According to Trudeau, we have entered a “new age of doing business...

According to Trudeau, we have entered a “new age of doing business.” No longer will managers be driven by profits and losses, but rather by a “values-based” approach to business.

What say you?

>more here

Other urls found in this thread:

What this clown says literally doesn't matter. Canada is basically a rogue US state with a lot of french people in it.

No we're a post-national state. We belong to the world. French high IQ city people agree

Oh yeah, if you're a post national state then why does this Canadian game constantly shoving its Canadian flag in my face every day

It was made by right wing retards

He wants all Canadian citizens to learn the power of being poor. Fucking Justin Castrodeau.

Top kek. This clown literally doesn't know what "business" means. Go back to your drama classes and skying courses, shit.

Yes because all of men's wealth is going to be redistributed to single women with no children and brown people.

Go look at his behaviour at trade meetings. HE has been laughed at by foreign leaders (Especially in Asia) because he virtue signals constantly and is anti business.

Companies will now slot "profits" down a level.
Has Trudeau ever worked an actual shitty job in his life?

Like father like son

Communism is rampant. Everyone I know is trying to convert people to communism in Canada I'm deeply disturbed by our modern society.

Somebody kill us all. We don’t deserve to live

Keep digging your grave Petite Pierre.

Sounds good. All of the profit-driven businesses will come to the United States.

>Quarterly meeting at Trudeau Corp.
>"Gents, profits are way down. But our values are super high! We hired a bunch of women and minorities!"
>"How will we pay them without any money?"
>"With hugs and affirmations."
>"We're bankrupt aren't we?"
>"Oh boy are we ever. We're going to blame white male supremacists."

they'll try to

That sounds an awful lot like what China does and it's the reason why that nation is hugely over-leveraged. There are more people in China doing nothing than in the rest of the world combined.

What a retard

Stakeholder driven economics is kinda of a meme leaf.

I say time to pull my money out of Canuck stocks

., we are lucky we have Donald Trump as president here in The United States Of America , meant to be named Elysium but out Natives are sick from indian sacrifices direct from india , and Donald Trump helps to get government actions completed while the rich ponder to this day whether a flat-tax is safer than not which it is and also helps to end the searching for law-holes to get away with donations that would be charged directly fairly from a true flat-tax based on percentages , SO PLEASE AVOID COMPLAINING ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT HAVING TO GET HELP FROM THE GOVERNMENT WHEN THE PUBLIC REFUSED TO RATIFY A CONCEPT AS SIMPLE AS FLAT TAXING , AND YES DONALD TRUMP IS LIKE MR GEORGE W BUSH JR , HIS ASTROLOGY IS NOT AS STRONG AS EVERYONE ELSE'S BUT HE IS THAT PEACEFUL VIRTUOUS IN FAITH FOR THE DIVINE INFINITE UNITY , THE DIFINITY , Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ , EVEN AFTER BEING WITHOUT A HOME AND LIVING ON THE URBAN ROAD SIDES , THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT CAN PRAY AND PROVIDE HELP FROM THE SOURCE , AND THE TIMES ARE SO READY FOR HELP , LIKE JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF HAD ALERTED PEOPLE , AND YES JESUS IS IRISH MILITARY TRYING TO SHUTDOWN INDIA SAFELY TO RESTART THEM FROM THE SAFETY OF IRELAND AND FINLAND , THAT THOSE WITHOUT STRENGTH ARE BEING GIVEN MIGHTY VIRTUOUS PEACEFUL ABILITY TO HELP , and this is no cost information , Thanks be to The Divine Infinite Unity , The Difinity , Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ , αγαιν , γρατιτυΔε ανΔ χελεβρατιονσ βε το Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ , AND YES , THE ADMINISTRATIONS DO HELP , AND DICK CHENEY DID AMAZING WITH HIS HEALTH , AND WHETHER THE MEDIA BASHES APART THE TEAMS OR NOT , WHEN THE REAL MOMENTS OF JUDGEMENT SHOW UP , THEY ARE GOING TO FIND THE SAME VIRTUOUS PEACEFUL JOY TO AWE AT , Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ , ουρ ονε τρυε φριενΔ ,.

Stupid fucking child. Why is it always this sort of useless lotus eater, who has never even held a job in the private sector, who are full of smug prescriptions for the people who actually sign the front of a paycheck?

Fuck you, you worthless substitute drama teacher. You have exactly no advice to which any businessman should pay the least attention.

