Considering how shit "Our Cartoon President" ended up being, how would YOU do a cartoon based off of Trump's presidency?
Considering how shit "Our Cartoon President" ended up being, how would YOU do a cartoon based off of Trump's presidency?
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MDE: World Peace style. Embrace the inner Pepe. Embrace the bizarre.
Make a hentai
Play it straight, but not too straight.
A series of shorts where he tries to "solve" a problem in the simplest way and ends up making it much bigger.
I liked it. They were much nicer then they could have been. They even took a few shots at Democrats.
I wouldnt because thats a stupid af idea
go watch the news if this is what you want
Caricature is the art of subtle exaggeration. The subject must be distorted but remain recognizable. Same applies to satire. You take the subject's characteristics to an extreme.
It's very hard to caricaturize/satirize something already incredibly bizarre. "If this was fiction, you wouldn't believe it." You simply can't take it any further.
What in the fuck's name is this thread ? No no no you got it all wrong you need to make another soft porn thread, that's all this board is good for
Came up with it on the spot, but how about an action cartoon where it says that almost all past Presidents were basically like secret super heroes, solving crimes, defeating terrorists, etc. and with Trump as president now he must train to become one as well
A cartoon where Captain America kicks the shit out of a Nazi for 20 minutes.
I wouldn't, and I would also delete any thread that will obviously and inevitably spiral into political shitposting.
Full Saturday Morning Cartoon madness except with blood, guts and sexy bits. Call it TRiUMPh and the Forces of Freedom.
I'd take the money and run.
I would just make it porn.
I like it.
That would have been better than this slow pitch parody.
He's the spoiled brat who learns a lesson each episode.
Problem is that you'd need a parental character teaching them the error of their ways, there's just no one in his cabinet who could fill the roll as it's all croneyism.
maybe the ghost of george washinton comes to help out or something.
Make it about Kekistan
I'd literally just depict what's already happening exactly as is with absolutely zero changes.
Whatever it is make sure to have an interlude with based Hildawg DUNKING on Drumpf.
>Wow who could have seen this coming
Left has been using the same attacks for decades they are stale and boring
It's shit because they completely skipped over Obama. We need a cartoon about tight-assed Obama and his ghetto gorilla wife named Mike.
Could work.
i was about to post lyrics to what i thought was the theme song, then i remembered they were actually the lyrics to That's My Bush, not Lil' Bush. i don't know how to end this post.
I see we've got a Sup Forums-coneusseur in this thread
I wouldnt
trump and bogdanoffs
and this how the left autofellates themselves
stop bringing this Sup Forums-Sup Forums shit into /pol. Thanks
>Moral Orel with Trump as Orel
I’d watch that
There's a glut of "Trump is dumb" comedy programming, such that they are all fighting for the same audience, so only the top 2 or 3 can thrive. You know what there's a massive dearth of? "Trump is a badass" non-news programming.
Walker Texas Ranger meets West Wing in my new show, "Our Cartoon President Reboot"
Summary of every episode
>trump doing president things
>someone comes up, big problem ripped from the headlines (ie nOrks)
>somehow obama/Hillary/deep state's fault
>situation room, people in suits arguing about sensible and method proven solutions
>trump offers a bizzare and outlandish solution, (imma go over there and kick him in the dick) is rebuffed by politicos
>goes and does the thing anyway, totally works, peace restored
>episode ends with obama/hillary/shadowy deepstate man angry at news that Trump is MAGAing
There's definitely people who would watch it. Both leftists ironically and right wingers unironically.
10/10 would watch
Pop Team Epic, but with Trump
I wouldn’t
The real thing is already funny enough