Why did the early 2000s and 2010s barely have any significant differences?
When you think of 70s 80s 90s you think of totally different stuff
The past 18 years however have just felt like one long decade
Why did the early 2000s and 2010s barely have any significant differences?
Now please feel free and explain how this is political or has anything to do with current events
Our current generation is a current event for one
The question is about society...
I think you will be able to judge these two decades properly when this one is over as well. I feel the same way, but I would like to look back in five years.
Because the West peaked and is now declining
>inb4 this
Born in 89
My mum who was born in 58 even says the same thing. You could feel each decade be it's own thing, but 2000-2020 seems like the exact same shit all the way through.
because everyone is on the internet
Internet use became a thing?
the jews
Watch The Man Show or Dave Chappelle and then ask yourself if any of that would air nowadays.
I can think of only minor differences. Musically the whole rock-rap music lasted only the 2000’s. Rap it’s self has change to something that’s hard to classify as music. Also, white men aren’t getting gay ass highlights, unless they’re legitimately gay.
There was some technological advances too, albeit pretty minor. Oh and we finally got an a president with balls who doesn’t cave to political correctness.
That’s all I got, no major differences that I can think of.
The early 90s still felt much like the 80s.
1998 is where things were taking a sharp turn.
idk mane what about trap music and mollycore?
Post 911 reality is the death throes of the United States. Will it recover? Probably not.
The whole "decades" thing was just a media construct.
Is rock even alive at all?
I mean beyond some "alternative" on the college stations?
yeah it is but nothing on the radio or mainstream. The most alive rock n roll right now is from the jam-band world and a lot of it is kind of intertwined with bluegrass or funk.
of course punk rock is still a thing in peoples basements but punk rock is gay as fuck and is basically just a bunch of 35 year olds with spikes on their jean jackets. At least the hippies are somewhat authentic
Yeah it is, but it’s pretty niche right now. If you have Sirius satellite radio the station Octane plays most of the new hard rock out there. It’s about the only place I know that does. Regular radio doesn’t play shit except old stuff.
You have to really search for new rock, but it’s out there.
I like how the ladies are now wearing chokers again like they did around 99-2000ish.
Now if wecan get them to wear shoulder length or shorter hair and the boot bottom shoes, then it's all good.
Please bring back the low waist riding jeans from the 2000s. Those were sexy as fuck on girls that had the bodies to wear them.
the 2000's were shit in terms of tech desu, we have now entered the golden age of tech that's the difference
Culture isn't evolving in any important way and neither is technology. White people have been replaced with foreigners so that severed the cultural evolution that we saw each decade going backward from the 90s. On top of that we have a whole generation not having kids and not really working that much. You don't have the necessary numbers of stable family units on which culture can solidify amd evolve. Young people are a diaspora of consumers, and perhaps the attrition of decades of the welfare state has taken its toll. I mean once that was established, that was it. We reached the fucking moon with pen and paper, and then we just invented different types of hot wings and Air Jordans. The 70s-90s were still able to produce some distinct and lasting culture simply due to the stored momentum of the post war era. But around the turn of the century maybe it ran out of gas.
I saw pictures of myself as a teen in the 90s. Not much difference in appearance aside from baggier pants and picture quality (film vs digital).
Tech fucking blows. All the coding is done by street shitters and we're running out of white people. My phone sucks, all the apps fucking suck, my car's computer transmission sucks, the Microsoft GUI on the dash sucks. We give up all our freedom and time for this tech and it's not even really good.
I have a theory that a huge portion of marketing/advertising in the 20th century, across industries, was designed to give each decade a particular "feel" starting with the roaring twenties. That's when advertising truly came alive. The depression in the 30s fucked it up, but by the 40s with the war effort there was a discernible style, and this increased every decade.
In the 60s (which is really 64-72 style-wise) you didn't want to be caught dead dressed like a greaser or a soc' from the 50s. You were cool and hip, a hippie.
