Are meal replacements the future of nutrition?
Are meal replacements the future of nutrition?
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Keto-chow is better and healthier IMO
Nope, insects are.
redpill me.
is it soy or something gay?
They should only be used as supplements, not entire replacements. Some variety in your diet keeps your body used to variation, which is important. Plus, these formulas always miss something.
Maybe for literal soyboys, but everyone else will stay away from degenerate food.
I'm of the opinion that caloric and nutritional requirements to succeed at life should be provided free by the government.
However I don't mean food stamps. I don't mean KFC. I don't mean candy and soda.
I mean something like Soylent.
I mean think of it. There's all these fucking stories.
>These black communities simply cannot afford nutritious food! That's why they eat nothing but fast food and are completely retarded!
Well what if welfare ONLY allowed you to buy stuff like Soylent? Nutritionally balanced. Extremely healthy. Every fucking vitamin and mineral you need. All the protein. All the fiber. In a bottle.
NO ONE would go hungry. There'd always be a life line for absolutely anybody.
But, it would be fucking boring and you'd try to get a job as fast as you could so you could go get "real" food (which probably wouldn't be as balanced as Government Drink but you get the idea).
Is it soy based?
Guys I started doing Isagenix recently. Help me out is it red pilled or am I getting fucked by the agriJew again?
>actually a breddy gud idea
is soylent easy to make and/or mass produce? if so that just makes it even better for low income people needing to get all the needed nutrition. and that way we can make the nigs into soybois
having a non soy based meal replacement would be nice like i know you can make your own for just around the same price as soylent without the soy and directions are online. asking if they are the future is like asking will everyone use sexbots in the future. its just not going to happen and while they will be used by a large amount of people i doubt they will become commonplace to only ingest the meal supp. my guess is meal supps will make their largest impact when we start traveling in space.
I drink a soylent occasionally, if I have to go to work early and haven’t the time to make breakfast oatmeal. It’s not the worst thing, just don’t make it your only meal.
You add your own protien isolate. So no soy like other cheap proteins.
Also, I recommend instead of mixing with heavy cream you swap it instead with Avocado Oil or Extra-Virgin Olive Oil.
>Making your own
Yeah, the website actually gives the recipe the guy uses here:
It's just more convienent buying it premixed.
Dont fall for the meal replacement Jew. It looks cool and futuristic but in the end destroys thousands of years of cooking tradition and culture.
Is there any hint of fiber in this by any chance? All this reminds me of are MRE's, and there are no shortage of testimonies with those.
we will all be eating that chunky semen from the matrix
Damn near anything food-related can be mass produced. Whether it's any good is up to the reseller company that purchases from the direct supplier.
Skipping meals is the way of the future
And the way of the past. Funny how that works, huh? You don't need to replace a meal you shouldn't be eating in the first place. Our ancestors weren't eating 3 squared meals and snacks all day
Why would we need to eat more when we're less active than ever?
Yeah the label says at 4 servings a day, there is 25% of daily value per serving. And if whatever reason it doesn't, just add Metamucil.
The yogurt machine's broken!
found the website i was thinking of for home made meal replacements. shouldn't really be used to completely get rid of material foods.
>powder 25g
>drink 3g
>bar 5g
>coffiest 3g
Oh dear that's nowhere near enough. Fiber isn't just roughage to pass through. I could see this as a supplement but not as a meal replacement.
How about enzyme profile?