How is it Polish or American business that we get our gas from Russia via a North sea pipeline rather than through Poland (paying fees to Poland)?
Are we complaining about pipelines from Canada to America???
How is it Polish or American business that we get our gas from Russia via a North sea pipeline rather than through Poland (paying fees to Poland)?
Are we complaining about pipelines from Canada to America???
america liberated you from the nazis, know your place vermin
>foreign bureaucracies shouldn't have influence over my national sovereignty and policies
Wew lad you are so close keep trying
>Germany now wants to do business with Putin
The pipeline is already being built. Trump should get better information, our much needed gas is coming in directly from our good buddies in Russia.
burgers hate russian pipelines enough to have armed ISIS in Syria to help fuck up a Russia-Syria pipeline deal. theyre fucking crazy
Keep crying Merkelboy. The only thing Germany deserves is a nuclear holocaust.
We are Russia’s number 1 trading partner. We do business with our Ruskie friends every day.
You do realize that is why Syria happened.
because it's sphere of influence shit, it opposes american foreign policy to make europe less dependent on russia who will use this for political gains
Germans are two-faced. One minute they tell you to fear Russian influence next minute they embrace it.
any chance they want you to purchase gas through burisma instead?
cause that would explain everything if true
>South stream literally ends in Vienna
You stupid?
You just your own question, btw your wife was good last night.
>our much needed gas
so if you ever piss Russia off enough, they can leverage you with shutting off the gas?
When have we ever a bad word about Russia or Putin?
But kraut, what about your green energy plans??
>Russia did Brexit, they are our enemy.
>Russia is our friend because gas.
Couldn't agree more.
They’ll get it one day... but only after suffering I hope.
Russia has always provided us with gas.
What are you gonna do about it? You are an occupied country, you don't have a problem with sandniggers invading you but this bothers you?
Gas is an essential incredient for the German society.
We didn't Brexit.
so you're saying Russia had a hand in the holocaust?
This, OP, is why politics is a fuckin' mess.
Well, they will lose those fees. Of course, they are going to sperg out. And USA uses Poland to poke both Germany and Russia in the region. USA doesn't want growing ties between Russia and Germany.
I know, just quoting the shills. Only the idiots believe this.
if germany and russia were to ever get on good terms it would DOOM europe. look at history
Fucking kys. America financed bolsheviks and USSR's industrialization, which you are so butthurt about.
>What are you gonna do about it?
Continue building the pipeline and giving a flying fuck about what Poland wants (as always) and even more of no fuck about what Trump wants.
Based Austrian
Why do amerimutts always sound like low-IQ niggers? Because they are.
>jew lead soviets shoah their brethren for a quick shekel
it's so obvious now
>implying burgers did germans a favor.
>Your wife was good in bed
Indian subhuman detected
You're our little cousin and we love you, but we can't have oil from Russia competing with oil from our Saudi allies.
If you wanna be the next Ukraine, under the thumb of Gazprom and Lukoil and getting held hostage for trade and resources, go right ahead.
In fact, please do. When you get cucked by Moscow (The way you cucked Greece with unnecessary arms that you made them buy) , Maybe other EU member states will be able to act in their own interests.
tl;Dr go fuck yourself.
It's just business, nothing personal. In the case of the gas people who involved don't like those USA-Russia tensions.
Pipeline is a good thing because current one goes from Ukraine and Poland. I'd love to cut this shitstreeters off the gas transfer.
Nah, you and your nigger-loving world order is what doomed Europe, mutt.
The more oil Russia sells using a currency other than the U.S. dollar the more destabilized the U.S. dollar becomes. That's really the only reason why the U.S. would care about Russia building a pipeline to Germany.
>said an anglo scum
Europe is already doomed lad.
fuck off chink
They are already buying our gas, new pipeline simply won't go through Ukraine and pooland.
Russia has always kept its word. Always. And they always took our money, always.
Now go fuck yourself you stinking monkey. Your empire will fall like all other corrupted ones before.
Quite honestly I wouldn't trust the Germans. They will try to tax the fuck out of it with environmental shit through their EU hound and hold a monopoly over it, they will try to shaft Russia.
do something about you cuck faggots.
This is what they actually do spread.
>trusting germans with gas from any source
are they wanting you to buy gas through burisma instead?
because that would explain everything if true. heres looking at you victoria nuland john kerry joe biden.
because fuck Germany
that's why
South Stream was scrapped, Hans. Replaced with Turkish Stream.
