One Piece

>Just leave Big Mom to me, guys!

Other urls found in this thread:

No, but at least he has a funny face

Will Bege too have a flashback?

I bet this crazy guy just digs this tune:

Who in OP's universe is still a pure 100% virgin?


>had his mushroom pulled
>kissed a girl

Masochist role was fulfilled by Luffy
I've got nothing for this one. She embraced him?
Got a hand job
Saw her naked and grinded on her ass
Played with her tits
Put her in submission mode
Had a Japanese porn kiss with her

Chopper's shown no interest in sex with anything other than a reindeer, and due to Jack I don't think he got to bang Milky yet.

>will character have a flashback?
This is One Piece, what do you think?

zoro and sanji aren't virgins, it's not unrealistic to believe that zoro would fuck a bitch or get hooked up by jonny/yosaku when they were travelling together, sanji was also a very good womanizer before he left the baratie

coby might also not be a virgin because I'm sure that the marines have parties or outings, I can see helmeppo pressuring coby into getting some succ

zoro fucked the SHIT outta perona

and sanji got his boipucci DESTROYED

>implying autistic betacuck coby would ever get some

Zoro is dedicated to his dead waifu
Sanji is a virgin because it's funny

He coulda got raped by Alvida

Coby ain't a beta no mo post TS

He's still beta enough to apologize for screaming his dream autistically


Wano... WANO... W A N O...


Zoro is the number 1 swordsman confirmed

Just a reminder that my Bae Bunny will be taking out Katakuri this arc, not Sanji.

You bunny will be taking out my dick.

The raccoon will join the strawcats

>kissing unvirginizes
you wish, you protowizard

Why does he sit like that?

She couldn't even take out Jack. Minks are jobbers.


Maybe his butt hurts


What's the greatest feat we've seen in One Piece?
I think it's Mihawk slicing that iceberg with the aftereffects of one of his attacks, or Ice Age from Aokiji, or Whitebeard doing his thing

Whitebeard using his Quake powers
Poochie D. Law cutting the factory in half

The question was PURE virgins. Kissing makes you unpure.

Too many big guys doing big things at this point.
But I'd add to the list:
>Zoro slicing Pica
>SHs breaking into and out of WG facilities
>BM wrecking havoc on Elbaf (for a 5yo, that shit is impressive)
>Luffy's KKGun to Doffy

And I guess dependign on what you may consider impresive feats, there'd be more

Not if it's a P U R E childish kiss, user

Is tongue kissing someone and leaving traces of drool and sucking another person's lips "childish" kissing?

Ah, Waterloo slicing that was probably one of the biggest to be fair

>discount Chopper doing anything
Wishful thinking.

spoilers when?

20 hours from now

You don't have enough firepower to hurt big mom.

these threads are fun :-)

So slooow

The alliance is going to get fucked up bad. I'm calling it now. They're up against someone as ridiculously powerful as Big Mom plus they're right in the heart of her territory surrounded by her crew who are all strong as fuck. And the SHs are missing half their crew. Bege better asspull another escape route.

On that note, I wonder if anyone has ever managed to best Big Mom in battle before. Surely she must have fought some big names in her early days. Like WB or Roger or maybe even Kaidou and shit. We know she at least met Roger. Or was she just too powerful and they had to retreat? I find it hard to believe the Marines wouldn't send someone like Garp or Sengoku after her when they issued that 500 million bounty. Maybe even they weren't strong enough to bring her down.

>tmw I hated Brook before but he became absolutely based in this arc

- Infiltrated WCI successfully
- Infiltrated Treasure Room and locked out a Sweet Commander
- COmpletely owned the chess soldiers
-Stole the Poneglyph copies
- Fought with Big Mom and wounded her strongest Homies
-Yohoho'd is face back to normal with milk
-Destroyed Mother Caramel photo undisturbed
-Even with his head only, instructed Luffy on what was best to do

and the list can even grow longer

It is going to change soon.

>Fought with Big Mom and wounded her strongest Homies

In my opinion that was his most impressive feat to date. And probably the most impressive feat of any Straw Hat except Luffy. He fought a fucking Yonkou, alone, with no back up whatsoever. And did something no one did before, injure her strongest Homies. And he only suffered a few cracked bones, which he healed by drinking milk. Then he shows no fear in facing said Yonkou again. He's fucking based.

And all of that just so that readers would accept him as a contributing crew member. Oh what a super natural flow of events.

Oh Oda, what a genius strike.
Next up: All the asspulls from the early episodes where Oda fucked up explained retrospectively through some excuses he came up with over time to make sense of all the mess he puddled in since the very beginning of OP.

To be honest I don't really know how people can hate on Brook.
He never had the chance to show off before the timeskip, and even then he proved to be extremely loyal. After the timeskip he has been a bit sidelined, with him skipping most of Dressrosa and other members of the crew getting more of the spotlight, but even then I enjoyed his fights against Zeo and Jora.
Against that background, the actions he took in this arc make him shine brighter than ever.
I'm so glad based Skelly is getting such praise now.

