Look what you did now!
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe she should look into it more.
>They are not laughing anymore.
It was never a joke.
She should get a plane ticket to Israel if shes afraid.
6 gorillion survivors, pay muh holocost $$$ GOYIM or we'll send some more jets into a NYC skyscraper
>People said mean things on the internet
>The 4th reich is now
These are sane and rational people
I'm a jew and a woman. Tough break buttercup.
What's funny is that this is mostly their fault.
The jews have way less responsability than women in reducing our society to this pitiful state. Jews are merely overrepresented among groups of degenerates.
Women made degeneracy the norm.
She should tell jews to stop acting so damn jewish to their host communities and maybe they wouldn't be so easy to troll online.
Time's up, shekelsnouts.
you really belonged gas if you believe in pic related
Sorry for your feelings
Yeah. Sup Forums is only joking
Im an Italian male, my grandparents came here dealing with racism and hatred so maybe Im being paranoid.
I see all these articles claiming how white men are flawed and should be ashamed and how we should give back to the blacks and oppressed peoples. They have abject hatred to white males yet they neglect the fact that the largest lynching of all time happened in New Orleans against MY PEOPLE. If I bring this up I am called biggot and homophobic.
I suppose some of it can be a joke but idk I don't think its a joke anymore. I think everyone has a free pass to shit on Italians and no one does a damn thing about it
My grandfather died in the holocaust, so I feel how she feels. Fuck the alt right, and viva la revolution!
How is that even remotely related to Destiny? It's like if I made a Sup Forums thread on /vg/
>I am a jew
>I am a woman
>I am concerned about people who are concerned that the establishment is importing millions of muslims into my country
>Muslims who famously hate jews and women and gays
>I am concerned about the people who have my best interests at heart
I only hope that when we manage to remove the mudslimes, we can remove the jew as well.
I've got something she should look into.
Yeah, that stuff was a lot nicer and the Jews were pretty happy.
Yeah and then we can remove the UK off the map aswell
It's a safe space full of sjw shit. I checked it for the first time because his twitter got banned and it's soy boy central
Tell her we are coming for her, specifically.
>Women made degeneracy the norm.
This. Women are the Jewish gender. All of them are biscum...
The fire rises, brothers. Our brothers and sisters are waking up