yes goyim get you flu shot that will be 300$. Seems fishy to me
Think I have it. Is it really$300
i can get it for free and get a free $10 gift card for publix. If you pay for your flu shot you're literally retarded
I get a free flu shot from my employer. Get fucked poorfags
Flu shots are usually covered by your insurance company. Not only that, insurance companies will gladly pay the cost because it's cheaper than ER visits and hospital stays.
But keep deluding yourself you anti-science double-digit IQ dimwit.
how can someone be this stupid
I still don't trust the Flu shot. No way to audit the supply chain.
They're free though. That should be even more concerning.
Mine was $5 and the nurse was hotter than blazing fuck!
Every year they scare people about the flu with inflated terror statistics that often blur the fact that the people who got dieded were already sick or dying to begin with. They sell millions of these vaxxes to healthy people and get reimbursed by insurance. The shots aren't free, we pay for them in our insurance, or with tax money. Pharma and insurance companies are linked financially. The point of health insurance is not to protect your finances, it's to protect pharma and the healthcare systems finances. When you understand it that way everything starts to make more sense.
Constantly vaccinating everyone against influenza is going to lead to super bugs and already may have given the 2 super bugs that are making the rounds in 2017-18. Only the sick, young and elderly should be vaccinated. This years vaccination was only 10% effective anyway.
The government has paid out BILLIONS in damages to families since there introduction. How can you turn a blind eye to this?
I get one free through my work. But I haven't had one for years and never had influenza.
If you go out & get a flu shot period you are literally retarded.
Who the fuck even cares how much $ you paid (or did not) for something that is usually just a racquet, sometimes poisonous, & in a few specific manufacturing instances fucking BOTH
Get the important vaccines without question but nigga fuck these flu shots
its a child relax
>assuming he was smart enough to know that
>he'll have to research it himself now
>that means it will be more convincing that you just telling him
>you're making him do all the work to convince himself
You couldn’t even pay me to get a flu shot
CDC is pushing all other age groups to get the vaccine. Seems kind of weird that people whose expertise is viroligy are suggesting such a stance; especially considering that scientists picked the wrong fucking strain to immunize-for this season.
in my country it's 10$
muh freedoms
I already had this flu. Now I am stronger than before. Fight me zogs.
Aussie flu strikes again!
Never had the flu and never had a flu shot
Can confirm that I had to get a mandatory flu shot last November at work and just recovered this week from having it. Wtf?
Then you will prob die when you get it when you are older. No built up anti-bodies.
>getting flu shots at all
good goy
>yes goyim get you flu shot
My buddy develops the shot every year. He said it's a joke. They guess what the strain might be, and usually they are wrong. But they get paid shit tons of money to do this year after year. No one on his team takes the shot. Neither do I.
Not how vaccination or Influenza virus works, it doesn't accumulate resistance mutations like superbugs and antibiotics. But yeah the vaccines debatably 10% effective, vaccination against H3N2 strains tends not to work as well i wouldn't bother if your healthy
Never get one but caught influenza last weekend. Was nice going to the hospital and only paying $30 for the visit and meds when California charges $50 for the visit alone.
even so
how could anyone be that fucking stupid
>implying that everybody can just come up with 30$ out of nowhere
your system still is racist and classicist towards minorities which dont have any free cash on hand
The current vaccine is around 10% effective and only about 12% of the people being tested for flu actually have influenza. I would love to know what is making them sick.
I've never had a flu shoot nor the flu.
If you get conned into getting the flu shot, you are Already Dead!
Fucking Stupid Idiots! You deserve what you get!
Watch the movie, Vaxxed! NOW!!!!!
You Still dont trust the flu shot?!!
So in the future you might trust the flu shot?
How fuking stupid are you people?
Turn off your fucking TVs! Now!
Its useless if you already have it.
>Had to get them while growing up.
>Would get really sick a day after getting a flu shot.
>Fast forward 15yrs later.
>Haven't had one since I was 17.
>Haven't been sick with a flu virus since I turned 18.
>Everyone around me is scrambling to get these shots.
>They get really sick 24hrs later.
>I end up being around these people.
>Don't get sick once.
Pharmacies will give people (((FREE))) vaccines;no questions asked.
Lucky fuckers, all I got this year was explosive diarrhea
we should really start living GTA mode, people are zombie meatsacks, killing them is a favor to them
We REALLY want you to get a flu shot...
Mine was free from my employer but you can get them at Walgreens for like $20 if you don't have insurance.
t. soulless normie sheep
My state has several GTA mode cities.I'd say Detroit being the main city,but people from Flint are much more ruthless and generally just don't give a fuck because of how horrible it is to live there.Prison is an upgrade to Flint locals.
Yeah, 5 bucks sure is a HUGE PUSH to get people in. This proves this insane conspiracy theory true, I mean there's no way a company would part with a whole 5 dollars to get you into their store for one thing which has statistically proven that it makes you shop around - especially given most places set their pharmacies in the very far back so you're forced to walk through the entire store first and on the way out.
Be honsst, who is stupid enough to get vaccinated for the flu?
Can't you be sick for a week like everybody?
They're trying so hard to scare people into getting vaccinated.
They must have put some new chemicals in there to put the waking goyim back to sleep.
I'm a lot less scared about dying from the flu than being fucking miserable and missing work for a week.
I get that it's not anywhere near 100% effective, but I also do some other crazy things to avoid getting sick like washing my hands
my doctor told me he didn't get this years flu shot
never got that
Oh dat me. Being sick sucks I'm not sure why I wouldn't use the tools available to avoid it.
This is honestly the main reason why I don’t get mine every year. Disease research even found that it’s getting very strong nowadays and we’re only helping it get that way.
I got the flu 2 times in a row which never happens to me. It wasn't that bad though. Fuck flu shots. There's 3 flues going around anyway you're gona get one of em
Its not free ffs what do you think income tax is for.
God I hope you're kidding.
100% mandatory if you are in the military they are used as test rats just like how they used them to test out the effects of nukes on rhe human body. Fucking idiots.
Ignorant fuck. The flu really fucks some people up. Wife learned the hard way this year. Shit turned into pneumonia.
Is that in netflix let?
Its not the Flu that the majority of people are sick from!
What is it? This is the huge Clue????
Dig Anons!!!!!!! Now!
Weaklings, genes like that should have been eradicated. But hey, i guess living in a world obsessed with sanitation has good sides.
>i always get fat niggers
>The flu really fucks people who get the shot up.
A nurse told me that if you've had the vaccine and still contract the flu, it's easier to get over it. Is that even true?