Police in Sweden are abandoning citizens and running away from their cities because they "feel threatened" by the Muslims they so desperately wanted in their country. squawker.org
Muslims are making Swedish police crap their pants
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Get guns you Vikings swedes
I used to like to laugh at Sweden.
Now I am filled with nothing but a weird sadness and dread.
The swedes have weapons, Gripens and stuff.
Why are they running?
Serves the Swedish police right.
Blow back from the sword attack
>this is what 47% taxrate gives you
>Now I am filled with nothing but a weird sadness and dread.
I always see burgers making these comments as if people here actually give a shit about your supposed pity. The only Swedes who care what Sup Forums thinks are introverted cucks who believe sweden is going to shit because they see non-white people in the street.
Stop being obsessed with a tiny nordic country halfway across the world.
I hope every Swedish women in gets raped a million times by a million muslims. They deserve nothing less.
Weeb shit incoming:
This reminds me of when Shishio takes over that tiny as fuck village in Rurouni Kenshin. Fucking gutless cops getting chased out by some camel fuckers.
Another grenade amnesty will surely help, lmao.
too bad they traded in their guns, training and courage for slap on the wall dildos once the muzzies came
Welcome to the diversity club, Sven.
We need a civil war in Sweden. It will serve as a boogeyman from the left just the same way the left is using Hitler and Shoah against the right
Mocking each other through our politicians actions that are destroying our nations is probably comparable to friends having a bit of banter and ripping each other.
News like that in the OP is more like you watching your friend fall into depression and rot away slowly into a hollow vessel of what they once were.
Every precious Muslim child must be provided with a feminist hand grenade paid for by Swedish taxes to end racism.
And where are they even getting GRENADES from? Why the fuck are racists/Trump supporters (same shit, both can go to Hell) too damn stupid to think critically and question where the hell all those grenades come from????
Diversity is our strength they said
I'm not obsessed with anything. I just find the idea of a people so self-hating that they abandon their own countrymen en-mass at the slightest provocation.
Perhaps sadness wasn't the right word, it was contempt.
>American police are too brutal
>They need to be more like the EU ones, they're so skillful that they don't need to shoot people on sight
california is the sweden of the us
Why are you pretending your country isn't going to shit?
Unlike the American, its Aussies here are laughing at you for letting this happen. Bunch of pooftas let your govt walk all over you.
I for one, wish to accelerate your demise to serve as a case study for the world.
There is nothing more diverse than the shrapnel of a grenade
wallah allahu ackbar
Grenades are probably just pipe bombs.I doubt they literally mean real military grenades.
>47% tax rate
Jesus, Sven. Tell me this is exaggeration. Even we don't go that high.
Swedish black market, swedes are such cucks that their country is heaven for sandnigger syndicates to set up shop in.
Were your parents born in sweden?
Too obvious
Are full automatic AK's legal in France?
what are muslims waiting for? Why don't they just take over sweden?
There are shit tons of old grenades left over from the Jugoslav civil war circulating.
Yes evil Swedish whites give them the grenades and force them to bomb the police because of racism.
5 Policemen and a couple patrol dogs died in a car bomb last week in my country.
The citizens are very pro police and hate the fucking degenerate communists that put bombs in the cities.
There is no grey area here, literally nobody likes those fuckers and would rather see them dead than in jail, if the community catches them before police does they will be lynched.
I take pity in your cuck countries where is socially acceptable to celebrate as a leftist when police get killed and then blame the right instead of solving the real issues you have.
>News based on a tweet by Peter Sweden
The state of Sup Forums
For the same reason they let ISIS organize in no go zones.
Immediately stop paying rent. Idk how things are in sweden but in the states, a landlord is not allowed to enter your residence to evict you no matter how long you stopped paying the rent. They actually have to call the local sheriff to serve you with an eviction notice. If there's no police, who will evict you?
Because you're saving your countrymen, aren't you some tough shit? We all laugh at Sweden, but let's be honest, the US is far gone, and has been for much longer than Sweden. But I must admit you have your two first amendments going for you, but beside that, you're a literal shithole.
At this point I need to get a gun. But that shit takes like 5 years
Bet they'll be back in no time if locals organize and start dropping shitskins
There is such thing as a registry that documents your rent history and its often linked to your credit history.
It's like you don't want to ever rent another place again.
Just make one lad
How silly of me. I forgot Sweden was a grenade free zone. I'll have to keep that in mind
I thought it happened in Venezuela
Sweden is a good market. When the civil war breaks there a ton of weapons will be sold there
No, allegedly someone smuggled big chache of grenades from the Balkans and now they’re selling on a black market. Swedish police even announced fuckin grenade amnesty to get them off the streets.
