Leftism has made women unbearable why are you guys attacking women?
Leftism has made women unbearable why are you guys attacking women?
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it's a man-child's initial response to the realization of a problem but who hasn't resolved the fact that women can't fix it for him like he's used to
Leftism also has a ton of women so it's going to be inevitable to attack women in the process, regardless of anti-left affiliation.
Leftism is women.
Good one, cuckboi
The two are the same. Leftism is merely the female side of political thought. You retarded?
They don't realize it was men who made this problem. For thousands of years women were the responsibility of men. Now that men have become lazy an irresponsible, women and leftism have run amok.
Women are never going to be able to save themselves, they're just not made that way. There are two possible responses from men
1) The weak man denies his role in the problem and refuses to fix it, settling for something more easily controlable (i.e. asian women and sex dolls)
2) The weak man recognizes his failure and becomes strong in order to tackle the issue.
MGTOW retards will never understand that it is the man who must take responsibility, because women are physically and mentally unable to
literally saying this:
and if you don't agree you're a stupid faggot
nice try
>) The weak man denies his role in the problem and refuses to fix it, settling for something more easily controlable (i.e. asian women and sex dolls)
You never dated an asian woman then...
They are just as nuts as white women you idiot... more so if they are western and SJW ized
>Women ruined the West
>This is somehow men's fault
Ah, I see
we can solve it by saying all women are niggers on the internet and fapping to anime
Why should I or any other man marry a woman who isn't a virgin?
else you die a virgin loser
>attack leftism instead
>get divorce raped
>pay alimony
>can't see your kid
>Harambe is now your kid stepfather
oh they're already here
>"muh roasties"
Literally preferable to pretending to love used goods while risking assets and any children.
>unironically using virgin as an insult
What's it like to be a degenerate?
>Hur dur le roastie cuz I don't have an argument
You're accusing me of something wrong for refusing to associate with this
The only way to "fix" women is to take away their freedom. In doing so you will be swarmed and attacked by the hivemind swarm of beta orbiters and cucks just like hitler. There is no winning this game, the collectivists have won.
Correction: Men allowed women to ruin the west
>white women are worth saving
at least Asian women act like women and not entitled little cunts. I think I am going to divert all my focus on attracting an Asian woman from now on, just for the momentary satisfaction of walking down the street and having a white single mother and her sprog look at me with rage.
The idea that left wing thinkers have been or are women primarily is retarded. Make an argument of substance or fuck off. Feminism is a small segment of the left and was enabled by men in the first place. It was men who let women into the workforce for greater shekels.
This isn't "wise" or "deep" you dumb nigger. This basic bitch talking point gets posted in every single thread.
>women are unbearable
>why are you attacking women?
Sounds like you answered your own question, desu
You don't get it do you, you're not supposed to ignore this sort of problem (the picture you posted), you're supposed to try and FIX IT! That's what my original post was about.
Here's an example: shun women who do this, maybe even berate them, make it awkward to be a roastie mudshark. Because getting a sex doll will only make women want to breed with jamal even more.
Feminism is not a small piece of the left, it is the centerpiece of left-wing thought. It is their most successful endeavor, having captured every single institution in western civilization without exception, from academia, to industry, to recreation, to the law, to government, to the home itself. There is no institutional force more powerful than feminism, and you're deluding yourself if you don't think so.
>Men ruin the west
>Western men are ruined
>Western women, being part of the west, are also ruined
>This means women ruined the west
Why are you retards so fucking shallow
>Leftism has made women unbearable
This is a lie though. Women actively MADE leftism as we know(eg: feminism).
Honestly, this whole:
>it's leftism's fault!
>it's actually men's fault!
is retarded. It's women's fault, they were gradually granted rights and that is the only fault men have. Apart from that, it's all their fault and they must be held accountable for the evil they've done to our society.
If you deny their responsability you are asking for this shit to happen again in 50, 100 or 1000 years.
Was I trying to be wise and deep? No, it's a common sense solution, nothing "deep" about it.
women are responsible for allowing leftism to sway them like it has. why can we only attack one part of the problem?
my wife has seen the errors of her past
the nip pill is the ultimate pill
This user is right. Has anything good happened since the 19th?
You're conflating feminism with egalitarianism. Most of feminism is crank ideas that never leave the university. Lastly, if we are too assume everything you've just said is true, it's men that have allowed it to happen. Businessmen, politicians, media moguls, and so forth. Why? Because it benefits a small group of men who own all of society.
>Feminism is a small segment of the left
Nope, it's actually one of the largest segments. At this point, it's completely eclipsed worker's rights, environmentalism, pacifism, etc. Hell, even during its heyday in the 60s it was a much larger force than those things.
With regard to letting women into the workforce; sorry, a good chunk of American men got shipped off to fight a war your country started, escalated, and refused to end. Women shouldn't have been allowed into factories, but there wouldn't have been a reason for it if we weren't supporting antiquated British foreign policy igniting a world war.
