Red pill me on niggers
Explain to me why you believe they're worse than whites.
Red pill me on niggers
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I saw this in the catalog. Wut?! Open it.
Oh! You're Polish.
That's why you don't know.
That's why the stupid "explain to me..."
Name one country that is more than 90% black you would willingly move to
Let a couple refugees in and you'll have all the proof you need.
because I'm jealous of their big dicks and intimidated by their pure raw masculinity.
Lets be real here OP
who would you rather live next to?
I think the answer speaks for its self.
they destroy every place where they are a majority and/or a minority
Nigs are going to nig all we can do is dig back and enjoy the lulz
That's extremely general. From what standpoint?
You can say this about basically any race, all of us destroy the enviroment for example
90%? Doesn't even need to be that high! The US is 15% niggers, and look how niggery that is!
America could've had 0 niggers the problem is they chose to bring over a whole bunch
This shit is fucking funny. This man speaks truth.
Don't disrespect 2Pac. He may have started out as a nigger, he was smart enough to take interest in his surroundings from the perspective of an educated man. He's the only music idol to understand the true reason for Hip-Hop and rap music genres... to keep black people down and oppressed. He died because he went against the plan and tried to make them a benefit to his people and his culture with strong and positive messages of unification, peace and justice.
Guys like Snoop and P Ditty know the roles they played in his death. They know why and by whom he was killed.
Tupac was gay it was widely know in the music industry
look at their fucking countries. look at what happens when they enter white countries. they ALWAYS fuck them up.
what the fuck evidence do you need that isn't already in plain sight?
Listen to this OP:
The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia
tupac just parotted the marxist bullshit his Black Panther family fed him, he wasn't some kind of intellectual.
It's not even his fault, the guy was in his early 20s
2pac may be good, but he has nothing on the Rap God 3pac