In the 70s you abandoned hippie-dom for the glamorous city life. Doing cocaine, beind hedonistic, no longer focused on mind expansion and psychedelic drugs, just straight up hedonism through cocaine and heroin. But it's chill because we got color TV, efficient automobiles, Funk music, and videogames started to become a thing
The 80s was the fucking future. even more cocaine. bright neon colors everywhere. fucking synthesizers bro! It was morning in America, the hippies became neocons and Reagan smashed. MTV was fucking revolutionary. It's a video of music brah. Sleek cars, no longer considered unpatriotic to drive a jap car. PLASTIC became a thing in automobiles and machines. New artistic forms came into being like graffiti and hip-hop, as well as punk music and new wave (I know a lot of that started in the 70s, but it wasn't popular at all til the 80s).
Then the 90s happened, and it was kind of like a combo of the 20th century. A recap decade. Suddenly hippie-dom was cool again. Massive LSD distribution across the country in the latter days of the Grateful Dead's touring. People were tripping fucking balls and watching revolutionary cartoons like The Simpsons and Beavis and Butthead. There was a flowering of musical and artistic styles, especially cartoons. Nickelodeon changed the game in that it gave cartoon creators more power of direction. Grunge emerged in response to 80s hair metal, but also more subdued punk response
We're living in post-culture now. Everything has melted together. There will be no more distinct eras, just one global continuous online shitshow.
A glitch in the Matrix. The stochastic event generator that produced everything from the Elvis 1950s to 70s Zeppelin, to 80s new wave, MTV to 90s grunge developed a fault - thus, nothing but rap, same fashions, same everything.
I grew up in the 80s. . Started high school in 88. I look back fondly on the culture of my youth, and even the early 90s. I understand and indulge in 80s nostalgia. I agree with OP, but I'm not sure if it's because culture isn't evolving, or because I'm old, or both. What will teenagers today be nostalgic about in 20 years?
new millennium + 9/11 + internet = fear x uncertainty x mania = no clear divide = clusterfuck of a culture
Decades aren't defined until about 20 years after they end.
Which is why, suddenly, the 90s are a set period of time with specific cultural mores that everyone "knows" and references they all think of. Even though almost all of those are references to things that happened between either 1989 and 1993, or 1994 to 1996.
You'll learn about the culture of the aughts in another decade, or so. And you'll go "oh yeah it was like that," and edit your memories to coincide with that collective recollection.
punk music is so fucking awful. Give me hippie articulated guitar solos any day. Phish just played 13 nights at Madison Square Garden last summer.
watch this from new years'. Fucking fire, and watch it for more than 1 minute, this is real music that doesn't have a hook instantaneously. You gotta pay attention but you will be rewarded
of course...this is a 30 year old band playing a 20 year old song. So take that for what you will. Lots of young up and coming bands doing similar things (albeit not as well)
Nothing's new but everything's worse, because it's been remade to cater to normies.
>thanks a lot tiesto and armin
Because life is too easy now and nothing matters anymore. I'm potentially typing this message that could theoretically be broadcast to a billion people in a matter of seconds if it were to go viral. Add in if I were popular it doesn't even matter what I'm saying, it could be the most inane retarded shit about my day, because an algorithm would pick it up because someone said they liked whatever I had to say. Imagine telling Gutenberg 500 years ago that in the future he'd be able to publish a book that a billion people could buy instantly without him having to do any work whatsoever? Or an Irish monk transcribing the Bible by candlelight to guarantee it's preservation that dude lol why don't you just copy and paste and save? Or someone on the Oregon Trail or crossing the Atlantic dude just have a car pick you up at your house, take you to the airport, and fly there and you'll be there by sundown? All of humanity will eventually be forced to come to terms with the fact that technology is so far ahead of where our brains are in evolution that we fundamentally can't process what is happening right now. A global existential crisis. This is just the first wave of it. Shit's gonna get real, bruh. And yeah, I include myself.
- Sent from my SpyPhone
I've thought about this before, and here's my take for anyone who wishes to read.
