The NYT just successfully lobbied the MLB commissioner to ban the Indian's logo.
IMO we should goad them into admitting the Vikings and Notre Dame logos are racist..
Unless they prefer to admit white people don't matter
The NYT just successfully lobbied the MLB commissioner to ban the Indian's logo.
IMO we should goad them into admitting the Vikings and Notre Dame logos are racist..
Unless they prefer to admit white people don't matter
Other urls found in this thread:
They will not settle until everything is destroyed. I hate these fuckin people!
They are losing the culture war despite controling all the media in this country. All it takes is A few good people to stand their ground.
Actually a great way to protest would be to continue to wear the original mercy even after the change.
I live in DC, will definitely rep Chief Wahoo specifically to spite these people.
But we can do better--if we lure leftist into explaining why the Vikings (and other) logos don't qualify, we'll expose their hypocrisy
isn't it because white people have a say in allowing these mascots to be used while native Americans didn't have a say in Chief Wahoo being used? that sounds pretty reasonable
This too.
Because, by their inaction, they are basically admitting that white people are strong and self-reliant and don't need a shitskin support group.
Bump. Im sick of people trying to take the Redskins away. Last time I heard about it, the owner of that NFL team was still alpha as fuck. Shame about niggerball though. Lets make this happen
Stop you losers are going to make them change all the logos
Stop feeding the left ideas
Tweet the NYT encouraging them and asking them to take down the fighting Irish logo next!
This one is a legit caricature is not flattering, it's the best candidate
I'm irish, I definitely wasn't consulted regarding the Notre Dame leprechaun which is legit unflattering
difference is, I don't give a fuck because I'm not a snowflake
IT'S A FUCKING LEPRECHAUN! Even if it were a caricature of an Irishman, isn't that what the popular depiction of a leprechaun is anyway?
>native Americans didn't have a say in Chief Wahoo being used?
They actually had. I n todays climate the owners of the club made a deal with tribe chiefs long ago. Literally no native American cares about this.
Genocide white leftists to improve your country by 100% for everyone.
Fighting Irish
Implied intoxicated bad temper stereotype of Irish.
But I think we should go a different direction. Start pushing for white caricatures to replace those like Chief Wahoo. Completely erase any minority symbols. Then they will bitch about being underrepresented.
>The Fighting Irish
>The Fighting Leprechauns
This logo is about to get a lot more popular. Indians don’t give a fuck.
I love the idea
No tribe asked for this. This is typical Jewish intellectual handiwork.
>im irish
Why not suggest a redesign? Comparing the image of Wahoo to that of the Viking is upsurd. The designs of each strike a different emotion. One is a comically oversized 40s-style caricature of a Native American with oversized teeth and blood-red skin, the other is a stoic, strong chinned viking.
Also it's not banned. It's removed from fan merchandise. Removing the logo entirely from the team would make the Redskins lose their copyright over the image.
...but their mascot is clearing a leprechaun........
>The [Stereotype] Redskins
That's the biggest thing. Whites aren't whiny pussies. Replace every logo with white caricatures just to piss of minorities and show them we don't care.
>Washington Colonists
>Atlanta Confederates
>Cleveland Krauts
We need a hashtag.. any suggestions?
MLB did ban it
start by concern-trolling liberal sources like Reddit and Twitter
update us user
I know a few natives so all I have is anecdotal evidence but they root for the Redskins.
>Not wanting to destroy the machine hypnotizing the white race into a coma while they destroy us.
How new are you?
This is the start we need, people check out /r/CFB or /u/tosk
Comments are starting, check /u/tosk
>The Rootin' Tootin' Texans
>The California Surfer Dudes
>The Montreal Mudsharks
That's the thing, the only people mad about the Indians logo are white leftist snowflakes. Actual natives don't give a fuck and some take pride in it, along with Redskins, Chiefs, Braves, ect.
The Vikings owner is a literal kike, what right does he have to display a nordic figure on the heads of niggers?
If they actually changed the logo to a drunk German and called themselves the Cleveland Krauts I would take great pride in that. People have forgotten how to laugh at themselves.
why make fun of yourself?
Bullshit. Tribes have been asking for the logo to be changed for decades now.
exactly. So because the Indians owner doesn't wear a fucking feather hat that makes him a racist?
It's a logo honoring myths and legends
This is the logo of one of our most popular Rugby teams.
the same tribes like the one that tried to get the Washington Redskins to change their logo and whose "chief" is whiter than milk?
that shit won't last long my friend
a high school near me had to change their name from the crusaders because it was insensitive towards muslims
are you fucking serious!?
As they should. The Redskins name is a racial slur.
talk about re-writing history
they might as well have named them the Imams or the car bombs
The guy who named the team was an Indian.
Hello there.
CNN here this is a very interesting thread, please keep telling me publicly how you plan to try and "corner us leftists" so that we can damage control like we did with "its okay to be white".
heheh, dumbasses.
