Sex toy parties

Anybody on Sup Forums have female relatives that attend these degenerate shitfests?
Am I stupid for just finding out about this at the age of 22?

>raised in a traditional hispanic family
>start dating white American girl
>she is very nice, and a software engineer
>after a few months of dating I meet her parents
>they are very crude and talk about sex openly
>this is strange to me coming from a family where these things are kept in the bedroom
>my gf tells me her mom is throwing a “sex toy party” for her birthday, women only
I’m considering breaking up with her to disassociate myself with that family. It doesn’t seem like a good atmosphere for a daughter to be brought up in. I was just wondering, is it normal for American women to be so morally loose?

no you faggot we all know you secertly want to join one of those queer kys

You’re just stupid, these things have been going on forever, well before the time of any user on Sup Forums

I really want to hope this is bait


>traditional hispanic family
Stopped reading there.
Get gassed spic.

1st off, please leave. You have a homogenous nation of all of your kin that you could happily live in
2nd, they are probably ass backwards liberals. Given the fact that she's white and dating a latino I'm going to go with this being the case.

also SAGE

Grew up in a nice traditional family. When I went to college I was absolutely astounded everyone was degenerate drug users and deviants.

Disconnecting from society is the only way to combat degenerate cancer. The very fabric of civilization is rotten and corrupts anything that it touches.

Look at this board. Full of degenerates yet this is supposed to be some bastion of traditional values.

Break up with her immediately. Her parents are insane, and she has spent a lot of time around them.

What little is left of my soul needs it to be so user.

Look guys I’m 90% european according to 23&me. Most people assume I’m italian

awwww so that's what those "topperwear" parties are

Force her to disavow the behavior or break up with her. Cut your losses if she defends freaking dildo collectors of all things. What a nightmare we live in.

I’m not baiting but what’s upsetting you? It’s my problem not yours

>white American girl
>very nice
>software engineer

pick 2

Yeah, it's pretty normal.
My dad and uncle surprised me with a fleshlight party.
They helped me try out all the different types, it was pretty fun desu and felt really good.

>race mixing shitskin


Ditch white girls altogether.
Hispanic girls are hotter, and if you pick them FOB, they are all-around better with cooking, looking decent, etc.
Plus, culturally, you will have more in common.
Better if you guys are from the same country. Take the good parts of your culture and nurture them, take the bad parts and tone them down.
There is no need to culture-mix. You'll be happier, I guarantee it.

No respectable white girl would date a spic. Stop LARPing

>Anybody on Sup Forums have female relatives that attend these degenerate shitfests?
No, because it's absolutaly degenerate, just as you said correctly.

>Am I stupid for just finding out about this at the age of 22?
Maybe. I did know about them earlier, but thought it's more of a viction and that sane people don't participate at such events.

>It doesn’t seem like a good atmosphere for a daughter to be brought up in.
Good point. I agree with you, but maybe breaking up with your girlfriend, because her mother is a whore, is maybe to extreme. Try to figure out, if your girl does agree with her mother's opinion and what her fews on sex and toys are.

>I was just wondering, is it normal for American women to be so morally loose?
Can't tell, since i am not an American. But unfortunately it seems, that western culture, especially american, are leading when it comes to degeneracy.

Nice larp faggot...beans are fucking degenerates.


Absolutely crass. And all the posters are American. At least in Britain we have the excuse of being very very drunk. Americans are the ultimate weimar-bugmen.


fiction* ... sorry, it's late ;D

too*, -maybe* views* ... oh, jesus ...

yes, it's like fucking a hallway that smells like old fish

Fuck mexicans and fuck you op

Wish I could personally shoot you beaner scum and your family and throw them over the wall in a catapult.

They are total degenerates. And quit being a race traitor

Just invite Muslim men when you hear of the next date.

Dump that stupid white whore OP and get yourself a chaste asian woman. White women can't be fixed; just come to peace with the fact that the white race will become the Hapa race and all the white degenerates will be caramel colored niggers here soon.

It’s just stay at home moms larping that they own a business but are really caught up in a mlm scheme.

You're being a prude.

It's no worse than a male-only fleshlight and sexdoll party.