The purpose of this thread is to provide Sup Forums a convenient guide to the 2018 midterms, and a platform to take action to achieve specific objectives that will prevent any semblance of a “Blue Wave.”
November 6, 2018 --> THE BIG ONE. This is when you’ll cast your votes to elect your choices to the House of Representatives and the Senate
March 18, 2018 --> Pennsylvania special election for the 18th Congressional District; likely Republican but the Democrats have a strong candidate and you can bet your ass that they’ll be gunning for this seat
>Defeatist Black Pillers not welcome. Your mentality is for losers. We didn't need you in 2016, and we don't need you now.
>Shills not welcome. Your attempts are utterly transparent. You were wrong in 2016. You were defeated in all 5 House Races in 2017. Your only real victory was in Alabama, and that was when our guy was smeared as a pedo, got massively outspent, and got betrayed by prominent figures in the GOP. You won't be able to do that in every single race this year. We know the stakes are too high for that. On the other hand, legitimate dissenters of all types are welcome.
>REMINDER that most political power in the USA isn't in the Presidency, it's in the Congress. In many ways, this can be even more impactful than Trump becoming President
>REMINDER that a Democrat congress can fuck up everything we've achieved in 2016, and they definitely will try their best to. You can bet that they will seriously try impeachment.
>REMINDER that Trump's victory is a once in a lifetime opportunity. If we fuck up now, we may NEVER get another man like him in government in our lifetime
>REMINDER that even if you’re disappointed with how Trump is compromising too much with the Democrats by not doing things like immediately repealing DACA and not getting the wall through…November 6, 2018 is your chance to elect a much redder congress so that he doesn’t have to compromise with the Democrats so much and has a much greater chance of passing every item on his agenda through
>REMINDER that even if you hate Republicucks like Bitch McConnell, instead of whining in impotent rage, you should use your energy on electing solid MAGA candidates in the primaries and casting a vote against the Democrat even if a Republicuck wins the primary
[ ] sign up for the Democrats’ mailing list on to keep an eye out for what they want to do in your area
[ ] sign up for the Republican’s mailing list on to keep an eye out for what they want to do in your area [ ]think of all the family members and friends you know who are willing to vote against the Democrats, and get them to register to vote if they haven’t yet, and CONSTANTLY REMIND THEM THAT NOVEMBER 6 IS THE BIG DAY. Do whatever it takes. If you have a younger Gen Z sister who hates the Democrats and recently turned 18, get her to stop taking selfies and take some time to register. Prepare a family / friend party for November 6 or close to it. Anything along those lines. If you’re a hot chick (or a girl who isn’t a landwhale, really) get your beta orbiters to vote.
[ ] if you know people willing to vote Democrat, think of all the ways to redpill or demotivate them; obviously this will vary on a case-by-case basis
[ ] share what you know about how each candidate is perceived in your area (e.g. I live in Indiana and Joe Donnelly isn't even popular among progressives; I live in NYC and many people here won't even bother going out to vote for Gillibrand)
[ ] share your ideas on how to improve this general
Matthew Bailey
The Complete Red Storm Todo-List
(ONLINE) [ ] use a disposable email and sign up for The Daily Kos, Democratic Underground, and any other online leftist space you feel like; start racking up posts masquerading as a leftist (shouldn’t be hard, just rant about Russian bots, mimic their quirks like “yet another scared little white male afraid of losing power”); become a reputable poster so that you can set things up for later psy-ops [ ] make a fake leftist Twitter account, follow a bunch of leftists and masquerade as a soyboy / SJW harpy by writing up a bunch of leftist sounding tweets [ ] make a list of all Trump supporting / right-leaning people you know on social media, Steam, forums, etc; pm them to ask if they’re voting in the primaries and this November in the midterms; keep track of them every once in a while to ensure that they do [ ] compile a folder of memes and a word document of copypastas to make certain things more efficient
Dylan Anderson
(OFFLINE / ‘REAL WORLD’) [ ] register to vote; register for the Republican Party if it’s required to vote in the primaries in your state; mark the date for the primaries for your state on your calendar; mark November 6 on your calendar) [ ] research the primary candidates and incumbents in your area for the House, Senate, and Governor races; decide who you want to support, and keep track of them; [ ] make a list of people you know in real life who support Trump [ ] make a list of people you know in real life who lean right (but aren’t really in support of Trump, e.g. NeverTrumpers) [ ] make a list of people you know in real life who are politically apathetic or on the fence, but can be swayed to support Trump and/or vote GOP (e.g. people who dislike feminism but see no point in voting; people who used to vote Democrat but feel disenfranchised by the party) [ ] make a list of people you know who are on the left (anyone from avid progressives, neoliberals, socialists, etc)
