When will this shit end?
When will this shit end?
Who cares? This is still the mentality of the left.
>true diversity
>needs whitey to give up their own seat rather than earning that spot with their own strength
its nothing new, this is the conquest of countries & nations that won't defend themselves
This is what we did to the injuns
It'll end when the last white person stops breathing. Now give up all your shit, cracker.
Diversity has always been "White people give us all your nice shit and fuck off"
The crazy thing is we nod and accept it
>When will this shit end?
When we make it end. Stop being a faggot and start speaking the truth irl. Stop tolerating neomarxist shit and antiwhite bigotry.
It isnt. They want engagement so they can play the victim card otherwise they are "rightoues."
Youre damned if you do, youre damned if you dont.
Then theres the radical non voting centerist. Kill it with fire.
If I'm damned if I do, and damned if I don't:
I fucking don't
Fuck niggers
Never. People like pic related need to justify their jobs.
worked amazingly for Africa.
>diversity is white people agreeing to be ruled over by minorities in a majority white country
Doesn't sound very diverse after all. Sounds like liberal totalitarian slavery.
we are gonna be south africa if we don't shut these kikes up, that's what's happening
it won't
they don't want to "share" a multicultural society they want to rule over whitey as kangz
How do you still not get this?
Look at that verbage.
"Giving up their seats"
"Be challenged for their seat."
"POC earning their own seat."
Any person white, black, or other who subscribes to this bullshit should be ashamed of themselves.
>people will still deny diversity means no white people
africa is still a mess, only reason shit is getting done is because china is pumping money (and chink semen) into it
One way it's colonialism, other way it's diversity. I just want to be left alone
Fucking saved
When every single one of them goes to the camps.
>When will this shit end?
When an explosive-carrying truck of peace collides with the biggest BLM meetup in the world.
It'll end when you die.
Hmm, seems that every corporation has one of these diversity officers, and there's something they all have in common...pure coincidence, right?
Imagine the headlines.
>Why White people are still to blame for the Saudi terrorist attack on the BLM rally.
Remember, Oprah Winfrey herself said that for racism to end white people must DIE
This isn't a joke. Look it up. The race war is real and it's happening right now.
Nothing we do for them will ever be enough. It will never stop. That's why it has to stop here and now. The second the balance of power tips the country is over.
Prepare for the future.
I really hope this reaches a breaking point sooner or later. This shit is getting worse by the day and the left feel morally superior for it. I can't describe how much I fucking hate leftists.
And they get paid well. Local college had a diversity position open, the requirement was to complete one federal form per year. The pay $140,000/yr. I'm sure it went to some worthless welfare case and it will never go away. I'm sure the person they hired probably can't do it right. I am really sure I know why college is so expensive now.
they should be even ass shamed
oh ted, if only we'd listened back in 95
Absolutely this. They will actually brag about how there needs to be less white people. The dishonesty of these people never ceases to amaze me.
When you end it.
>nigs are so stupid they need help taking shit from the white man
"White privilege" is the most bizarre phenomenon in human history, never before has an "oppressed" class of people fled in huge numbers to countries controlled by the people claim are their oppressors
Diversity is not a strength, it's a weakness.
Diversity does not make your nation better, it makes it worse.
People stick with their own kind. Diversity creates division and conflict. It's better for people to live amongst their own.
This is not a hateful belief. It's just the truth.
This is the crazy thing normies (pardon the phrasing) don't get, once hostile non-whites / Judeo-Marxist collaborators gain 66% of government, they can "Legally" do anything they want to us.
Jews and their golems know this. It's the 'moderates' and 'independents,' that think that everything will continue on with mutual respect and freedom, but with spicier food.
They came to take everything.
Men are barely particpating as it is and they are still being frowned upon for everything.
We must put an end to this ourselves.
Leftism is cancer
The very female essence is cancer
Really hardboils my eggs.
No goyim. Stop looking.
Once we gas the kikes.
>be white
>find seed on the ground
>plant it
>20 years later
>tree grew from planted seed
>cut tree down
>make planks and whittle the wood down into a chair
>sit in chair
lol nobody at any college gets paid $140k except the president and the dean. all that tuition money goes into debt service for perpetual capital projects, because universities are hedge funds with a campus attached for tax purposes
When natural law is restored.
When 12% of the population control >50% of representation
This is the black mentality. Nothing is ever created, it just gets passed around. There is a set amount of wealth in the world and the oppressors have to share, but it's nothing like that.
Whites understand that if you create something, you'll find yourself in ownership of it. Whether it's a movement, an object, or a system.
Blacks should be asking WT how to make shit instead of being a parasite. It's all we ever wanted from them.
This image makes me so sad.
Where ever in our world has there ever been a reverse role being played out here, with white people massing at the gate of a black family with questionable intents?
Never, anywhere? How can anyone with a working brain deny race realism, or try and justify niggerdom by blaming it on white people? Slavery in the New World only existed for a tiny fraction of time in human history, and before that? Niggers were still squating in the bush, while whites were building empires.
