Anyone else here hate niggers? I just hate them so much. Niggers and spics and kikes. Hate them.
Anyone else here hate niggers? I just hate them so much. Niggers and spics and kikes. Hate them
Mexicans are the worst. If we had no Mexicans in this country then I could just avoid Black areas and never see one ever.
>Anyone else here hate niggers?
Hmm don't think so pal, not around here at least. Are you sure you came to the right place?
Nice try, blue
You have niggers in canada?
At this point, I hate spic mexican latrineos and indians more than niggers.
I don't have to actually deal with niggers, I do have to deal with god damn indian fucks and invading spics.
I only hate kikes.
do you hate native mexicans? or spanish mexicans? there are two different mexicans.
Do you hate me?
With a passion mate
I've never met a mexican I didn't like.
On the other hand I live way up north, and any mexican who makes it up here and stays here legally is one of the mexicans keeping their crime rate and IQ scores nearer white averages than black averages.
Racial composition doesn't play a huge role in this because all the most intelligent, traditional, and well behaved mexicans i've met are super fucking brown. They look more indian than the remaining american indians.
All spic mexican latrineo garbage is the fucknig same.
puto ricans = mexicans = argentinian = brazil = honduras = chile = el salvador
You might as well wave a giant pussy shaped flag. You're such a little bitch I can't stand it. And a fucking leaf to boot! How's aboot that? Fuck you.
Why do niggers do this!!!!!
Hate is the sign of a weak intellect and moral depravity. Its a waste of energy.
why do I believe a chink is behind this your face leaf
>her 'Cuck staff' shaped like a large black member
This is some advanced level autism.
Most Mexicans I've met seem decent but I don't live in an area infested with them. We don't have to deal with any beaner gangs around here.
Is Adam Driver white, though? He looks like a Finkelstein with a nose that large. Also, he seems swarthy like a Jew or Italian.
Those spics keep your niggers in check, cuckboi
So kidnap and experiment on them in your basement, selling their organs to "hospitals" like the other Canadians.
I think he's euromutt with negligible near-white admixture, probably native american. He has the look. His stated ancestry is western european.
So, American white.
Fake thread. Sup Forums does not need anymore
Ban naval-gazing threads and this whole shill faggotry becomes impossible. Nobody needs to post a thread becauase OMG they just discovered they hate niggers. Absolutely pointless faggotry. Time to grow up, if only because this is war. Ban all threads that are "reflecting" on race feels. Ban all "OMG I hate ____". The rule can also be expressed as "don't be a fucking faggot". If Sup Forums increasingly acts like A FUCKING MAN in every way, and focuses on practical change rather than ideological fluffing and emotional carping, a whole huge lot of shill garbage like this thread becomes impossible.
Whatcha doin rabbi
Quality thread David.
>black member staff
>cuck ball
my fucking sides