Why are Americans so jealous of my country?
Why are Americans so jealous of my country?
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I'll tell you if you let me in.
We are...?
Eat a dolphin you faggot!
Tell us about yourself Denmark. What do we have to be jealous of?
Your people are the worst race on Skyrim
>This pic
Top kek
Free shit and happiness polls apparently
>5.7 million people
Literally nobody gives a fuck about your country or can name a single thing it has ever contributed to world history or civilization. If you asked your average American on their opinion about Denmark, most would probably ask if that's where Ikea was from, and when you told them no, they'd say "oh then I don't know, nevermind."
You guys and the Austrians should be annexed to Germany desu
Niels Bohr?
Bacon. lots of bacon.
1. Denmark might as well be a city state
2. No one is jealous of having both Swedes and Germans as neighbors
3. Sage, as always
The only one of those things that Americans might recognize as Danish is Niels Bohr, and even then you'd have to find an American that actually payed attention in high school physics/chemistry.
I'm not saying Denmark hasn't contributed anything to the world, I'm saying Americans have no clue what they have and are in no way jealous of Denmark.
lmao so you guys don't even pay attention to your own (((media))) that tells you how good this country is?
No, we don't. Nobody but boomers watch that garbage, and just because you list the name of some country on the screen doesn't mean anybody knows where the fuck it is or what it is like. Seriously, go ahead and ask 10 Americans about Switzerland. Maybe one will be able to tell you about it, the others will either have no idea where it even is or will confuse it with Sweden.
Implying anybody cares what fat stupid amerifaggots think.
>my entire country is filled to the brim with illiterate dumbfucks that can't even into basic geography
are you proud of that?
fucking americans
I'm jealous of only one European nation, and that is Switzerland.
I am 6 percent danish
Whats a Denmark
Because your country looks like it's giving everybody the middle-finger.
>literally jewish bolshevik paradise
i hope you all get nuked for your crimes against europe
I take shits that are bigger and cleaner than Denmark. Eat a dick, you faggot.
Denmark is a bro country. I dont know why, but the swedes hate them, and that makes me happy.
I don’t know a single person in my country that gives a flying fuck in a rolling doughnut about yours. Most don’t know where it is.
Because its comfy
Says the country that gave us heineken, litereal piss
We're all stupid and evil. Go about your business now
Nice on, retard.
Can you tell me why swedes dont like you?
what the fuck Denmark never had borders with Germany it was always an island near Sweden. Is the mandela effect real? I can't even find any info about the 12/05/2015 bombings which is concerning
You remember wrong
I can name one thing off the top of my head:
>Nice on
There's nothing on or off about nice, fucking retard.
Of what, faggot?
Pathetic this level of butthurt. Extremely predictable too. Too bad Heineken is one of the biggest beer brands in the world.
Shut up, curry nigger.
Because we have been fighting eachother since forever, its sort of a brotherly hate though.
>an american says Denmark is a socialist country
Dont believe this Swedish propaganda
no, I remember it clearly because it was my thesis. Denmark never had fucking borders with Germany and you couldn't go straight to Europe from Scandinavia.
>of Germany’s hat
You’re the Canada of Europe
Soren Kirkegaard
Tycho Brahe
Oldest monarchy still in power
Oldest national flag
Niels Bohr
>why are Americans so jealous of my country?
Danske djævel
>or can name a single thing it has ever contributed to world history or civilization
England, which in turn created the United States.
You're welcome.
After Sweden collapses where do you think all the shitskins are going to go for free gibs?
I'll speak for myself: the beautiful people and shared sense of identity
I'm not jealous Denmark. However, I must ask, why is your country so small? There must be some historical reason for this.
because they were our bitch for most of history, and as soon as we decide to let them off the leash they turn a slightly left-leaning country into the abomination we see today.
put down the pipe, take a walk and think long and hard about your life
We're not.
Only Jutland is pretty good.
Until you install Nat Danelaw as your dictator with absolute authority you are all pretty much faggots.
I'm not.
Yeah, it would be nice to live in a real white country, and have healthier food, less regulations and licensing, and public transportation, but I would have to give up
>an additional ~30% of my income in taxes
>my ridiculously cheap land
>my guns
>my sunlight
kike puppet
We aren't
Love Denmark, but you're fucked. Sandwiched in between the two most cucked countries in Europe.
It wasn't always like this.
We're jealous of Norway, not your """country"""
Shut up, amerikike.
You'd be the expert on being irrelevant, leaf.
Norway is Danish clay though.
You do know we own Greenland right?
Just you wait, once the ice melts it will be the new hyperborean mega reich
Norway is rightfully ours you mongrel
>denmark created england
>quotation marks
Get a load of this fag
>Being so stupid you took it literally and not around the events said country caused
The only European country we should be jealous of is Switzerland nigger.
Can't think of anything else from Denmark.
I once defended Denmark in a WW2 war game from 1940 to 1947 successfully BTW.
It was your finest hour, I've been sympathetic ever since.
If I'm not happy no one deserves to be, which is why I voted trump, if I could legally kill commie socialist scum who pathetically think they can break the cycle of misery, I'd start packing my guns, happy people deserve nothing but pain and death 2bh.
Yes and your language
the same way France and Italy (Rome) helped shape Britannia with their invasions
>I once defended Denmark in a WW2 war game from 1940 to 1947 successfully BTW.
Like against the allies or?
We do? You have such a weak military force that you need Daddy 'Murica to spot you and even lend funds/assets.
RIP Kalmar Union
I honestly don’t know much about Denmark. I know you are apparently the happiest people on earth.
how can i speedrun learning the language?
how i get a danish semen demon?
You guys look like the Michigan of Europe (geographically speaking)
We're not
Denmark is pretty 'meh'. The only thing it has going for it is that beer is cheap, easy to get around and it's pretty liberal on fun things.
Other than that they talk really stupid, even when talking English and never bother trying to understand other Scandi languages. There is basically no nature here at all, just farmlands and urban dwellings. It is better than Sweden in many regards.
T. Norwegian
We admire you?
That must mean Dansk Folkparti is in power, congratulations.
>insults the intelligence and literally of an entire nation
>can't even into
You're fucking retarded.
France has never invaded Britain m8.
The Normans were from Brittany which was part of Britain.
Henry the 5th later gave it to the French crown after defeating 20,000 heavily armoured European knights on horseback with his 5,000 tired yeomen at the battle of agincourt. He was marrying a frog queen (after claiming the French throne) and gave it her as a wedding gift.
Denmarks princess
Kinda looks like a merchant to me, please photoshop
literacy.... fucking autocorrect....
most americans can't even find your country on a map. No, seriously.
daft lad
dafter lad
I know you guys own Greenland, but is that land actually useful? Does it yield many resources or is it just there for show?
Our betas are jealous of healthcare and lego
Just wait communism never works out for long, maybe trump will hit them with a few extra tariffs or something. If were lucky maybe an invasion, it's been a while since america raided a country that wasn't full of goatfuckers.