late on destination, annoying people, need to share with blacks and sandniggers, not comfortable, may need to stand if full.
trains are only good for long distances from one city to the next, once you arrive at the train station you need to get to your destination by bus or foot, which is annoying and time consuming.
I drive my bike and take the car. When the weather is good or acceptable I use my bike (live in the city). But when its bad weather or I need to go somewhere outside the city I take the car
Thumbnail saving, carpet-store motherfucker.
It would be a great idea in cities (((they))) want to build. Everyone living in closet sized apartments are able to ride on a bus to work in their closet sized cubes. Putting in that idea across the world is retarded for small towns.
this is retarded for familys.
I can't see that shit nigga.
Lolz kek
Yes but cycling is gay and public transport is full of niggers
There seems to be a trend that shows that a lot of young city-dwellers are not having children.
fuck bikes and cycle niggers.
Hold on OP, I'm going to go get my pet ant to decipher the image
Seems like an EXCELLENT idea. We should push for lawmakers to demonstrate the efficacy of this idea by installing it in Washington, DC first, starting at K Street.
Public for us, public for them. Make it stick.
Any word that ends in the letter Y changes to IES if you pluralize it.
So families.
Just so you know
cars are what make normies think they're successful in life, they love paying for the ever increasing costs of: insurance, gas, maintenance, repairs.
most people are broke after vehicle expenses, food, and shelter
meanwhile they work 14 hours of every week to own the car while they commute another 10-20 (unpaid) in their gridlock because bossberg wants them in at 9sharp
You evil bastard. I love it. Given the high profile and high sensitivity information that is concentrated in this region, introducing public transit may cause other forms of kekkery as time passes.
Very interesting. What if they tried to make it so that everyone was actually carpooling though? Would that help at all?
I live in Minneapolis. Every day I drive my comfy warm car listening to nice music while I look at the unhappy cold poor people using public transit. Then I remember that I'm paying for them too :(
Bahahahah, he forgot to purchase the 5XL mask to match his shirt size
Yes, because everyone works in the exact same part of town, also in the same building.
Everyone also lives in the same fucking house.
Utter idiocy.
We need hybrids of conventional and devices that automatically send cars along a conveyer/train.
If you’re broke after buying and owning a vehicle then you deserve it. I’ve owned vehicles for 23 years and never once bought a car or had an expense I couldn’t afford. Just because people with low iqs can’t understand basic money management doesn’t mean the rest of us need to suffer.
It is true, you have the Gay virus.
>riding the bus surrounded by smelly niggers
I'm assuming that's Ivanka, in which case he's just holding his daughter, doesn't look creepy to me
this, on the other hand
Except you'd likely end up merge on the same bus with insane people, homeless people pissing their pants, freaks, nogs, and every other kind of degenerate. Unless there were privatized high price buses, but then you'd probably end up spending as much as you do on a car for decent service.
Is what true? You're too mixed to post clear photos? Yes. It's true.
>inb4 no shit she's his kid
The way they stare is uncannily similar.
How many preteen girls have Joe a rimjob, do you think?
thank god communists haven't outlawed cars yet
i fucking love getting in my comfy audi and being able to go anywhere i want, alone, comfortable, listening to my music... cars are wonderful, FUCK mass transit
Absolutely. Without a doubt.
jesus christ
>Cars go exactly where you need, when you need
>Bikes also but not as quickly and can't really be used in bad weather
>buses take you "close" to where you need to be "close" to when you need to be there
>light rail like buses but worse in basically every way
This, holy shit. Everything about public transit goes against the wisdom of postwar American urban planners, who rightfully realized that the successful, productive element of society would be more than willing to spend that success on a car and house in the suburbs to avoid society's scum.
Any system that lowers the barrier to travel also lowers the barrier to your own cultural enrichment.
Unless you live in a dense city public transit is useless.
Hold on, contacting the local CSI to zoom in and sharpen the image
........put fucking Orban on the line. We will need trillions of tons of razor wire.
>relying on the government to transport you around like cattle
Families lead to annuda shoah. You should not have any children goy.
>not knowing how to use a wrench and read a step-by-step guide with pictures
When will you soy boys become a man and work on a car?
I'm bisexual and I'm still less of a softie faggot then you. I fug cuck bois like you.
i think i see something..