why don't more whites convert to judaism? If all whites convert to judaism then the white genocide won't need to happen since once all whites are jews they can claim a protected class "jews" I used to think blame the jews but now I am thinking why not just join them..other then the part where you have to chop off 10 percent of your dick it seems alright with me.. Plus jews don't tend to race mix even though they promote others to do it...plus jewish women are even better then white women these days....I envy the jews in some ways I know I will probably never be a real jew but I think we need to all look at jews differently then we do right now it won't lead to anywhere
Converting to Judaism?
Good idea
I'm actually okay with this. Imagine Jews having to start putting triple parentheses around the names of crypto-whites. Imagine being able to say proudly that your homeland was sending 40,000 blacks back to Africa.
Do I have to stretch my nose to be accepted or what though?
jews are a nation, not just a faith
its not that easy to convert to kikery, not at all
I have always naturally been pro white...not against blacks or anything especially if they are in the usa in low numbers ideally it would be maybe 2 percent at most not the 13-15 like it is and at most 0.1 percent in europe. If the white nationalist morons realised that converting to judaism in a low key sense would actually be the most beneficial thing I still think they wouldn't do it...Meanwhile I think eventually it will come to that where whites will have to subvert judaism and become crypto jews in order to be able to have in group preferences.
Exactly. Civic nationalists want to preserve social constructs. I want to preserve blood.
Jews have been around for 4000 years. Western Civ has been around for 1000 and already dying. If we want to save ourselves, we need to become the masters, not slavegoys (Christians/Muslims).
Understood that it's a nation but also it wouldn't be too hard for large numbers of whites to start to convert to judaism and start changing it from the inside out to become more pro-white and collectivise on white people's behalves while using the cloak of judaism. There are many sects of Islam why not create a sect of judaism that is for whites? No you don't have to stretch your nose at all and it's not about being accepted it's about creating a large enough sub group to where you cannot be denied and they cannot cry racist since you are a protected class - a jew.
From what I know, it takes around 2 years to convert. They have solid tests for their shit, which is why they are on top. If you have white skin and grow a beard you will pass for an Ashkenazi easily. They will put you into a community of Jews in order for you to become fully Judaised.
Remember: the Tanakh is basically a story of how Jews are superior to everybody. The Talmud is a real-time strategy for their survival as they were living in Europe as minorities.
Christianity and Islam are both puppet religions of the one true or not true it doesn't matter but it is the master religion the original. Therefore whites need to start thinking more logically and less with what brought them here the game is changing and become more difficult. Christianity is practically dead and Islam is a death cult that there is no way it would work for whites anyways. Atheism is just giving up. Meanwhile Judaism or a form of it that could be stretched would work for sure. Most jews are already white in appearance and they are themselves very racist and self preservationist. The only way I can see the long term survival is to create a sect of Judaism that is as similar as possible to Judaism yet different enough to where it is as beneficial as possible for whites.
They wouldn't let you.
My cousin converted several years ago after she spent years learning the faith (Ph.D in jewish studies, not the same as a law degree)
The whole time rabbis tried to discourage her and put tons of hurdles in her way. They wouldn't allow all us filthy goyim into their club.
I've just been thinking about this today. Unfortunately, we are in a state where we can only decide on what to do individually. Even if Europeans rise up now, they will be Christian, Muslim, Pagan or Atheist. In the first case, they are slaves to the Chosenites, in the second case they are slaves to both Arabs and Jews, in the third case they are LARPers with no common identity, in the last case they are nihilistic failures. Judaism isn't the only powerful ideology in the world (Chinese confucianism is good for them and Islam is dandy for the Arabs), but it is the best option for us.
That's all fair and square, I think. Hurdles aren't something that can stump us. As a matter of fact, if we persevere and raise our kids as "Jews", and they are still discriminated against by Jews at large, that is even better, because we will be creating a facet of Judaism which will be at odds with the rest of it—a fundamental prerequisite for the destruction of an ideology. Otherwise, we will form a subgroup of European Jews who will obtain all the social benefits of Judaism, while also preserving their European characteristics (for which we are fighting in the first place).
If you created a community or separate communities large enough you could have the making of a sect of judaism that would be inclusive of whites in particular those of white european herritage, therefore if you get the ball rolling enough you will have exponential growth and new members could easily be added into the new sect you wouldn't have to have standard rabbis from what would be the main or original sect of judaism but this new sect could go off into whatever direction we wanted it to we could even stop circumcision if that was what we decided. or at least not require it. There are already many sects of all religions including jews there is no reason one that is pro-white/european could not arise. It is all about perspective and vision. Hate won't win and is pointless the nazi dream is long gone and there is no reason to bring back a dead horse.
>Doesn't want to be a goy, so wants to be assimilated into the enemy thinking they can keep their identity.
Is this a meme/bait thead?
Jews also couldn't hold on their only official homeland multiple times, few in numbers to everyone else, largely divided on belief with so many in the west being atheist, and even to this day are a minority parasite that work within foreign lands. (last one likely actually future for whites at this rate with ideas like this...) Let alone this would be near impossible to herd enough whites to do this as a continuous inside operation given how many liberal whites have so easily been brainwash into believing the shit they're fed. All this in the end will achieve is even more whites trying to protect jews.
The entire premise of this thread is the most blatant schlomo's wet dream I've ever seen.
you are right it could end up in failure but that's why you would need to create a strong enough foundation to create a subset of judaism that is basically at odds with what judaism is currently. This can be done just like who sunnis and shia are at odds.
big if true
If you tried to do that you would be killed. jews operate like a mafia. once they figure out you are subverting them you will be killed siliently in the night.
Your best point is the last one:
>All this in the end will achieve is even more whites trying to protect jews.
And yet you could say the exact same thing about Christianity. Christian are literal cucks, because they worship their God who is a Jew, and who thinks that Jews are superior to Goyim (as the Bible insist multiple times). The whole point of conversion is to keep the benefits of Abrahamic religion while disregarding the inherent destructiveness of Christianity.
>having one's civilisation, family, and progeny at the brink of annihilation
>being afraid of death
Jeez louise
But the conflict between the sunnis and shia haven't done shit in stopping Islam being a problem in the west.
There's already a division between traditional Jews being against homosexuality and modern atheist ones which is also doing fuck all to stop the leftist dogma.
Literally going as an undercover fake democrat politician IN ANY WESTERN COUNTRY in the same way John McCain did with the republicans will yield better results.
With this kind of logic, Might as well become Muslim too, right? They're beating us as well after all and are great in numbers with an increasing number of white Muslims as well after all.
FFS even a schlomo agrees with you, which should be a good sign that you fucked up.
>Calls cuckery to the one guy warning you fuckwits not to convert to Judaism.
Even with Christianity, white Europe held multiple countries for over a thousand years. Which is more than Jewish did with their one nation which they couldn't even hold on to. Going to Judaism that only seeks to protect their one Jew nation alone is for hyper cucks on steroid by comparison.
Even then, go Deist. I don't give a shit. ANYTHING but the isolationist religion that is straight up looking for western annihilation.
not afraid just saying it's a non starter as the few who did it would be killed/silenced before any groundswell of people were able to copy.
While your idea is not completely retarded the point of an exclusive group is that it remains somewhat exclusive
Wrong OP
The proper approach would be to create another schism within the Jewish Faith and create our own style of Judaism.
Hey Schlomo get the circumscissor, you got a whole tow of converts