Éire/pol/ - New Week Same Shite edition

Thread Theme: youtu.be/qv6awkAahLQ
National Party: nationalparty.ie/
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Twitter Accounts to Follow/Shill:


>Michelle O'Neill the only candidate for Sinn Féin deputy role

>Cabinet set to agree referendum on Eighth Amendment

>Doctors say it is misleading to claim repeal will eliminate Down syndrome

>Unionist anger as McDonald commemorates IRA bomber

>Noonan breaks silence on Brexit and Russia

>Bank in storm over VAT plea for builders

>Heroin and cannabis worth €310,000 seized in Tipperary

>'This is a time for political courage not political cowardice' - Zappone calls for leadership on the Eighth

>Harris says earlier abortion referendum will cause less disruption to exams and holidays

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder to meet with likeminded Eurosceptics and pester Farage this Saturday at the RDS:

Reminder to have your say on the state of gender recognition by the Irish state

Farage should keep his nose out

Nth for queen of Éire/pol/

Hmph! I bet you hate GI too don’t you?

Fuck off with that shit you wanker

Nothing wrong with that


posts check out

posting gearoid until we get a good fashy 32 county republic


You are being ironic i assume

Alright fellas, reminder to say a rosary for the preservation of the 8th

You really are committed

Bill stop this bait you're going to give me high blood pressure


Dear Diary:
Today I baited, and to great effect. Will make note of this and try again tomorrow


waht the FUCK

Immortal Tier
>Slovenia: How do I die?

Ascended Tier
>Ireland: How do I Travel through time?
>Russia: How do I ascend to a higher conciousness?

Chad Tier
>Austria: How do I learn to sword fight?
>Switzerland: How do I get rich quick?
>Finland: How do I become an Olympian?

Virgin Tier
>Montenegro: How do i stand up to my wife?
>Croatia: How do I have sex?
>Sweden: How do I make one friend?
>Latvia: How do I lose weight?

Retard Tier
>Italy: How do I make a sandwich?
>Bulgaria: How do I stop scratching my butt?
>Belarus: How do I use a screwdriver?

Unstable motherfucker Tier
>Portugal: How do I kill without being caught?
>Spain: How do I learn what human meat tastes like?
>Albania: How do I pretend I'm normal?
>Netherlands: How do I pull my legs over my head?
>Germany: How do I breath without choking?

this makes me rage

when will those huns ever learn

am i right, my fellow irish lads

Unionists have no cultural ties to soil/history of Ireland so they try to steal the Irish ones


Are they afraid of the fada?

>how do i use a screwdriver
how the fuck can anyone be that stupid


Bailigh leat mutt


Bíonn tú ag lorg Gaeilge go minic ach ní úsaideann tú é amach na (postaí?) seo.
Tá brón orm

>Michelle O'Neill the only candidate for Sinn Féin deputy role

that's a shame, I was hoping it would be Pearse Doherty.

American soldiers are Agents of Imperialism. Hatred of such individuals is warranted. You do nothing but bring tragedy to areas which never asked for it.

>the state of AnCaps

Not as bad as I thought we would be in fairness, fair play lads

I don’t Know what you’re on about buddy, my country spreads based freedom and liberal democracies around the world


>July 12th

>How do I activate my genitals?

>Bailigh leat mutt

>he hasn't even read Lebor Gabála Érenn

implying Eire is not a land of ultra-mutts you norse iberian bastard

>irish language on a loyalist poster
>british as an ethnicity
it hurts to look at

Inependent traveller Democratic Republic when?

I also forgot another Tier

Gay Pansy Faggot Tier
>England: How do I compare thee to a summer's day

Rare picture of Cu Culainn, 713 AD. (colourised)

Only if it’s communist

>implying Eire is not a land of ultra-mutts you norse iberian bastard
DNA testing has proved that the population if Ireland has remained near homogeneous for the last 5000 years, the vikings had very little impact on the genetics of Ireland (less than 5%)

Would like to use



it would immediatley collapse in on itself without a host to leech off of, and degenerate into tribal faction warfare
>ywn see all travellers deported to an island far off the coast

dia dhiabh lads cé a bhfuil an craic

Rockall would sort em

About a decade ago - it's called Rathkeale. Or Tuam. Not sure

The Irish language is a hot topic here lads, and to be honest most of you don't have a working knowledge of it. Be honest, how much do you know?

less than 5% as I said

Is mise an craic

The Vietcong are /myguys/.
Their guerrilla tactics genuinely outpaced the IRA. Their system of tunnels was a work of genius.
The music they wrote was also pure kino. I have huge respect for them.