The internet has taken novelty out of reality. Prior to the internet, the world had vast potential and wonder about what existed beyond the confines of an individuals society. Now the individual is interconnected to all the information in the history of the world, and the foreign doesn't seem as mysterious. Life is too predictable now: why venture out of my comfort zone if all it takes is a quick google search to find out the grass isn't greener on the other side? We've reach a singularity of mystery, the same mystery that guided us previously to new modes of being. The internet killed that, along with the death of religion (as cliche as that is). We're a generation of people who are stuck between the potential soullessness of the world and faith that previously guided our hopes and dreams.
>we have now entered the golden age of tech
Give me one example of what you mean by "the golden age of tech". The computers are basically unchanged for some 30 years, they're just more powerful. We had Internet since the 90s, it's just faster now. The only difference are smartphones - every idiot now can be online 24/7, but I wouldn't really call that "the golden age of tech". Quite contrary, I think we have even regressed in some ways.
>can’t see obvious cultural differences between 00s and 10s
Were you living in a fucking cave, user?
You nailed it
There 2000's and 2010's were markedly different but there were a few big events that happened in the late 2000's that changed how we interact and accelerated the speed which culture changes and how we share information, that change has totally transformed the way we view cultural trends and time periods now.
You can view the early 2000's through a similar lense as you view other periods of time, you see gradual trends beginning to grow and disseminate among the general populace. But around 2004-2005 we saw the emergence of the skeleton of the web we use today.
Youtube, myspace, p2p file sharing and google all were upon us so the speed at which people shared media and information instantly hit hyper speed.
Being able to side step the (((media gatekeepers))) meant that people no longer were simply regurgitating whatever MTV was telling them was relevant.
This ended up causing lots of trends to come and go at accelerated rates and fringe subcultures were suddenly able to find people who identify with them online, causing a further schism of mainstream culture and making the trends of the period more difficult to identify.
Basically from 2005+ we've just seen the technology for sharing continue to improve and expand, causing more trends to rise/fall at a continually accelerated rate to an infinite degree.
There is literally a subculture for anything now and you can find it all online anywhere. All trends are happening at once all the time. You can't identify the cultural trends of the day because of that.
It's going to be that way for a long time unless the internet simply vanishes which is not going to happen any time soon.
Music: the decade of alternative rock, "pop" rap, emo shit, new electronic music etc.
11/9 changed all the international politic
Arab: in the 90' they were recognized (for the average joe) as the people of the Arabian nights or aladin&sheet to terrorist fuck goats.
Euro in Europe
Internet in every home & smartphone at the end changed all.
The return of Russia
The 90s continued to be fire because everyone was making money, things were good. Pop music got even more over the top. The sky was the limit. Spice Girls was as multicultural as it got. Shit was cash
Then 9/11 happened and everything went to shit and has been shit ever since. There were remnants of the 90s in the early 2000s. Pop punk and emo music, as well as hip hop. By 2007 the 90s were done. Nothing has really changed since then. Computers have gotten faster, we have cryptocurrency now, but everything else is just a rehash.
As another poster said, culture is done. The elites aren't creating new decade-long programs for the people to follow anymore. Technology means you can be a teenager in 2018 and only listen to 90s music or 60s music if you really want to. Before this era you could only listen to what was on the radio or what you had a record, tape, or CD of. It was hard to find old obscure albums. Someone might tell you about a cool 70s band, but unless they were super popular you might never be able to hear them. Now we have access to everything from all eras at once. The only modern art form worth anything is just remixes and rehashes of old shit, like vaporwave
>What will teenagers today be nostalgic about in 20 years?
With the shift to DLC and downloads, video games are nothing like the stuff from Atari up to Dreamcast or so and will soon be totally intangible, so no cool old cartridges to dust off and reminisce over Super Mario an shit.
Because we're devolving.
00 ii even the decade of the overall peace in Africa after 50 years.
tl;dr information overload
It's because it has actually changed and there are no more definable decades anymore in terms of culture. There's nothing defining from the 2000s besides political shit.