What. The. Fuck.
Sweden explain yourselves!
There's always Sharia police
poor doggos
Yeah they will come back in order to arrest the natives fighting back.
Fucking hell. Now I know why Oslo is full of Swedes. Jesus Christ.
Nah the right has no guns and no bombs in venezuela, they get fucked in the ass daily and they cant do nothing about it except flee the country through the colombian border and then get deported the next day, rinse and repeat.
Get an illegal one,thats what my friend did "cough "cough"
Muslims are armed to the teeth most likely. Nothing will stop them when they decide to take over.
From the ex-Yugoslav mafia in Sweden. Wouldn't be surprised if it was true.
I remember when some ex-special forces Serbs armed with SMGs used a helicopter to rob a private security company depot in Sweden and put decoy bombs on police helicopters to prevent them from chasing them. It was pretty amazing.
>be Swedish
>get grenaded
You cant talk.
African gangs are terrorising Melbourne to the point that even Abos are talking out about it.
Last time I went to Brisbane, I felt like I was in a non white country.
Traitor cucks like you will get slaughtered like hogs along with your nigger pets.
Who knew it was so easy to invade and conquer Europe? If the Muslims had known this 600 years ago they would have started white guilt campaigns back then and they'd be ruling the entire Western world now.
Its only gonna be a matter of time when they start raping white womenz with live grenades
Just for garbage like you I wanr sweeden to burn
Watch yourself, Finland. Have you built a big powerful wall yet?
those are not healthy kids -- one on the ground has a tracheostomy, the other in one of those disabled kid wheelchairs.
Why even an illegal one? I got mine via pistol club no issue.
like a canary, you mean?
We are gonna build a wall of the untermensch Sami people that still for some reason exist. Its gonna be glorious.
The gunlaws are not the same in Sweden. Over in Finland its even more difficult to get a pistol because of the school shooters.
At this point it’s pretty clear that you euros are just offloading when you spam this image board with mutt memes
Like a blonde canary in a coalburner mine.
Thanks Muhammad
That's what they're doing.
So Swedes, it's looking like mercenary is going to be a lucrative job for me in the near future. For the right price my team and I can rid your city of sandpeople and liberal cucks. Is it a deal?
My sides!
What the fuck is wrong with you guys?
This """""news""""" is citing a tweet by Peter Sweden as a source.
that particular feel when sweden is now a blonde woman in her mid 40s who won't accept what is happening because she hasn't personally experienced it.
>sweden is now ISIS HQ
No cops means the public can take care of the muslim problem themselves without being stopped
Anyone have a sauce?
This is so very true. It's like a mini sweeden. Sweeds are moving to other countries and expect them to do what they want. Like the woman who moved to NZ and complained it wasn't gender nuetral enough and NZ culture sucks but shes sooo proud to call both Sweeden and New Zealand home!
Reminds me of "Nasville fucking sucks it isn't great like California. It was worthless before we came here and made your shitty trailers worth something... I really fucking hate how racist, bigoted, and backwards native Tennesseans are. Exept they aren't the REAL southerners. I'm the real southerner and SOO PROUD TO BE A TENNESSEAN YALL. YEHAAAW, YALL WANT CORNBREAD AND SWEE'HEET TEA? (fuckers don't even know that Texas says yehaw, not TN)
These Califonian fuckers move here and act like they are the chosen ones sent here to enlighten us, bring all their friends, and vote for the policies that caused Cali to become a shitty place to live that forced them to move in the first place.
I'll join, but I want to be the one who presses the gas button.
Jesus, can it get even worse? A Swede telling you to shut up.
How is this not news anywhere? I haven't seen that in any German newspaper.
>Swedish police "feel threatened"
damn. you are some intolerant racists.
>hurr durr the Swedes arent afraid of muslims!!
Please move to Sweden and live with your cuck brothers
You forgot Deuce's quote!
>We're Police Officers! We're not trained to handle this kind of violence!
Fake news, racists, the police ruled out terrorism and said that this was the work of the mafia.
Italian scumbags need to be deported from sweden asap
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88 gem.
What hurts the most is they both have amazing genetics. I've never seen people so genetically gifted around here in my entire life, and that's common there
We'll be using VX, so you'll have to get used to being in MOPP-IV and all times.
>t. roastie
I will pray for the people of Sweden, I hope you will all end up alright.
Cant you just throw the grenades back?
Even I know where to buy grenades and rpgs, even a 27 model.
Black market is a real thing.
But do they still have the resources to stop racist comments on the internet??? That's where the real problem is at after all.