The memo isnt even out and aready claimed its first scalp!!!! McCabe is OUT and will be lawyering up soon. Who should be next? Current odds
>Rosenstein 2:1
>Strzok 5:2
>Page 5:1
>Priestap 10:1
>Baker 10:1
>Ohr 15:1
Other urls found in this thread:
Rosenstein is on Trump's side you fucking moron.
Elaborate on how he's not on Trump's side?
Sure, gladly
Four key actions that RR took he had no business taking:
>(1) signing off on FISA with dossier as evidence - could/should have known its origns and the dodginess of the documents
>(2) allowing Sessions to recuse himself for matters related to Russia but not himself
>(3) creating outsize legal problems for WH counsel by being personally the one to recommend Comey's firing
>(4) appointing Mueller to be an independent prosecutor to investigate something he had full knowledge and awareness of, and thereby knew was a complete and total hoax
Fuck off kike
Theyre not sending their best!
>Obama last Domino.
>Not Hilary.
Say what you will about Obama but he saved us from Clinton 2008, she's the one they're all protecting not him.
RR doesn't know the way.
I spit on him *HUWWEEEEE*
Obama is 100% the last boss. Hillary, as youre seeing with the NYT hitpiece on her and Burns Strider, is already being thrown under the bus
He is protected more than any person I have ever seen. Linking you to relevant thread from last night
Here's what doesn't make sense.
These are the things that had to happen in order for a Special Counsel to be installed.
Trump had to choose someone who would inevitably recuse themselves from any Russian investigation. - Sessions
The Senate had to approve of him. It took forever. It was during this time that the question was asked that eventually caused Sessions to recuse himself.... Without refusing himself Rosenstein wouldn't have been able to assign the SC.
Trump had to discuss Flynn with Comey alone. Sessions left the room to allow that to happen.
Rosenstein writes letter saying Comey should be fired.
Trump fires Comey and liberals lose their shit. But only after they are told to lose their shit. - remember the Colbert joke that backfired?
Then Rosenstein appoints Mueller. For firing Comey Who he told to fire.
It appears that Sessions had to do certain things for all this to take place.
Correct me if I'm wrong but this info says either Sessions is swamp or Mueller is /ourguy/. But either way, they have to be on the same team.
RR will unironically have one of the longer sentences for everything you said and as I noted upthread here
Comey has had nothing to say on twitter today
no the final boss is some group of bankers who you have never heard of
>Obama is 100% the last boss
Nope, he's atleast 3 degrees off last boss. Even Kerry is higher boss than he is.
>Elaborate on how he's not on Trump's side?
Err...he is the one that appointed a special counsel dingus
$ is just a tool to brainwash goyims. The final boss is the Pope or some other religious type figure we've never heard of. The pope of the jews.
>Obama is 100% the last boss.
R-right, goys?
have you heard the retarded shit the poop has recently said? there's no fucking way he's anything but yet another puppet
I am so confused at all of this memo/mueller/russia/ whatever hoopla that I can no longer even follow it.
then fuck off back to pleb bit politics where the fake, easily (mis)understood narrative is spawned for the likes of complete morons like you
who's gonna crack under the pressure and SING like a bird is what I want to know.
Lisa Page is my guess.
John Keeps isn’t even worthy or intelligent enough to be a fightable enemy. Just an NPC who works for the bad guys but only appears in cutscenes.
>Just an NPC who works for the bad guys but only appears in cutscenes.
And yet he gets invited to Antarctica happy fun time meetings, but bobama@ameritech does not.
Soiling himself.
Priestap is a made kike.
The lying press on both sides will try to not cover him.
Sessions is swamp. I'm convinced now.
Probably a CIA asset.
Imo hes neither. Just a good guy in a bad spot and doesnt want to be put in one corner or the other. If he had known the collusion bs would stretch this far, i doubt hed have taken the job
Lets take down Obama first and find out,. sound good?
Yeah he just looks naive, which itself is a bit sad, but he clearly wasnt ready for the job on day 1
He's dragged his feet since day one.
Yes, a convenient excuse. This is typical of deep assets.
Their sole purpose is to stall, misdirect, and blow smoke.
It’s hard for me to keep up with the teams at this point.
It's simple. Don't believe any fake news about happenings inside the DoJ or Mueller's team because there are no anonymous sources.
The rosenstein memo about fake news was released on july 15th, RIGHT AROUND THE SAME TIME THAT STRZOK AND PAGE GOT REMOVED.
How about media figures?
CNN is in total damage control right now, full blown panic. They have had a non stop barrage of ((democratic, legal, and political correspondents)) on for almost 2 hours, and they have only talked about McCabe and the memo. Their eyes are all bugged out, fidgeting in their seats, losing their train of thought, stuttering mid sentence, searching for words, stammering tone. No one is telling them what to do anymore. These people know they are caught red handed, and they don’t know how to tell the truth. Mark my words, the next exposure will be “journalists” and network executives who knowingly participated in this weaponization of fraud against America and the world, likely because of blackmail or getting money from various enemies of the state. Buckle up boys, America is about to change forever.
Yeah no shit. When the Russia collusion is shown to be faked CNN's credibility will fall into a hole it won't ever fully recover from
>Sessions had to do certain things for all this to take place
I've wondered about this too. I don't think that the deep state plotted with the assumption that Sessions would recuse himself, but I think it was a smart move (for Sessions). Could it be that Rosenstein is acting as a triple agent?
Not including Huma
Rod won’t be next. More heads have to roll first. Expect strzok and page gone next. Rod will be forced to choose to fire mueller or resign. His leadership over this investigation is abysmal