Consider this. Grand Theft Auto Vice City came out in 2002. It took place in the 80s and had 80s music, miami vice vibe, etc. It felt like 80s nostalgia while you played the game.
Then in 2005 or 2006 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas came out. This took place in the early 90s and had a very distinct feel in terms of style and music. It felt like you were in socal in the early 90s. A nostalgic time.
I think they had liberty city stories, which was late 90s but still felt definable.
It's now 2018. Could you imagine if they came out with a Grand Theft Auto game that took place in 2002 or 2003? Would that be interesting at all? Would it be possible to create a universe that feels nostalgic and doesn't just feel like the modern times?
I'm not so sure. Even TV shows that try to do this, like Better Call Saul, still feel thoroughly modern. The only thing about Better Call Saul that lets you know it's early 2000s is that they have regular flip cell phones instead of smartphones. Otherwise everything else is the same. They still have computers, internet, etc
That was absolutely tame in comparison to the 1970s.
This was played prime time over and over and over well into the 1980s..
>but punk rock is gay as fuck. At least the hippies are somewhat authentic
This comment is so backwards is unreal.
Punk rock maybe cringy in areas but it's arguably based on authenticity. Hippies played effeminate music to persuade chicks that they were "carefree" as was the buzzword of the time. Listen to Zappa, Hippies were about as serious at catching VD as they were at saving the planet.
Want to be really depressed? Look at, and listen too, the Billboard top 100 chart from, say, the 60s up to the 2Ks. The diversity in hits used to be quite cool - in the 80's you could have everything from Men at Work to Madonna, to Loverboy and Van Halen on the charts. Going into late 90s, the trouble starts with nothing but rap, R&B, shitty teeny bopper crap dominating and blending together.
lol the 1940 map is counting Hispanics as white. GTFO of here
Falling for this
The music was different, the movies and culture was different, and he’ll the clothing was different. Wtf are you on about?
>2002 single was Nicklelback “how you remind me” poping collars on polo shirts and Abercrombie tees
>2012 was “somebody i used to know” and “call me maybe” with side part haircuts and much fewer polos
how is this not cause for concern in America today.
What he said. I agree the difference isn't quite as sharp as the 90's and 00's but it's there. Remember we had myspace for social media in the 2000's and facebook was limited to college campuses for the most part. Smartphones weren't nearly as ubiquitous. Also Sup Forums was better, but still shitty.
It's funny you mention that. My big complaint with GTA V was that it was basically the same game as Liberty City, only the phone interface was updated
Those 35 year olds were -2 years old when Punk Rock was in full swing. So they were just rehashing something that had already been done.
Hispanics were a negligible part of the population and were estimated to be 1.5% max.
Should Sup Forums make popped collars trendy again?
Because the top map counts Hispanics as white. Making New Mexico and South Texas which have been majority and 90% Hispanic respectively forever. Funny actually.
Yeah. Basically. Good tl;dr.
>were estimated to be 1.5% max.
that low?
Not in South Texas, Not in the Central Valley, not in Arizona, and not in New Mexico. You probably know this too
it's because you didn't watch a vh1 "i love the 00s" episode to form your perception of those decades yet, you consumerist faggot fuck.
No thats bullshit, because the former Mexican territories were sparsely populated and heavily colonized by non-hispanic white settlers.
As a leftist, please fucking start doing this Sup Forums.
That damn internet changed everything........
In 1940.
also teh internet is a time-sucking isolating activity, which would obviously kill culture to the point of dullness
Nope. South Texas was 90% Hispanic in 1940. Arizona. 21% Hispanic and 66% White. New Mexico 49% White 46% Hispanic. The Central Valley was 65% White. 35% Hispanic.
Both GTA III and GTA IV are set in the 2000's and they were both insanely popular so I don't know what you're talking about...
Hell you remember all the god damn controversy over III? It's also the game that put the series on the map and would define its gameplay.
>collar unpopped
2000s invented the iPod/MP3 player and Brittney Spears you gigantic faggot
and it's not an izod..
