The palestines are the real shills. what other society would want to kill jews/gays, enslave women, and bomb the world trade center?
Wake up and take the real redpill. ban the palestine shills
The palestines are the real shills. what other society would want to kill jews/gays, enslave women, and bomb the world trade center?
Wake up and take the real redpill. ban the palestine shills
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sorry but evidence shows that jews are the them that have no love for the us
user, boomerposting is cancerous even if done ironically. Both P*lestinians and kikes should be gassed.
>jews are the them
t. dumb shitskin palestine
The jew has been banned from every society it has tried to hijack.
The jew is a parasite. The jew must die.
do kikes bomb people or cut their heads off? t
>confirmed syrian refugee
you realize that one, all that shows is that jews are widely persecuted, 2. you're an idiot who thinks post number somehow validates your point, 3. you expect me to read all that shit
yeah, when they want to put fault at palestinians
they do far worse things mutt
if jews do not want to be persecuted maybe they should stop performing atrocities and being ungrateful rats
Sweetie... You are aware of the fact that a large part of Islamic extremist groups are funded by Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the (((USA))), correct?
weird because palestines are the ones responsible for 100% of suicide bombings, and are mainly jealous of the jews for owning jerusalem due to the palestines being the decedent of a illegitimate bastard son of a king.
provide evidence for a single atrocity that can actually be linked to the Israel government
even jews think you're stupid
>muh bazed joos
Fuck off. I don't give a shit about the sand niggers or the jews. They are not white, therefore they do not matter to me.
>what other society would want to kill jews/
I do. I'd ally with palestinians to eradicate the jewish rats. They are the source of degeneracy everywhere, including the US.
dude wake up there is no benefit to being a nazi you're essentially a puppet of the muslims
> that one, all that shows is that jews are widely persecuted
yes, for a REASON
>2. you're an idiot who thinks post number somehow validates your point
Trumps win was a prophecy.
the numbers never fail.
>3. you expect me to read all that shit
but you can make point 1 clear without reading all of it, huh?
says to me that you already saw that info chart what creates the possibility that you are a JIDF shill who is making this thread every day.
How many times have Israel been targeted by ISIS? Meanwhile, ISIS targets Hamas, Iran and Europe.
Everyone knows that ISIS is a Mossad / CIA OP.
lol you should be executed for advocating terrorism you fucking retard. you realize that even your country wants to distance themselves from retards like you
>you cant be a muslim puppet if you gass all of them too
i can look at the columns that say jews expelled over and over. you have 0 evidence for any of your claims. t. retard
>puppet of the muslims
Lmao what. I want ALL non whites out, and their shitty stinky goat fucking religions as well. National Socialism is the natural evolution from traditional society. Democracies are fucking poison and result in pedophile spooks and plutocrat freaks ruling your nation, not to mention foreigners.
>Everyone knows
>0 evidence
t. retard
This fucking kike over here holy fuck I can't believe the shit that comes out of your mongrel mouths.
>bomb the world trade center
All the western funded Wahhabis want to do stuff like that.
actually, no.
poland is right wing by now.
Another thread hijacked by goat fuckers.
Holocaust laws are ok everywhere but Poles can't have their own law in their own country.
>i can look at the columns that say jews expelled over and over. you have 0 evidence for any of your claims. t. retard
checked the 3rd collumn yet, Brainlet?
you lack of reading comprehension.
Hey Adam.
Remember in Saturday school when we used trade magic cards?
>lol you should be executed for advocating terrorism you fucking retard.
The state of israel should be accused for advocating terrorism.
>ou realize that even your country wants to distance themselves from retards like you
They do what they have to do. It is politics. Sooner or later we will debunk the Holocaust hoax and start asking questions. It is common knowledge that the camp was 'reconstructed' after the war.
Pic is what Jews post here.
the jews want to blame everyone who is white for the holohoax.
pls Poland, take good care of Auschwitz, we both gonna need it soon.
>us vs (((them)))
USS liberty for one. Raining white phosphorus is but against Geneva convention. Any other country would be bombed to shit for doing such.
but dont worry lad, day of the Zyklone soon.
Everything that kills kikes is good. I dont remember a single time some palestinian kebab from middle east caused any harm to us, so I only support them killing as much kikes as possible.