Leftism just showed the true nature of females, this is some really strange reddit raid
>Common sense solution
>no solution actually presented. The entire post is nothing but misattributing cause
Okay, sure!
>Was I trying to be wise and deep
Judging by the pretentious statue posting? Yeah.
White women are not going to look at you with "rage" if you marry a chink. They'll probably approve because it's "diversity" and to the modern western woman is about as redpilled as my fucking cat.
You don't even seem to understand what feminism is. Feminism isn't just crank ideas, it's mainstream. Everything from female suffrage, to the abolition of the dowry system, to no-fault divorce, to discrimination protections and affirmative action are feminist. First wave and second wave feminism were an absolute success. So much so that it has integrated itself so completely into our way of life that apparently people like you don't even recognize it for what it is.
Leftism merely removed system that was used to made women into humans, and revealed women's true nature to us. Treasure this unique experience, no ancestor of yours since fall of Rome saw it, and no descendant of your will see it for a very long time too because if you have any of those that probably means women's nature was broken into submission like before.
>it's men that have allowed it to happen. Businessmen, politicians, media moguls, and so forth. Why? Because it benefits a small group of men who own all of society.
>claims a minority of men are letting women run rampant
>assigns no blame to women for running rampant
>casts the entirety of the blame on men, despite claiming that such things are enabled only by a select few
Women were already in work before then jack ass and feminists were funded by big industrialists rials like Rockefeller for decades prior to ww1 and 2. Having women in the work force is good for the men that own society. It lowers wages and increases productivity.
>muh asian womin
fuck off racemixing agents
I told you what it is. Egalitarianism.
And you're conveniently igorning the fact that feminism has always been enabled and funded by a small group of elite men. Why is that? Don't want to admit you're a loser just looking for an excuse to hate on women becsuse they dont want your ugly fat arse?
Do you blame the children for running rampant in a class room or the teachers and parents for letting it happen? Get over yourself you pathetic whiny cunt. If you want to whine like a little bitch get a sex change and become a woman.
Ah, but you see, the solution was there all along. You see the purpose of the statues was to show what the ideal man used to be. One who had the ideals of the west in his mind. Men have left their strength and allowed women to run amok. The solution you ask? Be that ideal western man, proclaim the principles of the west, become a strong leader, and the problem will naturally solve itself. It's a shame that this is considered pretentious.
Feminism isn't, and at no point ever was, egalitarianism. That is merely the lie first and some second wave feminists peddled to get their foot in the door. Feminism is fundamentally about sapping male power and replacing it piecemeal with female power. Also, I don't deny the role men have played in the feminist takeover. Treasonous men are certainly partially to blame.
Posting a stupid statue says differently
>Feminism is fundamentally about sapping male power and replacing it piecemeal with female power.
Rofl. No it's not. The lesbian dykes that preach that stuff are a largely irrelevant element. You mgtow cunts are fucking pathetic. You should be shot along with the leftists.
& also one of the most completely irrelevant in real life.
If you think feminism is the problem you are fucking stupid. Feminism is a huge joke in reality, & is only considered a threat in the manosphere.
Because grown ass men still don't actually give a fuck what a thot has to say, & they're typically prudent enough to avoid marrying or even fucking feminist mouthbreathers.
It's pussy starved faggots who actually think feminism is a threat. But it actually isnt when you realize feminists are usually depressed fucking losers, male ir female. Once you grow up you realize the real threat is the government.
This. Left = feels = women vs right = reals = men
Yes, it is. And no, dykes are not the only feminists. Virtually every woman that draws breath in a western society is to some degree feminist. Look, I can tell you're a bitter roastie. Your weak attempt at shaming me into silence was the giveaway. Spend less time trying to modulate the behavior of men on an Apache smoke signals forum, and more time in the kitchen, cunt.
Teachers and parents should be able to physically discipline children. The children should be the ones being punished.
>I told you what it is. Egalitarianism.
Wew lad, you unironically fell for the most basic of feminist memes.
I'm on the no hymen no diamond train. Thirsty beta orbiters like the Brit above will inevitably lambast that as being unreasonable.
>stupid statue
No it really doesn't make my post any deeper, the statue is a symbol, but I wouldn't expect a meme flag commie to know anything about the point I was making.
>2) The weak man recognizes his failure and becomes strong in order to tackle the issue.
And how exactly do we do that? Enlighten us
Become a NEET
>Only lesbian dykes on College campuses!
>muh egalitarianism!
>feminism took it too far!
Congratulations on being a brainlet.
>Once you grow up you realize the real threat is the government.
Government is the solution, not the problem. Go be a libertarian fag somewhere else.
>Feminism is irrelevant
That's why it's completely taken over society, right?
