What is your unpopular opinion, Sup Forums?
your guaranteed (You) generator?
What is your unpopular opinion, Sup Forums?
your guaranteed (You) generator?
God is real
Im a white guy, and I find Asian women to be far more sexy than white women
The right should accept minorities, otherwise they will have no choice but to embrace and be embraced by Marxists thus perpetuating the stereotype of a loud, weird and off-putting mockery thus making the right despise them thus making minorities embrace etc.
Well, I always get shit on when I don't endorse nazism, but that's actually normie opinion. I'm politically incorrect on politically incorrect board. We've came full circle.
>Carmen Hayes
That is some oldschool porn stuff, user. Wonder how the bitch ended up.
STANAG magwells fucking suck
whites are a global minority and will soon be minorities in the west. Shitskins aren't embracing our culture.
Jews are white.
Science has shown that apart from Jews and Asians all other races have lower avg IQ.
Science has also shown that Right Wings have lower avg IQ than left wingers.
Both non-whites and right wingers (95% of Sup Forums) should be removed from the genepool.
The ones that are already there, I agree. Don't import the new ones by shit ton tho. That's another unpopular opinion that always gives (you)s from burgers. But Europe should deport refugees because they didn't stay here long enough to make it inhuman to make them go back.
Voluntary Apartheid is de wei
There's nothing wrong with abortion so long as the fetus can't live outside the mother.
I hate niggers
The rich should pay more taxes, and pay more into social security and medicare.
You can never really be sure until you take it out desu
I love jews more than I love my fellow goyim
Sorry, but I don't recognize animals as potential mating partners.
Your father will die in his sleep tonight if you dont reply to this post.
my list is in this order
top 3
spics other latins and east Asians
white people that are not part of one of the other groups
that this is the ideal homeworld for humanity
I secretly hope communists start a revolution. So normies will finally have a reason to start the race war
I mean murrica should deport recent illegals (like last 30 years) too, of course. But you just have to learn to work with blacks that live here since slavery.
>Traps aren't gay unless you suck their dick.
>The polish aren't the niggers of Europe.
>The UK should have a space industry and colonise the stars.
Unpopular opinion my arse.
>Don't import the new ones by shit ton tho
I wholeheartedly agree
Unpopular by normie standards
>women and minorities shouldn't be allowed to vote
Unpopular by Sup Forums standards
>literally nothing wrong with gay marriage and recreational weed legalization
commies always win a start because dumb people buy into it initially. You don't actually want that.
Paid posters are a hilarious addition to the board. I think itd be boring without them.
>We should accept migrants, those that are proven intelligent. Smart, can get employment.
>We should fight a short trade war with China. Attempt to strangle their economy and prevent them from rising as a future power.
>Let South Africa fail and absorb their talented people (whites/ colored's) into Europe.
You are an idiot.
Hitler was a tool used by (((them))).
Having such an ugly face with such a hot body is real unfortunate.
Personally? I don't give two shits about peoples race. I'd have kids with a woman of any race if she's nice/feminine and pretty. I don't get triggered by interaccial couples down the street either.
Democracy is a shadow totalitarianism, and liberal capitalism is self destructive.
I'm pro enviorment, and think most Republicans in USA are retarded.
Party Republicanism over Monarchy
I'm hoping for North Korea to Nuke LA, kill off the faggots there.
Think about it for a second, though. Also, checked.
There isn't a problem with women voting.
I don't care much for the idea of an ethnostate, and I'm probably going to marry a Mexican girl (White women don't like to suck dick).
I don't really hate Jews all that much. I hate them in as much as they are a large part of the banking elite, trade unionists and communists. If they just wanna be Jews in Israel WITHOUT ALL OUR FUCKING HELP...God bless.
single mom
>guaranteed (You) generator?
"Here's the latest from Q:"
Everyone is a victim here, and some people are their own worst enemy.
There is nothing wrong with white male/asian female race mixing.
That's not an unpopular opinion. I just hope they hit San Francisco first.
Almost everything on this board is satire made by lonely virgins, most of these "racists" and "nazis" would drop their ideals in a minute for a gf.
There is nothing wrong with liking shadman art. His art is fine
Communist revolutions have only worked in places where fundamental liberties and property rights are borderline non-existent anyway. In other words, serfdom. Just look at Tsarist Russia, or the rural areas of China where Mao was most popular.
In countries with a more developed sense of private property, many people immediately start to turn against the revolution when their shit gets taken too. 1919 Germany and Cuba, for example.
