"Listen here you little shit! I'm a female, okay?!"
Bruce is getting kind of fat. Does the dress just accentuate it or is it a byproduct from the hormones he's taking?
Why are you hasty to dismiss the idea she might be pregnant?
Those fucking man arms holy shit
at least he is not a democrat
That guy is ugly. And why is he wearing a dress?
Anyone else here wonder how big is cock is?
Looking forward to the big roundup of these freaks.
Any ideas how we should eliminate them?
Top lel
every i see this chart the "ideal size" gets bigger and bigger
When you think of it. Jazz has became very fat too.
Looks like the estrogen has finally kicked in
It’s basically a drainpipe now holy shit.
delet this
Burn "baby" burn!
Tranny inferno!
My idea involves a platform full of wholes we lay them on, tie their dicks to the ceiling, then slowly lower the platform onto the spikes below.
When their genitals finally rip off, they have a brief moment when their dysphoria is gone before being impaled by the spikes below.
>being this loose
god damn
>the hormones he's taking
I'm still not convinced he's on hormones or anything else. He's essentially a long term drag queen. He still wants to fuck women and never even underwent the operation he kept saying he was going to do. He'd always back out at the last minute.
what compels an ex-olympic athlete in the latter years of his life to transition into a female? He literally had an entire life lived, had wifes, kids, a career. What the fuck is the mind set? And he refuses to have any work done on his penis so he's quite literally just a cross dresser.
Yes I think that chart is total bollox
strangely arousing
>t. dicklets
Same thing with Bailey Jay, and the man himself identifies as a drag queen, yet he's the poster boy for traps.
I'd like to giant-slingshot them into a den of tigers, personally.
Those bingo-wings are so feminine.
Is it wrong that the thing that bothers me most about Caitlyn Jenner is that he spells his name with a C instead of a K? As a Kardashian shouldn't he spell his name 'Kaitlyn'?
> Not part of the drain-pipe master race
Enjoy your inferiority.
Requesting that pic of Ben Shaprio with that bulky tranny putting his hand on him. The one that looks like Bane saying "Do you feel in charge?"
the dress is just too god damn small
>11-12 inch length
So only surgically modified porn stars?
>9 inch girth
So only botox filled dicks? Not even surgical modifications can give you a dick this big without it being disfunctional.
This chart is probably bullshit anyways. No research worth its merit will use informal terms like "freaky combinations"
fat chicks
Turns out there WAS a downside to all those sheboon abortions...
>Freeing them of the mental illness
Sounds humane enough. Fund it.
As a runner it always pains me when i see other runners become so low. I will hopefully never stop running as i fear what i would become.
>tfw only 9.25" long and 7.25" girth
t. dicklet
Not my type. Americans can keep it.
Looks like xe is #transplaining.
So has it still got a cock then??
I thought he’d had it lopped off
Very nice response. I totally see the message you are trying to imply here, retard.
>My vagina is only 80% dick ok
>9 1/2 inch dick too small
This guy has an Acquired Brain Injury from all the drugs he's taken. Go and watch his old clips from the 1970s and you'll see he's bright and clear-spoken and not the slurring, mentally damaged wreck he is today.
Jenner is a tragic figure.
I hate you
Jews have lost. This face says it all
Look at that sexy thorax
>t. Small dicked 'Asian'
that look is so funny
Its like "can you believe this shit?"
sHe used to chuck spears to the moon back in his Olympian days
Power creed is a thing. Next you're going to tell me someone 6'11" isn't a manlet.
Damn, never realized Bruces arms were that big. Why become a woman when he was such a Chad? The Kardashian reptilians ruined him. bitches probably got Kanye locked up somewhere turning him into a bitch.
LOLOL Bruce is loose
What surgery is this exactly? I’ve looked up tons of penile enhancement surgery but it’s honestly just a myth
Melania is looking weird nowadays
>Country woke
dodged the draft, by competing in the olympics
and people are surprised when she puts on a dress
Wait wtf, 9,5” dick TOO SMALL? Holy shit, I can barely fit my 6” cock in my girls vagina.
Takes like half an hour before I can get it all the way in without her hurting.
I dunno she is pretty cute *-*
have a well deserved kek fin bro