>Discrimination in Colleges
>Primary schooling structured around female learning styles
>"problematic" boys doped out of their minds by single mothers
>80%+ of America thinks premarital sex is okay
>Nobody bats an eye at divorce anymore
>Nobody wants to remove women from the workforce
Feminism sure is irrelevant!
not to mention that any women can ruin your life with a simple accusation with no evidence
Current feminism is nothing more but a revenge fantasy.
>I'm on the no hymen no diamond train
that's actually pretty good, if more men did this and were vocal about it, if we made sex before marriage a bad thing, then women would fall into line. I think more men need to realize that deep down what most women want to do is serve. Women don't become whores on their own, they need men to make them whores. If Men all men stopped desiring whores then women would naturally fall into place.
Perhaps. At least that's a sound motivation for many feminists. But modern feminism is nothing if not an outgrowth of previous iterations of feminism. Feminism, as a left-wing doctrine, views itself as a "struggle" and because of its purpose in supplanting male power with female power, the struggle can never end until men are rendered powerless.
Dumb virgins who can't get laid become obsessive and then that obsession turns into hatred of what they can't have.
I really think we need to stop making distinctions between "waves" of feminism, or using words like "current" in our criticisms of it. All Feminism, down to the "first wave," has been toxic and outright corrosive to the foundations of civilization. Using language like that only scores points against the most irrelevant of SJWs, while enabling r/the_Donald-tier "individualists" who see nothing from with the first two iterations of feminism.
females should be leashed, brainwashed into submission
this is the only way to preserve the white race
Make your place known, don't huddle in the corner like a whimpering dog. Better yourself, exercise, read, learn, work hard and speak your mind. Get other men in on it to, this is a team effort.
Women almost always follow who they perceive to be the strongest leader. It's biological, the strongest will survive long enough to mate and pass on their genes.
How do we attack leftism in a way that will have an effect, Dr. Pepe?
>yes, goyim. Project your anger at the wrong people.
>shun women who do this, maybe even berate them, make it awkward to be a roastie mudshark
Roastie detected.
So your solution to this problem is shaming tactics? like a catfight? Men and women catfighting and shaming each other will fix society?
What is plan b, passive-aggressive?
Behold people, female "thinking"
>unironically thinking getting laid outside of marriage reflects positively on one's character
I don't want to absolve men. My stances on sex and marriage have gotten me into a number of social problems with soy-addled white knights at my local Church. That said, I really don't think much blame at this point can be put on men.
If you look at (credible) data on sexual behavior over time, women have become more promiscuous, they're losing their virginities earlier, etc. Men haven't seen similar "growth." Which leads to lopsided studies like "Millennials Are Having Less Sex Than Their Grandparents!!"
Guys that marry, or even date, women who aren't virgins deserve scorn, but if we view men as the ultimate culprit here, we're going to have to shift the blame onto a, seemingly, shrinking section of them.
And then what? Get married? And then maintain frame somehow even while you're at work? Be scarier than the niggers, while at your 9 to 5?
Acting like a nigger doesn't result in happy White families.
Shitty women are 100% the fault of their father
Actually it's Jewish women who happen to be leftist.
Those "white" feminist leaders are Jewish women.
Cultural Marxism is a direct result of Jewish women.
The Jewish man becomes evil why?
What the absolute fuck Sup Forums???
The Jews created feminism, sexual "liberation" as empowering, just like they agitate for race mixing and trans-faggotry for kids.
Women will sort out quick when the kike is named and his fangs are removed. Same with niggers and faggots. What the fuck!? How is this thread that old and no one else has said this!?
>dude just alpha it
Cucks. Why don't you have the guts to say the only way foward is women being property?
>Women will sort out quick
>implying you can actually fix women
lmao. The current generation is spoiled beyond repair.
>Working hard, learning, being respectable, and getting married is acting like a nigger
>My stances on sex and marriage have gotten me into a number of social problems with soy-addled white knights at my local Church
so sad to see this kind of thinking infiltrate the church, it truly must be purged.
>Make your place known, don't huddle in the corner like a whimpering dog. Better yourself, exercise, read, learn, work hard and speak your mind. Get other men in on it to, this is a team effort.
You are asuming a lot about me and about men in general, but lets leave it for now.
So your solution is what women know as toxic masculinity, even though is not only societally frowned upon but even persecuted legally? Don`t we have to fight the laws first? otherwise we will end in jail...
>Women almost always follow who they perceive to be the strongest leader. It's biological, the strongest will survive long enough to mate and pass on their genes.
Do you know what "game" is? Do you realize that the only thing you are pushing is for more hypergamy? Tell me that at least you understand that.
And the result is still the same, unfounded rape/ abuse accusations and divorce laws that rape the male.
And all that effort for what? for the privilege of pussy? Do you think is really that valuable? (is not)
No thanks.