>It's Democrat Party bullshit. Literally no one wants them except the Clinton Cartel.
eternal Bergmensch zündeling again
Ignore that greentext error, It's Democrat Party bullshit. Literally no one wants sanctions except the Clinton Cartel.
which country is vienna the capital of?
>Russia building a pipeline to Germany.
Dude, it is a Germam company which built North Stream 1 (which is already in use) and are building North Stream 2 right now. That German company is 51 percent owned by Gazprom and 49 percent by German, Dutch and French companies.
You think Russia is in a position to shoot itself in the foot?
This is a good thing maybe Syrian will catch a break now. Plus I dont want to see Russia fucking collapse.
It will be back soon.
Some Southern German state, I guess.
btw, buy our gas goy
The only political thing with gas Russia did was the discount for Ukraine for keeping our navy in Crimea. In the majority of cases it's pure business, just money.
Looks like USA is really our greatest ally.
At least for this year let's be realistic here.
ching chong bitch
Pay reparations for holocaust, poolander.
USA has no allies. only vassals and minions doing their bidding.
Yeah. That didn't take long. (((Based Poland))) getting all the army from the (((((USA))))) getting reminded of POLISH death camps and now this.
Total cohencidence, goy. Move along.
Why are you Jewing Poland?
What the gas bill? Send it to those who were using it on our expense so irresponsibly.
Why does Russia send any gas to Ukraine since they obviously are ungrateful.
Originally jews were screaming about holocaust in the Russian empire. So kind of.
Your overlord, utilizing you and agitating you against Germany, to keep Europe divided and to keep Russia and Germany divided.
Of course it has allies. The saying goes that countries have no friends just business. Alliance is a business like a marriage of convenience.
The only thing that can stop Jews from screaming about Holocaust is an ultimate Holocaust.
thought our chancellor closed these routes?
>agitating you against Germany
Remind me please which country keeps getting involved in polish politics, to the point of threatening with sanctions and military interventions?
Let us re-read your OP.
How is it POLISH or American business that we get our gas from Russia via a North sea pipeline rather than through POLAND (paying fees to Poland)?
If POLISH people in POLAND don't want your pipeline running through their country it is THEIR business.
We're trying to protect our energetic security. Germany is not exactly helping here so of course we're doing what is in our interest and we're not the only ones.
"your" gevernment is just making sire that everyone in central europe will be taking expensive gas from Russian oligarchs rather than Norwegian one that is cheaper while being shipted LOL But not this time "Hans"
If Germany had any balls it would defund the EU, collapse it and use a Gold backed Deutschmark and just be normal trading allies with Russia.
It's because there's no another pipeline yet in order to sell gas directly to more developed European countries. It goes through Ukraine.
As far as I know the relations with the gas and Ukraine are still complicated even now.
Most of fhe Polish death camps were... actually... in Poland. Shocked, even Israel says you were complicit in the Holocaust. Own up and pay reparations to Israel.
We could be taking gas from Russia but if we had many options (Norway, Qatar, USA, Croatia) then the prices of all would've been more competetive.
Wrong answer, it's Germany.
General Government is hardly Poland, though not directly part of the Reich it was lead by a member of the German cabinet so there you go.
On the contrary. Germany and Russia going against each other destroyed Europe.
Foolishly going against each other in WW1 it let filthy anglo/american backed bolsheviks take over weakened Russia and there was same attempt in Germany, don't you ever forget about it.
And then WW2 - USSR vs Reich. It was one of the most devastating conflicts in history. And it let JewSA reign supreme, current situation is the result of those events.
Russia and Germany becoming allies would actually doom you. You know it and that's why you're sperging out.
You mean the death camps administered by Germans which housed Poles as well as Jews, no one is buying mythology.
This. But not like German Germans, those as simple people want to live they live normaly. They are just good goys that love they order. But it's funny seeing in TV how "german" politics are scaring EU with Russia, while doing buisnes with them
weak grammary, be aware
You're not that bright, are you.
shut up historical revisionist, you owe us 6 shekellions of WW2 reparations
Because you lost your sovereignty after WW2.
You are an occupied nation and your sole purpose is to pay gibs to Israel and serve as a buffer zone between Europe and Russia.