All previous decades had a distinct feel
2000+ everything feels like the same just the technology is getting better
You don’t have to like punk music, it’s always been so fascinating to me that he dead Kennedy’s predicted the rise of antifa fascism. Get a load of this shit:
>Zen fascists will control you
>Hundred percent natural
>You will jog for the master race
>And always wear the happy face
>Close your eyes, can't happen here
>Big Bro' on white horse is near
>The hippies won't come back, you say
>Mellow out or you will pay
>Mellow out or you will pay
>California Über Alles
>California Über Alles
>Über Alles California
>Über Alles California
>Now it is nineteen eighty-four
>Knock-knock at your front door
>It's the suede denim secret police
>They have come for your uncool niece
>Come quietly to the camp
>You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp
>Don't you worry, it's only a shower
>For your clothes, here's a pretty flower
>Die on organic poison gas
>golden era
if you mean the last few moments before everything becomes a corporate/gov't surveillance cyberpunk abomination where facebook is your birth certificate then yes
The early 2000s were a much different time.
Spiked up hair, flip phones, flame shirts, pop punk, reality tv shows everywhere. Not to mention smartphones and social media hadn't take over society yet
It’s easy. 00’s being Transgender was wrong. 10’s it is applauded. Fuck this world!
As if the god damn tiki torches weren't tacky enough. Its even more disappointing since that was in the same city as UVA which is well known for its popped collar fashion.
You don't actually care about this stuff. muh culture lmao
When you come across the remnants of past culture that you've never lived through, those things get neatly sorted in your head into heaps of 70s 80s 90s stuff.
You don't notice cultural development over the time and differences that become visible in comparison. Perhaps it's because you never bothered to take a moment and see what's happening.
The way you pose your first question feels like you don't even want to begin to understand the differences between the years.
>What are the cultural differences between 00s and 10s?
Only by Urban & Brown retards apparently. Both whitey and niggey still dislike the gays. Especially Protestant whitey and Protestant negroes
Internet culture. I was just having this conversation. The internet has created this weird perpetual, neverending stagnant culture. Every year it's the same people releasing records, getting nominated for awards, becoming the tastemakers etc. New artists come along and sound like the old ones and they're almost never organic, they're manufactured by a label/management company.
That's not say there isn't good music out there but pop culture is total garbage and there is no real alternative pop culture, not like in the 90s anyway.
Complexity makes everything look the same.
Texas was 11.5% hispanic and that's including white hispanics.
Have we reached the singularity yet?
We're singularly dumb relative to our environment, if that counts.
El Paso County Texas was 57% Hispanic in 1940. Your map has literally been proven wrong. Also I said South Texas you miserable faggot
>war, police state, rise of google and Google and Facebook are household names, TV dies in 2004 , music is mostly emo/screamo music + RnB and little bit of hiphop, gay still used as an insult by youths, beginnings of SJW culture, globalism in full control now, fashion is either normie-style or emo/goth or nigger/beaner saggy clothes
>rise of buzzfeed SJWism, Instagram/youtube /twitch culture DOMINATES, everyones grandma has instagram now, decade of smart phone addiction, music is now all TRAP RAP and EDM pop music, go to jail for calling someone gay, advanced marketing AI takes over, most of the west is now 3rd world multicultural shithole, crypto currency culture on the rise, fashion is somewhat better but more corporate
Pretty much what I got. No real flavors or styles though
That's a good way of putting it
Your pic doesn't even show 1940.
2000: internet
2010: smartphones
You're a moron. Katy Perry has been a pop star for like 10 goddamn years now. The music industry is completely different now. They can get a ton of money out of one person so they don't bother sending out A&R reps to find new, raw, talent.
Well there were record stores everywhere.
You could wear clothes from 1999 and go out in public and not look out of place today.
Obama and Bush were indefensible pieces of shit neocon assholes.
Breakfast Club
Grunge followed by JNCO jeans
Rap with less baggy pants and oversized white t-shirts
Skinny jeans and 60s revival
It's like you're not paying attention OP.