I won't go too much into detail, but pic related is about to be the next epidemic of the century. millions of these things are in circulation in american public high schools with the staff not even aware of it. ive seen kids get high IN CLASS with these things, and only now are people begging to see the... side effects. not going to say anymore, but watch out for these Sup Forums.
I won't go too much into detail, but pic related is about to be the next epidemic of the century...
thanks just bought 100k
go into detail asshole.
What is it? your post is concent-free. I dont give a shit about some nigger's "kids". What is the device and what does it do?
>side effects
what side effects
anyway, only retards use this shit
>side effects
lel they are vaping thc?
You talk like a gypsy with special needs, are you twelve?
lol i got one of these in my pocket right now
gets you freakin out... crazy shit. i hit a blue one in the school bathroom and i almost died. kids are doing this all day, every day.
You're a pussy and can't handle what you smoked. What makes you think that applies to all children?
reported for underage
bye op you no weed faggot
Not only that, it literally turns you into a faggot. I smoked a purple one in the school bathroom and then smoked 4 cocks. It's everywhere
First time smoking THC is always absolutely insane. Stronger than LSD for some people
Don’t be a little bitch kid
not underage new-fag, i took my freshman year twice.
I smoke, but this shit ain't your mommas weed, this is something else. youll see what i mean pretty soon.
get off Sup Forums. You're too young to be here.
The legible text is "E-liquid". Its the stuff that you put in a vape pen to pretend you're smoking.
He's referring to the fact that nobody really knows what glycol vapor does the the lungs or anything else over the long term. The only clues are popcorn lung, and how similar vaporized liquids have pretty much killed after decades of exposure. Basically OP is chicken little and there are too many unknowns but its very common and highly popular among kids.
I used to hit them every once in a while when I was offered it in high school a few years ago, either handle the high like a man or don't fuck around with weed it's that simple.
>i hit a blue one in the school bathroom and i almost died.
Why do you type like this? Are your parents related?
synthetic cannabinoids ?
Underage and literally retarded
he's not lying.. i hit a red one before weight class and did like 1000 reps
Are we watching undercover advertisement for Jewels? Is this fucking for real?
These things are a pain in the ass. The cartridges are cheap as fuck and the heating element breaks all the time. I understand why some people like them (thay're low-key, and probably better for your lungs than smoking), but I'll take a joint or a bowl over oil every time
>it turns out that not only does e-cigarettes not help you quit smoking, it also kills you just as quickly
Oh snap, who could have seen that one coming?
Where might one acquire a device like this? Asking for a friend...
I'm guessing it is, there's been some problems with those before, some can cause massive migraines from what I recall, I don't remember the specific name of the product but the packaging was tiki or hawaiian or some shit, scary stuff, specially because it's still 100% legal.
Big whup.
And next on the Ricky Lake show women cluck endlessly about another non issue.
Theyve pretyy much phased out glycol in vape liquid over here. Not doing that burger side?
Theyre great for air travel.
specifically this E-liquid is spiked with marijuana
people hit it in public and nobody is the wiser because it looks like a regular mouth fedora
I smoked a pipe in class a few times when I was in school.
Its not that hard
uh oh
sperg fag. I'm bothered by the stupidity of posts here. You probably dont even know what you've been sticking up your own ass.
So it's an oregano vaep?
I've been off flower and switched to the oil cartridges around a year ago. Much better IMO. Can't wait until the tech gets a bit better.
>whaaa stop liking what I don’t like
Jesus Sup Forums if it weren’t for the necessary red pills I would’ve dropped your asses years ago
Good. Dab pens are awesome. Fucking legalize it.
Nigger details or gtfo
Are you teens on the Pot? Are you doing joints or what?
"not going to say anything about the side effects" Brilliant, OP. You're a fucking retard who's never smoked weed. Obvious troll is obvious.
>Theyve pretyy much phased out glycol in vape liquid over here.
like fuck they have retard
>Jesus Sup Forums if it weren’t for the necessary red pills I would’ve dropped your asses years ago
Its part of the shariablue program where they post their lazily done shit to pol to drive away users
drumpf is like done any day now
tl;dr THC oil =/= weed. Ripping pure THC 24/7 kinda drives you insane; if you're vaping this shit make sure you get a CBD cartridge to go along with it (CBD is an antipsychotic, anxiolytic, anti-depressant, it levels you out and chills you out)
How the fuck would you know, you live in fucking New Zealand
Slide thread. OP is a faggot that doesn't like a thing but has no real evidence as to why.
Seems like low IQ people and absentee parents are ensuring they are not economically competitive in the future. Myself and my kids will be fine. I'm not worried.
lel fpbp
And obviously you're completely BTFO'ing you endocannabinoid system with these magic "a bowl's worth of THC in one hit" devices but who gives a shit about that
are we living in a juul generation?