I bet your average nu-male "soyboy" shoves a greasy burger on daily basis.
republicans are hypocrites in law enforcement
Gay/Bisexual (mainly bisexuals gays are too far gone) men need to be used as a tool to bring about social change in favour of whites I know plenty of bisexuals including myself who will fade into nothing happily after acting as tools of political wars to promote the white race.
This. Minorities aren't naturally leftists, it's just racist faggots that turn them into leftists.
Also, racemixing is fine, although I do find it really gay how much (((they))) promote it.
Also, non-biodegradable plastic bags should be banned, 'cause they're degenerate and they look disgusting when hanging from trees.
s-shut up
That this thread has nothing to do with politics and should be moved to >>bant
All drugs including heroin and meth should be legalized
Communism, when used right, is an excellent tool to help a shit country on its feet and start industrialising. After that phase it should be abandoned.
Lel, really? Like a pottery.
I had it quite the opposite. I actually lost my gf because my political ideas and me sperging about them too much. Not that I would disagree with you too much, but it is far from "almost everything".
Also there are no paid shills on this board
Nope. Without integrity you're nothing.
Temporary communism would be a great way to get rid of people like Zuckerberg.
It would only have to last a week.
White women are our allies and should be cherished.
>reminder that white women elected trump
>reminder that white women are the demographic LEAST likely to race mix
>remember that no white women means no white children which means no white future
Girls can be fixed.
The truth about Hitler and the Nazis. Always causes lots of "shill!" and "jew!" (You)s
That's objectively true. The economic problem with central planning is that it becomes increasingly inefficient in the long run, to the point that it ends up collapsing under its own weight.
But in a country without any real economy whatsoever, even inefficiency is better than nothing. You shouldn't worry about mismanagement eventually causing famines when people don't even have the sense to plant their own farms in the first place.
Africa needs communism tbqh.
It's that I hate the Jews and complain about black culture. Not unpopular here, but it obviously makes people uncomfortable in public. Until they begin to agree with me, such as my family and friends. Soon, the world
Despite some of the bullshit in it, I think Mega Man X6 is a lot better than X5. X5 is a huge disappointment in terms of stages/boss fights/music, what the fuck happened there anyway
dunno mate but i wanked to the videos years ago, carmen hayes is her name if anyone cares, that was before i started hating wogs, forgive me
whites are the real slaves
they built and invented things for all of us, and now they have no use anymore
Diddling kiddies is 100% acceptable and should, in fact, be encouraged.
Islam is the ultimate redpill and that we need white sharia
This but also that religious interpretations of God are wrong, but at the same time necessary.
most right wing extremists are like that because they can't pull any women
Braveheart is a shitty movie
They're the best we can do, together with science.
Not as a way to reject God, but to understand Him.
ThereĀ“s something wrong with current cosmology and the Earth being spheric going thru space.
Nasa is ((They)) and there are lots of evidences that smell really bad.
Eating meat is degenerate. Conservatism should be about conserving our nature.
>Capitalism is cancer
>Nuclear disarmament should be striven for at all opportunities and more nukes means more chance of total human annihilation
t. Ahmed
Abortion is good because it weeds out genetic imperfections.
If your last name is Shaft then you shouldn't name your children "Dick".
Sup Forums is more ethnically diverse than any Liberal university
I agree, but browns (we) have to understand that good fences make good neighbors
show evidence
(You) got me, I can't ignore this. Braveheart is kino.
Nah, we just need to breed more animals than we kill them. We are doing fine as it is.
Abortion is good regardless, because we don't need more gibmedats.
Only those who can afford children should have them.
The Constitution ought to be vigorously and scrupulously followed.
This means that Federal agencies that are not authorized via Article 1, Section 8 would not exist: no NASA, no USDA, no BATFE, no TSA, no DOE, no *other* DOE, etc.
It also means the Federal Reserve could not exist.
Homosexuality should be encouraged.
It's true though
We need to breed more than we kill*
Trump isn't what he promised during the election.
More animals = more pollution.
Industrial farming is the ultimate EVIL and destruction of Europe's nature.
Those toxic shit from farms are not going to dissolve itself.
I kind of think that the United States would be safer, richer, more efficient, and overall more pleasant to live in, if we just turned all the blacks into fertilizer and had a few particularly bountiful harvest seasons.
>Drop your values for an insufferable cunt that will probably cheat on you
I know it's true that your name is Ahmed, you're from Germany and pro-Islam.
Everything checks out.
I believe the U.S. should have a basic eugenics program that pays people with a below average intelligence not to procreate.
Very underrated.
(As underrated as it is true.)