The constant vigilance required to maintain frame and internalize game in a relationship are what drive so many men to go their own way in the first place. It's why so many PUAs get burnt out on it and just say fuck it. It's exhausting to have to perpetually internalize game for one woman, and the rewards for doing are ever diminishing. The reality of our situation as modern men is that we've been stripped of all of the institutional tools our male ancestors had to work with in order to regulate their courtships and marriages, and so we've had to collaborate with one another to form makeshift compensation mechanisms to deal with the nature of the emancipated female and the institutions that protect and enable her. In a sense, all of the alpha male "just man up" posturing is a way of compensating for the institutional losses established and handed down by our ancestors. The simple solution would be to recapture our institutions, but so many men don't have the stomach for it.
It is what it is, I guess.
I didn't say "fix" the woman's nature thrives in her roles and all suffer when she is out of her designed parameters, the same is true with men. There is nothing to "fix" because nothing is broken. Like a fish out of water, it doesn't need a veterinarian, just throw it back in the water; similarly, women just need to rule the ocean of her household, not the wilderness of men.
>so sad to see this kind of thinking infiltrate the church, it truly must be purged.
Infiltrate the Church? It's completely taken over at this point. I live in a town pretty notorious for its hardline evangelism. Even at these supposedly "hardline" Churches, if you drop a girl after learning she's not a virgin, you become a pariah in the Young Adult group. I had to basically leave the Church I grew up in. I've tried two more since then, and I've had to deal with the same shit.
No matter how well you integrate yourself into Church life, the women there think you just "fetishize" virginity. The men berate you with "God forgives" nonsense.
This is the kind of shit that has me unironically rooting for Islam at times.
Nice try to deflect from the dirty Jew parasites, BTW.
Of course.
When will Leafposts be in Mandarin so I can't read the retardation?
>nothing is broken
>~85% of women ages 18-22 aren't virgins (Numbers get far worse beyond that)
What's it like to be a brainlet?
Attacking women attacks leftism.
Good post.
>The simple solution would be to recapture our institutions, but so many men don't have the stomach for it.
And the average men might never have it again. Our diets are full of xenoestrogens, and we will be fucked while this issue is fixed.
*is not
Oh, I forgot. I absolutely have to address something that should be common knowledge on Sup Forums at this point. Thanks for enlightening us with that. It's such an unbelievable and shocking fact that Jews comprised a disproportionate amount of academics responsible for feminism and sexual liberation. Sup Forums, of all places, really needed you to remind them of that fact.
You evil fucking Jew bastard. Women should not be virgins at 22. They should be married. But we live under ZOG. When the Jewish brainwashing is stopped that sad statistic will be relegated to the gas chamber of history, just like your kinda presence in my country. Get thee to Israel.
It women who accept leftism at fault. They still have autonomy and must be responsible for their choices.
>So your solution is what women know as toxic masculinity, even though is not only societally frowned upon but even persecuted legally?
as far as I'm concerned, everything I posted was perfectly legal. Not only that but it was and still is the trait of many successful and happy men. I'm not saying all men should become meatheads, but to organize strengthen their minds as well as their bodies and take action.
>Do you realize that the only thing you are pushing is for more hypergamy?
If men were responsible and not degenerate, this would be a non-issue. Hypergamy would solve itself if all men took action like I described. The reason why hypergamy is an issue is because there are so few western men left that can be women want, leading to all of them going after the same man.
Hell fucking yes we have to remind Sup Forums. There are enough normies and newfags here that think the alt-right is edgy and extreme and YouTube celebs offer anything but suggestions to clean their socks once a month. Naming the Jew is one of the most helpful things we can do in the current year +2
>Women should not be virgins at 22. They should be married
Yes, they should be married. And until they're married, they should be virgins. Get a grip you fucking retard. Jewish people are the ones pushing for promiscuity, how the fuck am I supposed to be Jewish for saying people should wait until marriage because non-virgins make such bad wives that they simply don't deserve marriage.
>le name the jew for newfags maymay
>somehow missed the near-daily fucking redpills on why you shouldn't have sex outside of marriage or marry non-virgin women.
I remember when I first came to Sup Forums, too.
Where I am it's less of an issue. The church I attend is very clear on it's stance regarding promiscuity in both women and men. Of course God forgives, but they should be reminded that God is also a judge.
Obfuscation. You shuck and jive like your nigger pets.
Given how prevalent promiscuity is these days, I've soured a bit to the "God forgives" bit. The church was much better when they were playing judge, jury and executioner.
Regardless, like I said, given the recent trends of sexual behavior, I think blaming men at this point is dumb. We only need to be shaming men who inevitably settle for scraps.
then it's neccessary to install the wish for "finding my one and only" in young men instead of wanting fun. Which is harder to achieve in the timeline of instant gratification and high class pornography (VR, Dolls)