A dumb ass and a pussy.
Leave the potent stuff for the bigbois.
it's weak shit OP you can't even get passed level 3 with those gay vape sticks.
Vape sticks can't even get you passed a level 3. Come talk to me when you hear auditory hallucinations and have closed eye visuals.
Cool. Do you think they could fill one one a few hits of PCP? Asking for a friend.
i hate how weed fags have infiltrated vaping. Vaping is for nicotine only, posers.
Of course they are litterally put out front in gas stations and are the easiest thing for kids to steal in the world.
Dude, you don't even know.
I smoked a green one and nibble off 3 of my fingers.
>applying shroom levels to weed
Is this the next finger-box meme?
Nailed it!
I just bought some hash oil. Lol it's just weed you square
What do they cost? The strongest THC ones.
T. Kid who never smoked cannabis in his life but decided to hit vaporized THC and had a panic attack.
>only retards use this shit
Maybe retardation is the side effect
Wet is not good for you user, stick to weed and whatnot. Only complete nutjobs enjoy wet or flakka.
Maybe retardation is a fucking relief.
I can get a 1g one here in Oregon for like $40.
I hear you can get *really* high if you stick it in your butt.
>smoked a blue one and almost died
Wait until you try an orange one. You'll absolutely shit yourself.
M8 weed is like fucking
First time is almost always a little too intense and a little uncomfortable, after that you're wanting to try every position and different chicks. You can take a break and it'll be intense again but never really uncomfortable once you're experienced
I swear to god, with all the stupid shit going on i would like to see pack of wolves in our schools for these degen wide open no parent teens and the rest home schooled which is the side im on!
By the way, what the fuk is spiderman hanging from and who fuking designed that shit????
Nice, thanks. Just waiting for recreational to get rolling here in July.
What spoiled ass kid lives in a city where kids have vape pens in high school? You from Seattle, boy? San Francisco? Why don't you come to Chicago for a minute?
It is possible especially if you use sensory deprivation
You don't understand science. Your brain doesn't process the chemical THC in the same way after repeated exposure to it. Like caffeine, its relative effect on your body and mind is weakened if you're regularly consuming it. People who smoke every day barely even get high, even with large amounts of weed.
SWIM did an experiment with smoking every day, found that he had to increase daily intake by a gram every week in order to feel the same effects. Your lack of experience is why it was so intense for you.
It's so like last year.
Which state? They were like $80 a year ago but now everything is much cheaper. I picked up 2g of some good buds the other day for $12 + a $2 tip.
Post-Russian-fever vaccine?
It's THC concentrate; ie wax. OP is an autistic Highschooler
It is not wax but likely CO2 extract.
Massachusetts. It is already "legal" but it is taking forever to get the shops open. I got a guy, but I would like something more than just flowers. Looking for edibles and patches and shit.
You guys are retards. Its just THC dissolved into e juice fluid. Shit aint even as strong as weed, only gets you high for like an hour.
I've never seen the patches for sale for rec.
Edibles are better if you make them yourself. I'm not sure what the law will be there, but here there is a limit to how much THC can be in one edible. But they have a shit ton of different stuff, fruit candies, chocolates, cookies, a spray for under your tongue, personal "massage" oil, etc.. Lots of options other than just traditional buds.
>You guys are retards. Its just THC dissolved into e juice fluid. Shit aint even as strong as weed, only gets you high for like an hour.
and movie theaters
OP is a faggot who thinks marijuana has side effects
>equating shitposting to rape
Back to work. That Wendy's ain't gonna mop itself.
Well fuck. I gotta get me a few of those.
But you can't dissolve weed into Ejuice fluid. Yes, Thc is soluble in Vegetable Glycerine, but not enough to acutally feel high with a single hit, which is why VG lends itself to edibles. To get enough concentration you have to use a homogenizer, and those cost about $5k a pop for a small one, and the VG/THC tends to seperate out relatively quickly. So now, people put this shit called Polyethylene Glycol 400, which you really shouldn't be inhaling and will probably give you lipid pneumonia.
>but pic related is about to be the next epidemic of the century.
negative, opioids are the be all end all of drugs and will kill millions.
are you in elementary school? These little things don't get you completely floored lmao
nah bro its just e-juice and doesnt even get you high, dont bother with it
You're going to be for paying these kids welfare and social security idiot.
Oh, my sides!!!!!
Explaines the face eating zombies how they got their start!
Digits confirm!
Some kid in BC died a couple days ago after passing out from hitting a vape pen. Smashed his head off the bathroom counter and died. Start buying helmet stock.
I need to start growing again. Up to six plants is legal here and I am pretty good at getting high THC yields. Once I get it rolling, I will never have to bother with people again.
You will never get laid again for the rest of your life!!!!