>every where you go it smells like shit
>too arrogant to look under your own shoe
get fucked kike
lol go tell that to your government officials we will see whos in jail german cuck. hitler was a dumb fuck and was mislead by sandniggers
really? because it wasnt israel who did:
the countless other suicide bombings
>deus vult is originally an anit muslim phrase
>thinks its about anti-semitism
mad cuz bad, not even trying to damage control.
my work here is done.
lol i dont give a fuck about your uncited dumb muslim propaganda image.
The Saudi-Israel-American cartel have been plotting, kiking, and pulling strings loooong before any of those and will continue long after.
>Democracies are fucking poison
Show your true flag.
wow nice evidence.
>hides his real flag
>calls his own religion goat fuckers to make others think he is white
SHILL SPOTTED. proof that palestines are the real shills
When everyone you ever meet hates you, you might want to look in the mirror to determine the reason.
when you dont give a fuck, why are you so butthurt and made 4 posts about it?
>thinks I care about any portion of the Middle East
Nuke the whole fucking region, especially Mecca and Jerusalem. Make it the Dead Ocean instead of Sea
really what is the evidence of this reason you fucking palestine mongrel? where is this universal hatred? the only hatred i see is from muslims and the muslims puppets, the nazi's
you jews are really hated when the pacifist says you should be slaughtered
This time we'll use it for real Hans, together.
They are parasites. They leech off money from you, Germany and many other countries. They are responsible for decline of your country. It is YOU who fight THEIR wars. Wake up, open your eyes understand that hooked noses are the real enemies of white man.
we will do Kowalski.
its nice that the soviets already build that chimney for us.
ITT: proof that palestines are the ones perpetuating the lie. lets look at the facts:
>unironically believe post number means you are right
>hates jews for religious reasons
>show up in droves when someone says something to contradict their lie
>provide no factual evidence to support their claims
fuck off palestines. the world wants you gone
are you saying you just believe everything you hear even if someone doesnt provide evidence?
This picture is so fucking dumb, White's don't need any help from niggers or any other subhuman to end the kike menace. America could do that itself while simultaneously getting rid of out nigger, spic, muslim, fag, tranny, commies problems at once if White American's weren't completely brainwashed by decades of kike subversion.
No one likes jews
>america could do it alone if america wasnt btfo and therefore cant do it alone
stop further emberassing my country you kike
kike subversion or palestine subversion?
>unironically cites wikipedia
>hides flag
>claims american
You people are fucking lower than dirt, you kikes are lower than any form of life on this planet. Your race is nothing but parasitic filth.
id argue that the expulsion is a result of dumb sandnigger lies
>being so butthurt that he missclicked and replied to himself
im actually a white american with no jewish heritage.
the real parasites are the palestines
Burger education distilled to its purest form: heeb worship.
I click reply to faster type in a post. its better than moving my mouse to top left
>calles me a kike
>evidently this stupid faggot didn't read my post
Asphyxiate yourself you fucking abomination.
he's a dumb sand nigger cut him some slack lol
>Trust me im white
>J-Jews are the good people
>muh evil palestines terrorists
>le second holohoax
you can stop with the memes now.
also all of those incidents have Palestine involvement
>still have provided no evidence
Are you not a muslim? can you prove it?
you just wrote 6 lines, there is no need for "replying faster"
dumb kike
I disagree, i try to be as efficient as possible
>what other society would want to ... enslave women
Well, every society with a brain that wants to not be totally corrupted, dumbed down, abandon justice and decay to total stoneage tier animalism and the abandonment of all civilisation and ultimately be destroyed from within.
Please can everyone in the middle east just kill each other instead of talking a good fight.
You're all fucking whimps if you don't. Do it now.
thats not evidence.
thats an image making a lot of anti-semetic claims without any proof or sources
you cant even know what efficient means when you arent german.
bro. if you unironically think that is evidence then you are being dumb. I dont know if there is hope for you
wake up pol
you're all being turned into muslim puppets.
Both are diferent sides from the same coin lad. Thats the real red pill.
About 911 please explain away urban moving systems. Why did their trucks test positive and have explosives in them? You don't remember the 4 non Arabs on the gwb or the dancing Israelis?
the difference is that the jews have evidence that palestines are subhuman bastards.meanwhile palestines have digits
i don't remember the evidence you provided, you seem to be just regurgitating palestine lies.
This will never stick shlomo. We know the truth.
Better than being a Jew puppet. At least Muslims don't practice usery.
why wont it stick? will you purge me because your apostasy demands it?
the choice isnt between being a muslim terrorist puppet or a jew puppet.
its between being a muslim puppet or a sane human being