Are white people the niggers of Asia?
Are white people the niggers of Asia?
They should just hang those filthy degenerates
if thats actually how they were dancing they should get the death penalty.
>be struggling third word country
>white firstie roasties come have sex on your floor
>go to another country
>don't read up on their laws or culture
>carry on as if you're at home
This is one of the many reasons why Asians are based. They can spot and actively prevent degeneracy unlike the West.
Agreed this degeneracy needs to be culled
Stop spreading your filthy culture around the world.
British people act like literal niggers abroad.
>backpacking in shithole countries
Got what they deserved.
Jews don’t blend well with yellow
Absolutely huwhite
>shithole country
It’s Asian and Buddhist, it can’t get more based.
tourists are fucking disgusting!
wonder which media showed them that
tfw we cant say they have weapons of mass destruction because they barely have invented the wheel
>People should be killed for harmlessly humping each other
I think you have anger issues.
Please tell me they still make movies this hardcore. Crime dramas need to put some nightmare level shit back on screen if they want to stay relevant.
it's always brits
but germans pedophile in thailand arent any better
It's almost as if you are a communist sympathiser.
Not at all, just highlighting that it’s something they as a race can pick up on because they are the only ones left actually have still have values.
It's fan art of a fucking cartoon
If you can't safely drink the tap water without getting a brain-eating amoeba or diphtheria, then it's a shithole.
It’s got land mines everywhere, it’s a shithole
you have degenerate sympathizing issues
I always hear about brits fucking up in other countries
That stuff is beyond their control and probably not true for the entire country. None of that actually makes it a shithole.
They should definitely be executed, capital punishment is one of the few redeeming qualities of Cambodia, some parts of the United States, and other assorted shitholes
1 CHINESE - Disrespectful Polluters DESTROY everything in their way and don't give a fuck
2 BRITS - Become Everything they hate about usa x1000 on vacation degeneracy and slobbiness
>"muh relativism"
>bad infrastructure
>low education
>government doesn't respect privacy or freedom of expression
>government is corrupt
>country looks like it was recently in a civil war
>widespread poverty
and most tellingly
>mostly nonwhite
It's a shithole
>Importing people like this instead of doctors into your own country because it's progressive
Infrastructure is related to government, which has nothing to do with the regular citizens themselves. Likewise poverty is also out of their control, as well as lack of education. The fact that they have extremely high IQs should count for everything.
Who cares? Asians are white-tier. The structures and temples in Asia alone are a testament to their civilization.
That is not what a "Holiday in Cambodia" is about....
>The 22 yo who went to North Korea and came back with half a brain
> Alonzo/Alfredo/Alfalfa ball stealing in China we wuz
>Swimmers filing false robbery during Olympics
Yup, it's always the Brits and never us Freedom Fries...
>Infrastructure is related to government, which has nothing to do with the regular citizens themselves.
So citizens have little-to-no input on these affairs, or are too stupid/subhuman to build something for the future. Having no input into even basic municipal infrastructure, and being surrounded by retards who would rather shit in a gutter than build a working sewer system, or have buildings with holes in the side instead of glass windows...these are the conditions one would expect as a norm in a shithole.
>The fact that they have extremely high IQs should count for everything.
Having a high IQ is correlated with nihilism, which might explain their lack of foresight and planning (white characteristics)
>Asians are white-tier.
They are insects who shit and wipe their ass openly in the streets. It's a huge problem in Vancouver, rich Chinese investors and families come over and live in nice neighbourhoods, but the second the mood strikes them, they drop trou and take a dump and the women usually have a roll of TP in their purse. Asians are fucking degenerate and while their young women make passable sex slaves with the right amount of eye makeup and pale foundation, they are on the whole degenerate.
Kung-poo in the Kow-loo
>So citizens have little-to-no input on these affairs, or are too stupid/subhuman to build something for the future.
I wouldn’t be surprised.
>Having a high IQ is correlated with nihilism, which might explain their lack of foresight and planning (white characteristics)
That’s again on a corrupt government. No in those societies people don’t get much say.
>They are insects who shit and wipe their ass openly in the streets.
No, those are pajeets. Now you’re making stuff up because you literally can’t find anything negative about Asians.
>No, those are pajeets. Now you’re making stuff up because you literally can’t find anything negative about Asians.
Google it, there are millions of pages of non-Pajeet Asians.
Asians are the cleanest people in the world.
*Northeast Asians
All Asians.
I've bashed a few bongs in cambodia, why are there so many shitheads who think they can beat up real alpha aussie men.
We literally own SEA, you puny gay cunts are fucking with some REAL men, lmao couple of daddy smacks and you're already tearing up, is this what happens when mummy raises you your whole life?
This is the average aussie daddy in SEA
Thailand? Vietnam? Laos?
Stop shilling, you slanty-eyed bugboy. The Nippons get a pass, the rest of you aren't human
Yes. Not as much as Japan or Korea, but still relatively clean.
I’m not Asian. And yeah, the Japanese are the best but all Asians are great.
Relative to Europe? India?
Maybe not relative to Europe, but yeah the third world.
Just like in Thailand...
>weebs, autists and american soldiers ruin the white mans reputation in Japan and South Korea
>weebs and autists ruin the white mans reputation in China
>degenerate sex tourists ruin the white mans reputation in all of south-east asia, mainly Thailand
fucking hell
Im surprised they even still associate with us to be honest, we arent sending our best
if any of the above description apply to you then pleas kill yourself immediatly
Yet the majority of those asians would rather live in the west.
american tourists are absolutely number 1 on that list
well yeah west is best despite all the degenerates
that speaks to the caliber of person the non-degenerates are
>The fact that they have extremely high IQs should count for everything.
All Cambodians with 3 digit IQs were exterminated in the 1970s
it's a shithole
It’s a deeply spiritual place. We’re just too materialistic to understand.
Good I hope they are tried and found guilty as well. Fucking morons deserve what they get.
OK, Mr.Basement-Dweller.
i'm honestly embarrassed by Americans no matter where i am abroad. running into my fellow burgers in other countries always brings shame. we really are loud mouthed retards.
don't a lot of americans who travel wear canadian flags?
I wear my kekistan flag so my fellow pedes can recognize me and we can talk about how redpilled we are and how much we hate identity politics and how based Israel is
end of watch
Guess who ruined the world after all the alpha men died in ww2
You understand some of us were alive during the 70's neighbour. We watched what happened
Cambodia is for sex tourism only. Other countries have better quality shit just as cheap
Where did we go wrong?
i've been throughout both europe and east asia and never noticed Americans doing that. i think it's just a meme that stems from retarded paranoid liberals. i mean, if i saw an American doing that, i'd think they're severely autistic and/or pathetic.
i'd also like to add that you chaps can be just as obnoxious as we are from my experience. hell, i can experience that right here.
This already turning into an Sup Forums thread.
No trust me you aren't getting our best. The liberal FILTH abandon their patriotic duty and run like cockroaches to the west.
Why would you import doctors when you could train your own population to be doctors by offering free college?
degeneracy is degenerate
>not liking american tourists means i am a basement dweller
tell me what logic you used to reach that conclusion, please
I'll wait