AHHHHHHH I HATE THESE UGLY FUCKING BLUE HAIRED CUNTS WITH THEIR REPEAL BULLSHIT. They are way too happy to be killing Irish babies. WTF is wrong with these people

Use this to our advantage.
Present thosebad optics to the average person and it will alienate them from the repeal side


>This suggests that many people living in Ireland today have genetic links to people who were living on the island at least 4,000 years ago."
>"DNA testing through the male Y chromosome has shown that Irish males have the highest incidence of the haplogroup 1 (or Rb1) gene in Europe. While other parts of Europe have integrated continuous waves of new settlers from Asia, Ireland's remote geographical position has meant that the Irish gene-pool has been less susceptible to change. The same genes have been passed down from parents to children for thousands of years. The other region with very high levels of this male chromosome is the Basque region. "

Litrigh tú líofa go mícheart (liofa)

An aghaidh sin nuair atá tú an t-aon duine gur roghnaigh líofa

Also, I read a passage ofSt Augustine today which seems relevant to such individuals
>and to sick eyes light which is desirable to the healthy is hateful. The wicked are displeased by your Justice, even more by vipers and worms which you created good, being well fitted for the lower parts of your creation

Leaf in Ireland here. I am unable to vote in the referendum, unfortunately. You need to take every step necessary to make sure that you do not allow this to happen. Ireland is one of the only Western white countries that has a close to positive birth rate. Abortion would be devastate the population, and further the spread of roastie culture to the emerald isle.

That being said. What lovely scenery this country has. Looking forward to it being summer time again guys.

there is not a hope of the abortion referendum winning,
i don't know a single person who would vote for it

Summer is exactly the same as the rest of the year lad

Regardless, never let your guard down

Indeed. The gay referendum was very annoying but it was more of a symbolic thing. This abortion referendum could be devestating for the country. It's not going to be Muslims getting abortions. It's going to be Irish people. There is already so few of us, just breaks my heart. These people are so evil.

Wrong. It only rains 6 days of the week, with overcast. Not the usual 6.5.

Also our high birthrates don't mean too much if everyone leaves the country, my county has a high birthrate yet it experiences population decline from all the people leaving


I've only ever been to the countryside, save for Cork and Killarney. Is Dublin even worth checking out? I feel like I have been sheltered considering how long I have been over here for, without having stepped foot in Dublin. Would I be shocked at how few Irish there are?

I wish I had your faith in the Irish people's ability to withstand all the media bias they're being bombarded with


The Irish are responsible for repopulating white people internationally. It is almost bred into you guys at the genetic level to go out to all western countries and fuck like rabbits.

hahaa poor leaf has yet to learn, sure he'll get a nice spot during the leaving cert

Is it wrong that I have seen multiple traveler women (young 'wons') that I would fuck? Not a joke.

Farage is better than any Irish politician.

>Would I be shocked at how few Irish there are?
American sensationalism, there are no areas in the entire country that are over 50% foreigner. The worst are in Longford and that's 40s%. Most of Dublin is fine, the foreigners are highly concentrated in specific areas.

I also feel like there is not many people in real life I talk to that would support repealing and I live in Dublin. However the media seem to push the narrative that it is popular. I saw a poll that said 58% supported abortion up to 12 weeks. Polls in Europe are more accurate than in the US. Also the leaders of the two biggest parties have now publicly supported repeal. We need to be really active. Try to red pill as many people as you can and make sure when time comes to vote, our turnout is super high. Every single able person should be voting, old people may just come to the rescue one last time. May God bless us.

Go back to Canada


That is what everyone tells me. Those poor high school bastards, missing out on the one day of good weather. In all fairness though, when it is nice out here, the country really is something else. I also get a laugh at all the birds in short shorts with sun burns.

