Play Stupid Games - Win Stupid Prizes

Also stupid nigger thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Niggers setting themselves on fire
Niggers eating tide pods
Niggers pulling loaded guns on each other

shitty news broadcast
> no video


I don’t see what the problem is, me and my cousins played this game all the time, this nigga obviously lackin’

play nigger games
win nigger prizes

Nog antics are their own form of comedy

These retards are missing the point of archiving. Even if we replace all your dots and slashes they're still going to get a click and page visit. Gas yourself

Isn't that the video of the black dude going into his house because someone broke in then fucking Doom music and sound effects kick in?
Could sworn that was a parody thats been around for sometime.

Where's the video? I'll pay

What's a No Lackin Challenge?

>Where's the video?

>There was no video of the incident
>He didn't die
Saved you 2 minutes

This is legit something that Sup Forums would come up with to get niggers to kill each other

He was lackin

African Americans pull guns on their friends and ask whether they are "lacki" to see if they are lacking a firearm themselves. The correct response from the friend is to pull their own firearm and point it back at the African American who is pointing the gun and asking the question.

Afterwards they typically congratulate each other on both not lacking firearms and go their separate ways. Predictably this can go very wrong.

>He was lackin
oh, indeed

It's like poetry.

>Sherman Lackland

Mr lackland was certainly not lackin

he looks like a nice fellow

Got dat Sherm

When you test your fellow homies to see if they're ready for a rival

I literally can't even... wat

he looks like that guy in the new starwars movies

Niggers my man come over for a couple months and you’ll see

This is why we need strict, common sense gun control and gun-free zones. If you remove guns, whites won't be able to defend themselves from nogs, and nogs won't curb their own population growth. Let's all work together for a safer, more diverse, and more inclusive tomorrow for your wife's son and your wife's son's wife's son

Are they ok?

whats going on here