tobacco increases your testosterone levels which in turn supresses any sort of xenoestrogens in your body
why do you think that jews have been attacking tobacco companies for decades now?
tobacco increases your testosterone levels which in turn supresses any sort of xenoestrogens in your body
why do you think that jews have been attacking tobacco companies for decades now?
>citation needed
Weak try, Cancer Jew.
I think I'll stick to broccoli.
This is true. My grandmother smoked for 56 years and her voice is deeper than any soyboy's.
>why do you think that jews have been attacking tobacco companies for decades now?
Because you can't make them any goy dollars if you're sick or dead you idiot.
I dont know anything about tobacco increasing test, id ask you to cite your source on it if i cared. But tobacco isnt the reason for the lung or gum cancer. It is the fiberglass filters or additives in cigarettes or chewing tobacco respectively. If you ever decide to pick up smoking, roll your own cigarettes or buy chewing tobacco that does not have the fiberglass added (chewing tobaccos justifies fiberglass in the chewing product because its supposed to scrape your gums for easier nicotine absorption). my source you may ask? deez nutz. Because i am not promoting tobacco, its a useless, expensive habit that only literal brainlets pick up.
That retarded Greek journal disproves itself you dumb fuck and you will get cancer
Tell that to big pharma and the insurance company´s.
There's plenty of money to be made from sick smokers. Most of the inhalers I dispense at my pharmacy cost the patient/insurance/taxpayer $200-300 each month. Chemo drugs are probably 10x that but that's not my business area.
Ah. The shilouette. Are you motherfucker?
>Claims fiberglass is in smokes
>Calls other people brainlets
That's an urban legend "Dude I heard like there was fiberglass in menthol smokes."
You have to be monkey tier retarded to just believe what people say without researching their claims. Yes there are bad additives, hundreds of them, but fiberglass is not one of them. I have no point because it's bad either way I just hate when people say that you can smoke fiberglass, for what purpose would it be in there. If it was you wouldn't get cancer, you would be straight dead.
>that flag
it thinks its people!
Merchants control the tobacco industry too I'm afraid
This is actually true and is part of the reason that the "greatest generation" had super high T but it still doesn't make smoking worth it.
The filters of some cigs are made from glass wool which is very similar to fiberglass
seems to be the weak non smokers getting sick from my ciggy smoke, and the cheeky cunts didnt even chip in.
smokings great! its annoys people, mothers grab their kids in fear, and you get to throw butts everywhere.
its fun being a villain
>People think cellulose acetate is in any way whatsoever related to fiberglass
Are you kidding me?
care to elaborate user.