Pretty soon all sports teams are going to be limited to naming themselves after boring ass things like ‘the trees’, ‘the pebbles’, and ‘the broccolis’ because anything else will offend someone
Some Muslims did cry about it, but nobody gave a shit.
You can't be racist towards white people, you idiot.
Instead of repeating "It's okay to be white" (which frankly is not effective for this incident), how about instead we just outright make connections with the ssport fans themselves? Y'know, the people who got angry at vritue-signalling players? Those guys?
CNN? Who?
Check @resistard on twitter, going to use it to concern troll some liberals
Lobster is a reference to Jordan Peterson interview
ok thanks user
All this is going to accomplish is the same thing the kneeling in the NFL did. It will turn fans off and then they will have nothing to distract them from politics. Leftists are fucking up by fucking with the bread and circus.
No, it will be postmodern deconstructed drivel. Leftists here in Cleveland are already trying to push a name charge and "The Cleveland Baseball Club" is thrown around all the time in their discussions
Sports fans are ripe to join our cause, the thing they like to do is being eroded by kikes and used as just another tool for shaming them over being white. It will lead them to come to us.
If reason worked with leftists we wouldn't have to do this
definitely a good idea, but how exactly?
thank you user
Actually that's a good point, we should spread rumosabout Indian's plans to allow a real native american chief to make a speech before every game, to piss off sports fans
Manfred hates baseball
This is not news
Need to start insisting that removing the logo is not enough, and that the MLB needs to bring an Indian chief on field before every game to lead the crowd in self-loathing
and/or reparation money $$$
How to turn IL red. Get leftists nutjobs to go after the Chicago Blackhawks name and logo. That would infuriate every beer drinking white in that city.
Get rid of Michigan State's name. Someone needs to make this a thing
>teleports behind you
CNN is fake news, pssh nothin personal
Oh shit, the guy who lead this effort embezzled a bunch of money that was supposed to be for actual Indians
What you should do, is get Cleveland to change their logo to Pepe.
Why do so many American seem to hate baseball? I like baseball.
Was it actually the NYT that lobbied the team? The article is written by (((Waldstein))) But I cant find where they actually lobbied the team.
Sup Forums fags hate all sports because they got bullied by jocks.
People on Sup Forums that aren’t fags like baseball. It is the American white mans sport
People on Sup Forums are too autistic to sit still long enough to learn the game
Phase 1 has started: Flood social media with calls for Notre Dame to abandon their offensive mascot
I like baseball and hockey. If SJWs start ruining either of them I may just have a Columbine moment.
lel what kind of faggot hellhole do you live in?
>20 people stand still
>1 person throw ball
>1 hit it if he can
>other team actually move and try to catch the ball
what a mystery of a glorious game it is
most sports really
but it beats staring at my ugly wife all evening
Post her feet.
>getting tricked into erasing your own culture
Great work, Sup Forums
kek, what, fuck no, lol
not hockey
no, I will concede that but it doesn't run during the summer, that's where baseball comes in
hockey in fall and winter and baseball in spring and summer
The goal is to stop short of erasing your own culture by making the other side appear absurd
But like any covert action, it can backfire
you watch hockey when its cold and going out is a pain then you enjoy summer and get off the tv
I do the opposite. Go out during winter. Play in the snow. Then in summer when it warms up I sit inside and watch afternoon baseball. I hate the heat. Anything over 80F.
This is such crap. I'd love to have a major league sports team named after my ethnicity. Stupid white leftists are the only ones offended.
Legalize everything. At least once a year. Grab your gun shoot or do LSD in Las Vegas. 21. March. THE PURGE. Change numbers. U.S. only. Washington D.C. Kill some fash.
>Sports fans are ripe to join our cause
Sports fans are as bluepilled as you get.
The logo of Notre Dame is supposed to be a leprechaun which aren't real you retard. Furthermore vikings don't exist as a people anymore so there really shouldn't be anyone to complaining about it.
Notre Dame would be a better target here. Theirs is based on the stereotype of the Irish being nothing but a bunch of violent drunks after all.
make it mandatory that spors fans must sign a letter of recognition of how shitty a person they are. By bombarding them with a birrage of anti-white sentimentallity they will be forced to start becoming tribalistic as a result of the attack on their person due to their race.
The easiest way would be for all the mid-games to be cluttered with leftists pushing their agenda. Go in your school and start petitioning for mid-game moments of silence where people are forced to listen to a leftist complain about how shitty being white is. It will sour the mood of the game and piss of the men trying to have fun.
>the culture war
Mmmm that’s something we never lose
Was the highschool filled with slits and tumblerinas or something? The highschool I went to has been the Warriors for forever, even have a TeePee on the football field. Occasionally someone from Indy will whine but it stays the same because that's how it is
Guess being from rural Indiana has its perks