In his fuck he is

I live in an area with multiple halting sites. How did you guys allow such an insanely trashy culture to spread? No one believes me when I tell them pikeys are real.

its tantamount to beastiality.
if it went wrong and you ended up with half knacker half leaf hybrids god knows what we would do

Nah Dublin is fine. There are definitely way to many niggers,Indian's and Muslims but I would still say we are 80% white. Mind you, a decent proportion.of that 80% would be other Europeans, mainly Eastern Europeans but it's still alright. If you do come , the south of Dublin is probably 95% white,much cleaner, just much better in general.

What areas should I check out? I was told by a few co workers that the Guinness tour is actually worth doing. Also that I should avoid Temple Bar all together.

They would apologize while stealing your gate, boss.

Sorry I mean elected representative of the people

They were always seperate from us, they used to do useful crafts and trades like tinkering (hence tinkers) when those died out they never replaced them with newer trades and now they have nothing to do they just fuck with people and rob copper. they were always a bit of a nuisance but all worth is long gone. This is made worse by them being settled into housing estates where their kids are left wandering about unsupervised to rob and fuck with the neighbourhood.


Didn't the Bull McCabe's son almost run off with one?

I always see you post this is every eire thread we have, your work doesn’t go unnoticed.

Nár laga Dia thú

>they used to do useful crafts and trades like tinkering (hence tinkers) when those died out they never replaced them with newer trades and now they have nothing to do they just fuck with people and rob copper. they were always a bit of a nuisance but all worth is long gone. This is made worse by them being settled into housing estates where their kids are left wandering about unsupervised to rob and fuck with the neighbourhood.
This. They had a symbiotic relationship with the landed, they had skills which they traded to survive. With the decline in demand for that and autistic attempts to force them to assimilate modernity hit them like a brick wall. Ultra traditional Catholic to ultra degenerate thieves in a generation.

We should have let them live how they wanted to. Forcing groups to assimilat never works, look at the "civilised" blacks in South Africa. Both whites and blacks would be happier had the blacks been allowed live the way they wanted to.


It is important to acknowledge that many of these individuals are not actually Left-Wing, but are centrists who wish that their Lifestylism becomes mainstream.
Whilst we on the Left support abortion legalisation, we do so on the grounds that it is better that an Irish woman has her abortion Domestically and safely, rather than in Manchester or with a coat hanger. Simple as.

About the blue-haired type of person, we largely reject this lifestyleism.
This Man vs Woman divide which exists largely for the purpose of Capital Accumulation - the commodification of all potential markets, disregarding any impact on the health of a Society.


I told my da about something i seen on Sup Forums (never mentioned Sup Forums because lets face it, to a normie to just come on here to see what it's all about and not know anything about this place, they'd think i'm either mental or a faggot or both) So i told him about some gorey shit i seen on the internet to prove a point about something and then he asks me how i seen it, so i tried to explain image boards and that lead to having to explain files and anonymity.

He now thinks i browse the "dark web" and deep web.

He walked in there and looked at the screen. Duckgo was open with a black background
>Oh is that the dark web?
no its a search engine
>Oh, then why is it all dark

ffs just don't say anything about what you do on the internet to normies.

Lived in ireland for a year and a bit.
Coming from Amsterdam myself,
It was an insane liberation of just mostly "1" race, the one being the damn one that it should be, irish.

But i went to dublin zoo and some place in the center and near the train station, i could near count the foreign looking ppl on my 2 hands. was there for a half day orso, maybe their were a lot more foreigners then i remember or recognnised at that point, but seriously coming from amsterdam you just dont see it if its so few of them...

they had function then, and she was supposed to be some sort of insane exception worth breaking convention for as far as I recall

you played yourself kiddo

Still think nige is a boss and appreciate him taking the time to come over to us.

ah christ, why would you ever bring that up? what was the point you were trying to prove?

Visiting Amsterdam this year.
What should I expect? How are Dutch women?

Yup. I knew better, but i didn't so better.

Will I ever get used to the rain?

I reckon he will do more harm the good I respect him but the less us getting out of the EU has to do with the Brits the better.