Where was the white man then to persecute the nigger, while the hulking mongrels were foraging for bananas and running from lions?
Football coaches make millions. No joke.
I knew there was a reason I liked Maine so much. They have some common sense.
Football is the state religion of the good goy.
Rhodesia and South Africa are our future if we don't stand up.
Not really. We didn’t wage a culture war we simply took what we wanted, killed who we wanted and let disease do the rest
If you dont think "diversity" ends with white genocide, you havent been paying attention
No, not even that
First, disease hit them before any settlers or conquistadors or anything arrived. These diseases came from migratory animals like seals and spread like wildfire through native populations.
THEN in the midst of these mass disease die-offs, THEN the conquistadors arrive, and against orders from the Crown, start conquering everything and wipe out central american civilization/culture and begin christianizing and bleaching them.
After that, Settlers start showing up all along the american coastline, the native populations already decimated at this point, there's only minor flare ups and conflicts. Natives behave like savages and torture/murder people, and are responded to in kind.
The settlers massively out-pop the natives, and spread further and further across the country. Natives have no serious agriculture, no serious civilization, and their numbers are still being ravaged by disease from before westerners even showed up in the first place. It's a foregone conclusion what happens to them over the next few hundred years.
Actually, if it'd been any race other than whites, natives would probably be extinct. I can't imagine china giving natives their own reservations to live how they see fit, and that certainly won't happen to any western country that's taken over by islamic savages.
when you're dead
with the glorious radioactive bloodbath of ww3.
hang on a bit longer.
it will be worth it.
Go back to Europe you arrogant loud mouth incestual dog kissing genocidal war mongering Nazi idolizing closet faggots!
Or they could build their own godamn table.
It never crosses their minds to make their own institutions.
They literally only know how to take and destroy.
And don't forget that in the Muslim slave trade, neutering the men was common. Whites had the compassion not to do that. If they had, they would have had to buy new slaves every decade or two, but even after abolition, the freedman population would have been much more bleached out than IRL.
When whites give up their seats, let minorities take over and then the entire system collapses.
See: Uganda.
>t. tranny English teacher
parasites of limited shit tones='diversity'
Whites create a shitty Society on blood and war and can barely keep their shit together.
You got trannys on your mind now faggot? I always knew you white people were a bunch of closet faggots.
Seriously go back to Europe so the rest of the world can watch you idiots fight each other to the death.
All of Africa.
And Haiti.
And Detroit.
Well, anywhere you see a shit load of blacks.
Is that gif supposed to mean something
Now, that's you. Japan and Europe (especially Britain) are very similar. To countersignal white survival is against Japan's best interest, and vice-versa. Hence why I doubt you're even Japanese, and probably a sex-confused leftist.
>cant keep their shit together
>blaming whites for the jewish infection
>literally victim blaming
come home huwhitu piggu
>his almonds were not activated
leaf brains
I drove around today when school ended and saw so money nigger refugger school kids, i don't even know what the fuck is going on anymore.
>all somali skinny pirates
Where's Hitler reincarnated at? You need him now more than ever.
Everything is going according to plan! Actually even better than anticipated!
Good Goyim!
Want another bomb?
don't read it, don't give them attention, don't post it here
ignore the retards, don't give them shit, they will stop
Lel, never, the left will continue to identity politics themselves to death. Even spics and niggers see strait through this bullshit.
The pic related would be WAY more relative if it was the black kid yelling at the white kid.
I have no idea how anyone can look at those somalian shitstains and think to himself "oh yeah, i want more of those". Their pure existence disgusts me, desu famalam. Fucks sake, i mean seriously what the fuck.
You can just see it in their faces, they don't give a fuck what the cuck and dyke are selling. They just want their free bike and shit.
Jams too often to be useful
Old article but the niggers twitter is a gold mine of shit to redpill whites on niggers and the way they think.
Reminder that if you don't transition your 2 year old son because he once looked at something pink you are a monster and deserve death.
>Pastor, Wife Allowed Son to Start Identifying as Girl at Age 2 Because He Liked 'All Things Girly'
it is purely political
drag in millions from outside in the belief that those millions will vote for you
>When will this shit end?
When the White race is extinct.
>look how happy i am that got the daughter i wanted
>kill me now
>Who cares? This is still the mentality of the left.
It's not the left promoting White Genocide, it's the Jews.
Mommy wants a daughter, mommy's gonna get a daughter.
Today I was at a Mcdonalds drive through and there was race mixing shit everywhere. Those stupid donation slots they have under the window (with happy familes n shit) had a black man and white women holding 2 nigglets. Tomorrow im taking pics.
This shit is real. Face it like a man and not a coward.
yeah you can probably throw Chicago in there at this point...
>Implying the former isn't the army of the latter.
See She's sick.
Blacks are too low intelligence to achieve true diversity.