Oda, where's my friend Zoro?

I already know what will happen this chapter guy, Katakuri and co will attack Big father, but when they get too close they shrink and end up entering his body. In there Luffy and co take them out one by one in some really gay fast fight.

She's in

Uh, didn't it take Akainu, Sengoku and Tsuru to beat Jack, and even then he was just dropped into the ocean? I'd be suspicious if she could take Jack out, if that's what it already took to drop him.


Please slow down, Kizaru-kun. You're reading at the speed of light.

You mean Fujitora, even then, yeah, impressive on Jack's part, but we don't really know the precise status of the three of them.

BM can only be brought down by a food related feat, so that means Luffy can't take her down by himself he NEEDS Sanji's cooking assistance to get her into some type of food COMA (maybe poisoned creamed cookies)


What has usopp even been doing lately?

hey, sweetie xoxo

He is in the navi, user

Marines you stupid fuck. It even says so on their ships.

>Poisoning food
Not happening, if it does come down to food it will be Sanji maybe with Pudding's help depending on how that goes making some Semla for BM.

>yaoi hands
>on nami
Cute otherwise

>best gal with worst boi
why user, why

Wait a minute, I know this male masturbation aid from somewhere....

They have ceasar and his poison candy as a trump card + they have reiju and her poison arse as a trump card.
Maybe you're right about Sanji cucking out on the food poisoning but he surely has to cook before this arc is over.

What the fuck is that

A male vibrator.

The two arms are flexible, so they conform to your shape, and the little knobby sticks apply punctual pressure, while the whole thing vibrates.

In the back there is a rubber membrane to shove a charging cable into.

About 25 bucks.

best gal + bad boy, that's why it's called the most realistic ship. Besides, they have the same childhood, same love for knowledge (medical field + archaeological field), same dark dry humor (Law a bit more sadistic, Robin a bit more playful; typical male and female dynamic of the same coin) the real world they be fucking

You sound upset

Well, not that I really hated him, I found a bit too over the top, putting aside his backstory. Now it feels like a more well-rounded character, since he actually managed to do something on his own without giving that 'supporting character' vibe

Nice try fag, but Robin wants the Gyojin Cock

I had a dream last night that next chapter will just cut to the crew sailing away on Sunny saying "Wew I can't believe we beat Big Mom and no one died what a crazy adventure."

What does it mean?

test mt husbando gif

that's Nami you're thinking of

>25 bucks
overpriced as fuck, they also have no resale value. You can buy half a phone with that.

That you have autism for dreaming about fictional characters

Elizabello launching hundreds of tons of rock through the air simply from the force of him swinging his fist from miles away.

Robin wont settle for anything other than the SUPERR Mecha Cock

No, Nami is a rug muncher

>read 867
>doesn't realize what happened
>reads first two pages of 868
>finally gets it

I never asked for this.

Too bad Oda had to asspull that haki/scream explosion, otherwise Big Mom would've finally been put out of her misery.

Bounties and powerlevels mean nothing because because they have to create the illusion of luffy getting stronger and stronger, every enemy he faces has to has a higher bounty than his own, which itself is always increasing.
basically, fuck powercreep.

Why the fuck would you want an Emperor to job this badly?

When do you think we'll see our bearman again?

Because I don't follow this "jobbing" meme

Vegapunk Arc

>speedread 867
>be surprised I don't catch on

>Hody Jobs didn't even have a bounty
>Caesar had a bounty of 300 million compared to Luffy's 400 mil
>Doflamingo's frozen bounty was 340 million, again, compared to Luffy's 400 mil

I've accepted Brook since the begining. He's been helpful in every arc since he joined. Only Kids and powerlevel fags were looking at huge feats to count the guy as a SH.

I wonder how many children he fathered

What the

Only those two.
Big Mom has had 43 husbands and given birth every year for 42 years, so each husband probably got one set of kids. Compote, Daifuku and Oven may be from the 2nd husband based on their similar nose shape.

We don't deserve him.

>He's been helpful in every arc since he joined
No, Brook had been completely useless in every sense before this arc.

Jinbei is obviously not 'handsome' and also not a 'man', so Robin was just displaying some friendly banter in that panel (also calling him boss as his honorific fish title)

>Mental gymnastics
Keep your autism then

>not a man

right back at ya nami-swan

Robin succed Jinbe, being the whore she is

Are Robin and Law in a relationship?

Wew lad

he defeated jora which saved nami, chopper and momo in dressrosa.

In Punk Hazard he saved luffy, zoro, usopp and robin when they were stuck on the lake.

He also beat the small dragon along with kinemon, and later carried him away when he was hit by the poison.

In fishman island he got pappug to bring zoro his swords so they could get out of the cage (admittedly, if brook had played dead before, that wouldn't have been an issue)