This. Why do these cunts never mention how poorly it makes us compete with other nations. We're jerking ourselves off with this pc cancer while our society and economy crumbles into the shit. And then our children will have to make Iphones for the Chinese. We'll be considered the shittiest generation ever

and then some people say that we should legalize weed

This is gold

I think there's an American Dad skit about something like this

replace 'adventure' with 'values'

'Little Potato' (small fry)

Actually, this is 'no gold'. Canada has spent all of its gold reserves (under Trudeau's management).

He should stick to sucking dicks and lay off the business comments

how to get business out of your country 101

Canada, how did Trudeau ever become PM? Is this the work of women who voted for Trudeau just because of his looks?

Autism: the post

Trudeau like his father is a fucking moron......

Trudeau is just saying what he thinks radical left taxpayers want to hear. But businesses will always prioritize profits because that their primary function.

Nothing to see here. I personally apologize to the world for our puppet leader.

close to nobody wanted another harper term and mulcair just tried to beat trudeau at the virtue signalling game and made trudeau look like a better option

if you make a profit, you lose

I think China would disagree.

Good companies already pay their employees well.

>Half the leafs on here don't even know the story about Trudeau's mom.
>While Justin was in high school the paparazzi managed to snag an up skirt photo of Justin's mom's beaver while she was getting out of a car.
>When he showed up at school one time a kid, bullying him, cracked out the magazine with his mom's muff on the front
>He cried.
>I laughed.

Pic related

literally the plot of atlas shrugged

Now we're talking

>Be Canadian
>Drive at 20 MPH in tiny environmentally friendly Cuckcube™ to factory I work at
>Traffic delayed by 2 hours to start for islamic prayer in streets twice out of the 5 times of the day
>Arrive at work and affirm which pronouns to call everyone today before beginning labor to assure we don't incidentally misgender eachother
>Have to wait an extra hour for lunch while minorities and women have their lunch because Prime Minister Muhammad Trudeau-Castro stated that it was "2031"
>Look at calendar as my stomach grumbles
>it checks out
>Finally get to go to lunch, take out my home prepared meal and then offer at least 49% to the women and minorities leaving for equality
>Accidentally misgender transwoman gender-bender I offered by saying "Ma'am" when she clearly was androgynous at the moment
>HR docks my 2nd testicle this month for that infraction
>Finish up the work day by speaking company oath "DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH" before end day worker assembly meeting
>Manager says the Company has now had 3 consecutive quarters now in the red, but that value and diversity are up 40%
>Find out I'm getting a bonus this month with an african blood transfusion and melonin injection to make me more diverse
>This doubles for the companies value metrics as whites are still in the double digits at the factory, and this brings us closer to our goal
>Drive home to pick up my ebola meds from the free health care clinic and some Tim hortons Refugee Cum Holes™ for the road with the last 8 dollars I had from my parents "capitalist" account.
>As I walk into the apartment, my Chinese landlord informs me that I've not been able to pay rent for 3 months now and will be evicted next week
>Sit down on my enriching Dildoversity Chair™ while I peanut butter up my dick for my dog to lick before bed, thinking about how I weep for those money grubbing Americans.

>It's 2031
>Look at calendar
>It checks out
Holy fuck.
How long until the US gets super rich by Canadian companies mass exodusing across the border, taking the Canadian 1st world wealth with them?

Fucking kek

Just when I think he's said everything moronic that can be said, he opens his cock sucker to prove me wrong.
RIP Canadastan

Just fag my ID up

In other news Canada's GDP pulled a bitcoin

He is not saying anything unusual. Without values in business you are fucked.

>driven by profits and losses

The key issue is why the business exists. What do the shareholders or stakeholders want.

what a wonderful jewish future

This is funny. More tragic though.

>What the shareholders want
>Value based
Keep ripping that bong bro

The two things meet. Without values you end up with Bopal then shareholder value moves to zero.

The question of what stakeholders and shareholders want is not a complicated one. Most ownership of larger public companies is institutional. What they want when they invest in a stock rather than bond is protection of capital with a tiny bit of appreciation. That is not difficult.

L'état absolument répugnant de cette feuille.

You're regurgitating shit irrelevant to the OP. Obviously you couldn't infer that this value system dribble he's talking about means more lefty interference with, wait for it, small businesses who will now have to accommodate for equality, diversity, etc. And what do you think is going to happen?

