>this island used to have world's biggest economy
This island used to have world's biggest economy
Other urls found in this thread:
It was also home to the largest empire in human history, at one point covering 1/4 of the world's total land area and 1/4 of the world's total population. Man did they fuck up.
How the mighty have fallen
Then everything changed when the fire nation attacked
It's gay here. I got my shitposting license so I'm leaving. They have bins for knives. Who is that for?
Isn’t it funny?
No pity for anglos
blame the taigs
>The United Kingdom has lost the preeminence in the world that it enjoyed 100 years ago, due to its decline into socialism, Darwinism and godlessness/atheism
>that island also used to have quite the amount of territory to fish, before a few incidences in the 20th century
just... a little...further.......... almost.......there......
>it was like beating a video game
>where did it all go wrong
you delete this right fucking now
>Whenscandiniggers get cucked by twin BBCs
Not that impressive when you consider what they conquered desu
>mostly empty land except India
>lasted about 100 years.
>couldn't run anything without everyone starving to dead, not even the island next to it
wow, impressive Empire.
There's always one of you faggots. Countries like the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand wouldn't even exist without the British empire. Take that into context you bumbling meme flag posting spaz.
>all this Empty land we never even stepped foot on. hurr it's ours.
I guess is the USA biggest empire ever since we own the moon.
>Never stepped foot on
Nothing in your post contradicts the fact that you went around beating up the gimpy kids of the world and then bragged about what a great fighter you were.
Take your meme flag off
No, instead we spread civilisation which is far more impressive. Not to mention we were on the winning side of WW1 and WW2, so who really is the great fighter? Take off that meme flag you're embarrassing yourself.
the british were running around in the australian desert during 1897? No I don't think so, natives out there had no idea who the british were yet you claim them as your subjects lol
>beats up a load of shit-coloured barbarians
>can't even manage to hold on to these shitholes
>still finds time to brag about it
My point still stands. Show your real flag. I guarantee you're a shitskin.
ye... darwinism is the problem here...
Your royal family is being taken over by shitskins. Soon you'll be no better than your amerimutt bastard spawn. Go ahead and spend more time bragging about how proud you are that you were on the wrong side in WW1 and 2.
Meanwhile the only thing Finland has ever given the world is Nokia and Darude sandstorm.
Hate to admit it, but the bong is right.
Show your true colors or your Jewish until proven innocent
You will fall at some point too
Take off the meme flag. We were on the wrong side in WW1 and 2, no doubt about it. But we were the better fighters, history bears testament to that fact you fucking retard. We won, you lost.
Mods please kill this shit and map threads unless depicting a current war zone liek Syria.
Kill the Shillnigger threads. Just kill them.
just think about everything that dumpy little Queen had when it was given to her, and what little she will give back
>Anglos see a Nazi flag
>fly into an autistic rage, insist that I get rid of it
Some things never change.
More like we see a larper who is to embarrassed to post under their real flag.
>we were the better goyim! we did so much better serving our (((masters))) and helping them in their plan to destroy Europe!
I don't know who is worse when it comes to being proud of this, you or burgers.
You lost. Get over it.
Our forefathers scrapped with France on occasion, but never really made any headway with them. Instead, our people are maritime sailors who are more interested in venturing to unexplored lands to where its warmer. It was so much of a success that ours was the largest and prosperous economy of its time; you were just our customers. We don’t fight our customers—because the custom’s King. But we have leveraged this relationship to get Europa to do what we want; which was to abolish slavery in Europe.
Yes, and now you can enjoy the enrichment. You fought well for it, anglo faggots.
Shitskin larper. Keep crying.
>meme flag
>divide and conquer attempt
hello JDIF
Anyone in finance knows the Pound Sterling will be the last domino to fall. It is strategically placed to be the last fiat currency in the BiS cabal - before the short lived mark of the beast / transhumanist / resource based economy is implemented.
Literally this. Praise Satan.
Do not reply to memeflag larpers.
How dare you accuse anyone else of divide and conquer after your actions in both World Wars? You and your band of Zionist allies are directly responsible for destroying Europe. Take some responsibility for it, Anglo faggot.
>it's a non-European thinks that declaring war and starting war are the same thing
This is the reason that no western power has declared war in 70 years. It leads to misunderstandings like this.
You think they truly gave those countries their independence? Nah they still are in charge. Remember it’s lord Rothschild. ‘Save the western civilisation’ means nothing more than keep Anglos in power. Besides, don’t you find it rather suspicious that US got Trump and UK got brexit, but no other major European country (that could challenge the current situation) did not? They’re behind every war, they write the history etc. Anglos.
>meme flag
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?
The destruction of the Anglosphere was the greatest accomplishment of the Kikes. What a world we'd have if Churchill had never existed.
post flag coward
>inbred islander accuses national socialist supporter of being "non-European"
>inbred islander whose nation left Europe in preference of settling shitskin lands
>inbred islander who fought against the only group who wanted to save Europe from becoming what it is today
You only need to take a look at your colonial bastard spawn to see what a fuckup you are. Amerimutt goblins, faggot leafs, bogan retards. What a legacy to be proud of.
Now it has diversity!
It's karma for what they did to the Reich.
>What a legacy to be proud of.
I'm very proud of them. At least we didn't fuck up in colonising Papua New Guinea and resort to chopping peoples' hands off in the 20th century.
>I'm very proud of them
I know you are.
Looks like a snake witha pirate hat
>I know you are.
I know that too.
Cunt how are we to blame for spudniggers being unable to grow spuds? Shit if you had any spuds you'd have been independent longer than it took for me to type out this post.
>Man Utd sign Di Maria in 60m deal, then lose 4 - 0 to MK Dons
Good times 2bf
are you proud of your jewish roots?
My, what a stimulating raconteur! Why don't you get back to us when you reform your immigration
FUBAR? BTW, stay off the ice.
>we dindu nuffin
You sound like a nigger. The British government was responsible for all the territories they ruled. Especially Ireland as that was under direct rule. But literally anywhere the British tried to rule that wasn't empty fucking space everyone died from British incompetence.
>asked the amerimutt
The United States isn't an empire britnigger. But you're not wrong except that you're aiming too low, because the entire West will eventually fall not just America.
>literal flash in the pan
Yes they fucked up so hard even Uncle Adolf could see it.
>be subhuman kike with a memeflag
>behave like subhuman kike
>wonder why people think Jews are scum
Literally a Spanish retard with no knowledge of history. How can someone be such a moron as to say that the greatest empire in human history was poorly administered? Compared to what? Spains shitty empire? Look at the lands we colonised and compare them to the ones you colonised you irrational retard. And by the way, do you think the bengal famine was the only famine to have happened in India?
>criticise bongs and amerimutts for being kike lapdogs
>get called a Jew for it
Must be the inbreeding on your part.
Who are they according to you?
That empire never dissapeared, it actually grew stronger. Those people who used UK as their base of operation just moved to USA.
Your nation is exactly where it is today precisely because you served, and continue to serve your Jewish masters.
The strongest navy in the world and the ocean as a natural barrier let them do anything they wanted. Not to mention the genius IQ.
And yet still really small tallywackers.