How did this man become a father figure to tens of thousands of young men?
How did this man become a father figure to tens of thousands of young men?
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>father figure
My father never cried in front of me let alone in public.
But I guess it does make sense because most so called men are utter cucks in 2018.
Opportunities arise where responsibility was abdicated
there's probably some freudian shit where deep down all men want to have a critical and stern father to guide them, but modern society has made that a big no-no. peterson fills that role for seemingly an entire generation of alienated, dejected young men who have never been made to leave their comfort zone. he seems like a bit of a narcissist, but maybe he needs to be, either way i respect him
I think it's to do with the rise of fatherless households. Young men are growing up with no guiding hand and go into adult life without any direction. They hear what Jordan is saying and it is helping them find meaning for their lives.
Nah, I think the Spaniards have it right, even though I'm not quite shameless enough for it.
Get swole and wear your heart on your sleeve. No one outside of that kind of setting knows how to deal with a person like that.
this too. i grew up without any real father figure (or mother figure for that matter), and back in 2015 trump became the first man i think i've ever looked up to in my entire life, and i wanted to better myself so that i wouldn't be a disappointment to him. i know it sounds crazy, but it's true. bad parenting of the past few generations seems like a tsunami that is only just now hitting the shore
Because people are stupid. Most things he talks about are common sense. You don't have to have any education to understand or know what he is speaking about.
75% divorce rates. I don't know why anyone would look up to him as a father figure and not just a respected intellectual though.
he's been at it for years saying the same stuff but Sup Forums latched onto him really late desu
>he appeared on TV as far back as 2008
I don't know. I would consider him to be the deadbeat uncle that I thought was smart, but grew up to realize how flawed he is, and try not to think that he may have molested myself when I was too young to remember
They had none, the standards were low.
Jew push feminism
Divorce rampant
Masculinity now toxic
No pride self worth
Waves of immigrants
Now the problems are you and your disorder
>generation of children that had no parental guidance and were basically raised entirely by hollywood and the internet
>surprised that they latch on to someone who tells them that if they stand up, work hard, and act decent, that they can actually be successful and get what they want
Really rustles my jimmies OP, i cant understand why he's popular?
Sounds like every uncle
Is this a (((viral marketing campaign?)))
But user, we live in a time that common sense its not so "common", these are some sad times we live.
lol Peterson got a hair transplant.
Nature abhors a vacuum.
The relevant analogy is:
>Father is away / indisposed for years
>Comes back, find son is an alcoholic degenerate
This is the state Peterson found society in. Although not conventionally "manly," tears are an appropriate response to emphasize to the son that his life is a tragedy - because it didn't have to be that way.
he's a cuck.
He's a perfect example of "The harder you work, the luckier you get."
He's been at this for years. Because of that, he could capitalize on the opportunity when it arose.
Pic related.
By introducing to them the idea of archetypes, and introducing self discipline, something very few men are brought up with these days. This way of viewing the world makes so much sense to people because despite not knowing what archetypes are it is the way we view the world. By feeding people this truth he gained a following.
It has to do with people being spoonfed from a very early age. If you don't knwo something, you look it up. That's why people are horrible at working things out on their own. Including themselves.
>60% of boys born to single mothers
>hurrdurr why do they look to e-celeb psychologists for male guidance
Nature abhors a vacuum.