I was thinking about this. As the candian left doubles down on their policies and identity politics in a reactionary stint to convey distance from trump (whom all media outlet believes the idea that every notion he does is pure evil) how will that affect foreign investors from choosing the US over canada and how many canadian jobs/prospects will move down to the US because of this?

It seems like Canada as a first world country would incidentally be giving away free capital and jobs to the US, making Trumps america even more powerful.

Like they are making a self-fulfilling prophecy here where the US in 2019 is going to be an amazing economic landscape while they are suffering under their own socialist and illogical policies, people will be forced to acknowledge basic tenants of logic and economics from Trump's success that THEY expedited. Its criminally stupid and going to fall right in their face and its sad to know it 3 years in advance.

>value system dribble

I am fully aware what this means.

>small businesses

Small business run on values. Hard work, fair dealing, cooperation, they value innovation and flexibility. Most business in the world still goes on a handshake.

Without values, there is no credit and no business can operate. Without values there is no taxation beyond property and excise taxes, since there is no legal need to pay a penny of corporation tax anywhere in the civilised world.

You do not appear equipped to take part in this discussion. Please stop posting.

>Keep digging petite pierre

Acting like he hasn't been FILLING this country with voters for the past 3 years.

I am a conservative by all means, its the only place ill donate money, its the only group I vote for, and I was even in Toronto last year to vote on the party's platform, but we will not win the next election.

Think about he, he gave a convicted terrorist 10 million dollars of tax payers money and no one in this country skipped a beat, there was no protests, the media gave it positive coverage and silenced any conflicting opinions.

I mean for fuck sakes, look what hangs in Toronto bus stops?!?!

Given what we've seen with Sweden I wouldn't put "true" out of those adjective to apply here.

>Hes acting like it isnt already happening

Here's what happens when lefties start fucking around with businesses-
>Diversity quotas
>Raising minimum wages
>Addressing employees by proper pronouns
>Government regulations that impede production

Oh nice. Got any other sources of Canadian exodus to the US?

I want to build up a good case report for this if it is true to show that expansive industry and wealth in the US with more conservative policies can be traced back to this relative to the soon increase in liberal ones in Canada going forward. Should make for a great inverse line graph

Fuckin saved

So this is the narrative thy were gonna shove down our throats if Hillary won “We no longer care about money user - NOW GET BACK TO CHIPPING THAT ROCK”

RIP whatever is left of Canada's economy

Just wait in time most companies will move there, whats the benefit in Canada?
The states vs Canada
>Lower corporate tax rate
>Our money is losing value pretty quick
>Very high energy costs to run factories
>Ridiculous regulations when it comes to "being green"
>High minimum wage(In Ontario at least)
>Have to provide insurance plans for every employee even tough we have "free healthcare"
>Company owners will face >50% personal income tax rates(I mean fuck, i'm a building inspector and my wife is a nurse and we pay like 53% before deductions and like 40% after deductions, which I have to file TWICE to get the full amount OWED to me)"
I fucking hate this country.

Might as well be Canada instead of just Ontario. This guy is a fucking disaster. Don't know how true this link is but according to comments Trudeau could be in real trouble soon. Link related. Please god be true.

trudeau is a fool but this guy writing the article doesn’t even understand what trudeau was trying to say.

politicians and economists are usually dumb but for media members being very stupid is nearly a prerequisite, especially if you want to advance far in any kind of mainstream media.

holy shit, US is about to absorb all the canadian companies and their foreign investors. I wonder how long until the EU cracks and have to stop holding and move big names into the US for lower taxes despite their countries endless "progress" memes.

China is getting leagues ahead of the world by being unethical but by not following the rules they can cut corners to get ahead.
The US is getting ahead by following proper conservative economics and playing the strengths of the capitalist system within the rules for the most part.

Gonna be an interesting economic war as everywhere that isn't US, China, or Japan get utterly fucked by leftist policies and Islam.

>Trudeau specifically said Canada would not attempt to match America’s new, lower tax rates
What the fuck is this garbage? Canada's corporate tax rate is STILL lower than America's.

The law of least resistance dictates that the companies that thrive will be the ones who make the most profit. Muh feels can't finance expansion, only cash can. Trudeau just sets a new retardation record every day.

He's slurped his own shit off of fags dicks. Does that count?

Tear that disgusting propaganda down

>What say you?
He's describing a fascist system where mega-corps own everything and are beholden to trans-national and national oligarchies

He's saying he wants more of the profits for refugees.

wonder if it will get as bad as your country. Has the military saved you yet?