If Trump has no connections to Russia then why does he keep trying to purge the agency that's investigating those alleged connections?
If Trump has no connections to Russia then why does he keep trying to purge the agency that's investigating those alleged connections?
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"quits after Trump criticism" ... ye right... tomorrow you will see the real reason.
THIS is why he quit
Because we let you scream like chicken littles for a year while the real investigation was going on. Kitchen is gotting hot and the muffin timer just popped off.
So McCabe is such a pussy fearing faggot that Trump's tweets made him quit?
And this is your guy?
Because they are involved in a coup attempt.
maybe because the FBI crookedly tried to undermine his lawful assent to power with false allegations of treason that have turned out to be politically-motivated and completely baseless?
could that possibly be a reason?
I think mueller and Comey are good guys. Kerry will run in 2020, Trump will give it to him.
Bros before hoes...
They all know hillary is fucked.
Not sure where obama will end up in this...true puppet
If an investigation is bullshit, and it's being run for illegal/political reasons then the president SHOULD actively work to shut it down.
You are about 2 levels below what's necessary to understand any of this.
Do you know what happened when sessions recused himself? It gave the power of AG to Rosenstein.
Do you know what happened when Rosenstein assigned Mueller as SC? It made it so that Mueller "can't" be arrested for his crimes while the SC is ongoing. It made Rosenstein almost invincible because he's in charge of the Mueller SC.
All those corrupt people that Mueller brought on board? They became nearly untouchable because any action against them would be viewed as an action against Mueller.
A bunch of people broke the law, and a SC was put together WITH the criminals so they "can't" be arrested.
We have ACTUAL CRIMINALS running the justice department in a way that protects the criminals...and you are worried about the sanctity of the investigation started by the criminals.
Pull your fucking head out
I understood the IRS auditing people who are the admins of Tea Party and Ron Paul facebook groups because the IRS probably hires the same people as the DMV.
The FBI on the other hand I thought was super cops not commie party members risking jailtime to get a fellow commies off crimes while framing king capitalist of crimes he never commited.
Maybe Trump is the first black president because the cops framed him.
>why would trump be against a witch hunt designed to undermine him based on faulty evidence??
>why isn’t he just letting democrat stooges destroy his admin with procedural crimes
Drink bleach
if they got nothing after a year and a half, they stalling for political influence. If they had something concrete, we'd all be hearing about it.
So they are obviously being shady as fuck. They get fired. Simple as that.
lmao drwn fgt
>1 post by this id
Let it end here retards.
Sage, as always.
Did Bill Clinton start shitposting over the air and firing people over the Lewinsky scandal?
>Bill Clinton didn’t fight back and let himself get impeached over bullshit
>therefore trump should also
How about no
How can Trump purge him without evidence? What power does he have on the FBI?
>its okay to be a crook to take down crooks
Not much point in draining the swamp if you're just gonna fill it back up again.
>ooga booga maga!
They’re resigning because their scheme has been busted. They took part in creating a dossier they knew was bullshit so the Obama administration could spy on the Trump campaign. In a desperate attempt to cover their tracks, they decided to push the Russia narrative as legit so it would look like they had real reason for the spying. Now that narrative is collapsing and the rats are abandoning the sinking ship.
Trump being on Russia's side is the most sweetie pie special claim I've ever heard.