What’s Sup Forums‘s favorite late night talk show?
What’s Sup Forums‘s favorite late night talk show?
Jay Leno's Garage
white people are already the minority in the USA, they just dont know it yet
tell me lefties is this just another meaningless coincidence i should be silent about?
It's manly to be passive and silent right?
craig ferguson
Yes goy, close your eyes and go back to sleep.
Whoever is the minority will always be without power and oppressed. Its the natural state of human nature. All cultures and civilizations from the beginning of time prove this?
Will ours be the first one to overcome this reality and when the whites are the minority, the Hispanics and blacks will be fair and give whites equal opportunity and affirmative action, hiring and scholarships and admissions quotas? I really doubt it. But I hope I'm wrong. I wont bet the farm on it. Because like whites in Africa, the blacks will just come and take the farm anyway.
Why do leftards hate so much?
>a chance for change
Sure, if everything going to shit is the change you're looking for.
No. That will be the time when all those laws benefiting minorities will be repealed, and they will claim that the reason they are being repealed is because "we just realized how unfair these laws are to the majority".
Cap this post.
The biggest chance for change will come when the United States isn't almost perfectly divided between left and right.
Yes. Latinos hate niggers even more than we do. We'll finally be rid of all the antiquated farm tools
Right, because when non-whites become the powerful (i.e., the oppressors), things are going to get sooo much better than when white people were in charge.
Fucking idiot.
Whites will be raped and butchered en masse and we will celebrate it as the dismantling of oppression.
they lack empathy because tv shows and movies made them think they are le epic fantasy anime protagonist resistance who can do no wrong, so when they encounter someone who has different beliefs than them they sperg out and can't process that other people might want different things from the world and aren't just there to be NPCs in their Star Wars Harry Potter hero larping
Nuke both coastlines and we'll be off to a good start.
It's hilarious and awful how all you alt-right crybabies believe in the ridiculous and offensive 'white genocide' myth.
Also it's hilarious and beautiful how in the near future everyone in Europe and North America will be mixed race and evil white people won't exist anymore.
if it's not divided by race, it's by gender (japan), hierarchy (india), etc. there's no country that can't be divided regardless of what changes
>Whoever is the minority will always be without power
Tell that to jews
You don't even know what "left" or "right" is.
It's hilarious how this low effort b8 still gets replies because it perfectly emulates the behaviour of the typical Facebook lefty. I hope you die slowly and in agony.
That's why the left champion so many social issues at once, and why they even break it into sub sections.
t.el creaturo
Socially? There's a clear divide. Economically? Well the "left" are suburban teens and college professors LARPing as commies, everyone else varies from center to the right.
>Whoever is the minority will always be without power and oppressed.
White people have always been a global minority, yet they also managed to conquer most of it and hold their dominions for centuries, even while murdering each other constantly. The majority = power theory is nonsense promulgated by social engineers and their low IQ minions.
In 1950, Europe's population was double the population of Africa and the Middle East combined.
Germans are already minority in Germany in 20-30 age brackets, so yeah, there's gonna be a lot of Change coming.
RWDS when???
This is true is all cases except for minorities in predominately white countries. They are treated like gods and handed trillions of dollars of free money, grants, scholarships, welfare, food stamps, get less time in jail for violent crimes, etc etc
>alt-right crybabies
>alt-right crybabies
I think the plan should be a change for the better.
>Sup Forums at it again
minorities are usually ruthlessly oppressed by majorities
in the US what we really have to worry about is a coalition of minorities
>Sup Forums mods are so butthurt they move a thread about tv shows to Sup Forums
Let's analyze that question a little bit Stephen. See all your non white pets are afraid of white cops. When they are so numerous that they lose their fear of white cops they will become hostile to you too. You don't know that yet because your TV show and career depend on your demonization of white people. If you woke up, you would have to face a very ugly reality and would lose your show.
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He wouldn't care because he can always retreat to his mansion and hide in his panic room.
this is Sup Forums
Poe's law in full effect
whats wrong with her face?