Ho-lee fucking shit.
Ho-lee fucking shit
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> Sup Forums L I C H E R A L L Y believes in tabloid alien stories
So they made niggers? that's not impressive.
>I know a guy who knows a guy and he said...
niggers been around for a while op, nothing new.
I’ve seen plenty of skeevy white women make humanzees. The only newsworthy part is how much it happens in the U.S.
Human ape hypbrids have been a thing for a long time
Came here to post this. spbp
Tfw they did actually try this...
Gallup is /ourguy/ I wonder how much tight female chimp pussy he has fucked so far
Most likely hundreds
>The Sun
The only reason anyone bought that rag was for 16yr tiddies
We call them niggers, have you never seen one OP?
Guys if they manage to create niggers in a lab by hybridizing humans with chimps then that’s really the final nail in the nigger coffin. It’s scientific proof of their genetic closeness to apes over the rest of humans.
Also weaponized niggers would literally make all the Alien movies documentaries and allegories of the future.
>watch us make a monkey-human hybrid
>it's a Negro baby
>o shit
was talking to some pals and they were adamant that there had never been a human clone before
my arguement was as follows
>If we have been able to clone mammals successfully for at least a decade
>If we have a decent understanding of genes and gene editing
>If the Chinese government has come out publically as having cloned monkeys (a very close relative to humans)
>Surely it follows that some group, at least once, has in secret cloned a human?
It would even be plausible for multiple groups to have done it separately; researching stem cells, organ harvesting, other more zany reasons, who knows. But the money, the technology and the motive all exist, so is it not surely possible (and I argue probable) that humans have cloned a human already?
This is why the jews are hiding the humanzees and hurillas
They look very close to negroes...
are you sure it wasn't a nigger?
nice link you piece of shit why don't you do us all a favor and kys
>Surely it follows that some group, at least once, has in secret cloned a human?
It follows that it is a possibility, not a certainty. Regardless, being able to clone humans would shake up our worldview radically. Call it the opposite of the three great narcissistic blows to humanity (dealt by Copernicus, Darwin and Freud). This time, however, it'd go in reverse. Surely being able to make humans by unnatural means would makes us somehow more than human.
It's certainly something that, if it has happened, is kept hidden, and rightly so. It's just a matter of time before the Chinese come up with it publicly (because who else would?).
We're talking about Florida here so it could actually be real. Not too long ago there was a guy in Miami eating peoples faces alive.
didn't the nazis try this back in the days?
If only there was a man somewhere who could get to the bottom of this...
Yeah they exist. They're called Turks.
We already have apehumans.
>It's just a matter of time before the Chinese come up with it publicly (because who else would?).
The state that we are in where communist China is the most transparent.