>Viva Mexico!
>Please don't send me back to Mexico!
Has there ever been a group of people more hypocritical and childish than Mexicans?
Viva Mexico!
Good thing ICE is conducting massive raids on Illegal immigrants in commiefornia.
Schlomo detected. Sage
Hi Pablo!
How is this a schlomo thread? OP is 100% right. Fuck off you dirty spic.
t. Jose Hernandez
You have to go back, Jose.
Schlomo tactics, you dumb low iq faggots. No wonder you're cuckified!
Except Schlomo wants Democrat voters. He wants blue states. He wants a white minority.
This. Clearly a slide thread to hide more important threads from the spotlight. This one specifically targeted at american posters.
>Literally millions of undocumented Mexican immigrants currently in the United States
>This is apperently a problem we should just ignore
You fucking spics make me sick, absolute fucking scum, no better than the Jews fuck off beaner,
>no wonder you're cuckified
>meanwhile Mexican citizens are being fucked over by their own government and countless drug
Oh Pablo
only people I seen do that is ironically the natives fucking saying viva mexico even though mexico doesn't like the indigenas. notice how all positions of powers are held by light skinned mexicans. last indigena president they had was benito Juarez and he fucked up mexico.
Are you saying you're a light skinned Mexican? If so why don't you go back to your country and attempt to fix it? Reach positions of power in the government, run for mayor, do something to at least help your country in any way.
look, I was born in America, dad came here legally, never pledges allegiance to mexico even if we are descendants of la santa patria batallion. my dad redpilled me on indigenas and says the type of shit they do makes all mexicans look bad. the problem is mexico doesnt send you actual mexicans they send and encourage the undesirable indians to our beautiful country. if you ever met a real mexican they'd tell you they are not the same as huitcholi xoxitl. and it's not my problem it's Mexico's problem Believe it or not but mexico is highly divided and racist. it's just in it's culture and seeps through each generation. it's like if whites and niggers still lived together but niggers where second class citizens and the niggers left to Canada pr ssomething because canada doesnt discriminate them. kind of hard to explain but all the real mexican no indigenas have a deep rooted hatred of the nigger like natives.
>Mexico hate thread
>already 3 butt hurt Chicano faggots
We really need to get serious about getting rid of illegal immigrants if we want to progress as a country again.
You sound pretty insecure there Pablo, though I hold no animosity towards you since you don't pledge your allegiance to Mexico, the majority of Mexicans who are in this country do and that's the problem which I am focusing on right now. I've noticed that every single thread which makes any sort of insulting remark towards Mexico gets flooded with these types of replies, if you truly don't hold any sort of love towards Mexico and if you came here legally than there is literally nothing to worry about user.
Success breeds jealousy
I am convinced that none of these people realize Rome wasn't built in a day, they have no concept of looking towards beyond their lives, and they all just want to go to Rome instead of making their own.
Absolutely sad
not insecure. it's indoctrination. it might sound to weird to be true but mexico does not like indigenous and it's taught from an early age that those kinds of folk shouldnt be made friends with or even make business with.
also telling you exactly why we have that immigration problem. mexico sends its undesirables to America. simple and although not said loudly every mexican is in on it.
I called you insecure because every single Mexican one way or another has indeginous admixture, very rarely will you ever see a full 99% European Mexican anywhere near the United States (unless they're on vacation). If your government and its people so much why not send them the other around? As in sending them to el Salvador or whatever other shit country there are.