Bentley Reed
[ ] have a conversation with or send a message to everyone you know who supports Trump; ask them if they’re voting this November in the midterms, and get them to commit to voting (use whatever means at your disposal; for instance, plan a party on November 6 so you can all get out to vote together); ask them if they are voting in the primaries, and get them to vote with you for the Trumpian nominee [ ] have a conversation with or send a message to everyone you know who leans right but doesn’t necessarily support Trump; ask them if they’re voting this November in the midterms, and get them to commit to voting for the GOP (stress that despite their grievances with Trump, they still need to be aware that the Left is salivating for a ‘Blue Wave’ and that they need to join in to prevent that) [ ] have a conversation with or send a message to everyone you know who is apathetic or on the fence; if they have left-leaning sympathies, don’t bother letting them know about the midterms, just talk about how you wish everyone would shut up about politics or something along those lines; if they have right-leaning sympathies, coax them into considering voting in the midterms by talking about all the things that could be fixed and what it could mean for them [ ] have a conversation with or send a message to everyone you know who is on the left; ask them if they’re voting this November in the midterms; if they are voting, keep track of what they’re up to; if they’re the deranged type, use their offputting behavior as a means of swaying the people you know who are on the fence or have right leaning sympathies (e.g. ask them “hey, what do you think of that thing Alison McSJW posted on facebook”); if they’re not voting, keep track of whether they change their mind
Samuel Green
[ ] IMPORTANT: Log your experiences on /rsg/ or /ptg/ (e.g. “I just got my 18 year old Trump supporting cousin to register; “this one black guy told me he’s not voting this time around because he thinks it’s all BS and the democrats care more about illegals than blacks”; “I have a cousin who keeps ranting and raving about Drumpf and am using him to sway my other cousins against the Democrats” ; “I just registered to vote thanks to this thread!”)
Isaac Turner
Friendly reminder to ask candidates "Do you support the policies of President Trump? Yes or No."
Cameron Morgan
Bump. I'm going to try and mobilize people to vote in my town. We should all try and get ppl to vote in small and conservative towns
Ryder Hall
(OHIO) 2016 Presidential Election: 2,841,005 Trump (51.69%) to 2,394,164 Hillary (43.56%) 2016 House Elections: 2,996,017 GOP (58.17%) to 2,154,523 DEM (41.83%) 1.85% downward GOP swing from 2014 2016 Senate Election: 3,118,567 GOP – 58% to 1,996,908 DEM – 37.2% >purple state turning redder
>there’s a good chance that Democrat, Sherrod Brown is going down Who here lives in Ohio? How many people do you know will vote this November? What will you be doing for the midterms? Any ideas?
Ethan Jenkins
(PENNSYLVANIA) 2016 Presidential Election: 2,970,733 Trump (48.18%) to 2,926,441 Hillary (47.46%) 2016 House Elections: 3,096,576 GOP (53.91%) to 2,625,157 DEM (45.70%) 1.63% downward GOP swing from 2014, 1.24% upward DEM swing from 2014 2016 Senate Election: 2,951,702 GOP (48.8%) to 2,865,012 (47.3%) >rust belt blue state turned slightly red in 2016
>Bob Casey, the Democrat, is particularly vulnerable if we bring out enough of the 2016 GOP numbers against him Who here lives in Pennsylvania? How many people do you know will vote this November? What will you be doing for the midterms? Any ideas?
Kayden Scott
2016 Presidential Election: 2,279,543 Trump (47.5%) to 2,268,839 Hillary (47.27%) 2016 House Elections: 2,243,402 GOP (48.03%) to 2,193,980 DEM (46.97%) – 0.55% upward swing from 2014 for the GOP, 2.2% downward swing from 2014 for the Democrats 2014 Senate Election: 1.290,199 GOP (41.3%) to 1,704,936 DEM (54.6%) >rust belt blue state turned slightly red in 2016 >The Democrat Stabenow seems somewhat vulnerable, it’s going to be a tough senate battle and Trump will definitely campaign hard for whoever the GOP nominates Who here lives in Michigan? How many people do you know will vote this November? What will you be doing for the midterms?
Owen Foster
2016 Presidential Election: 1,405,284 Trump (47.22%) to 1,382,536 Hillary (46.45%) 2016 House Elections: 1,270,279 GOP (45.8%) to 1,379,996 DEM (49.75%) 2016 Senate Election: 1,479,471 GOP (50.2%) to 1,380,335 DEM (46.8%) >rust belt blue state turned slightly red in 2016 >The Democrat Baldwin seems somewhat vulnerable, it’s going to be a tough senate battle and Trump will definitely campaign hard for whoever the GOP nominates Who here lives in Wisconsin? How many people do you know will vote this November? What will you be doing for the midterms? Any ideas?
David Sanders
(FLORIDA) 2016 Presidential Election: 4,617,886 Trump (49.02%) to 4,504,975 Hillary (47.82%) 2016 House Elections: 4,733,630 GOP (54.71%) to 3,985,050 DEM (45.21%) 2016 Senate Election: 4,835,191 GOP (52%) to 4,122,088 DEM (44.3%) >purple state that went a bit redder in 2016 >Bill Nelson seems to be a strong Democrat candidate. It’s still possible to defeat him, however Who here lives in Florida? How many people do you know will vote this November? What will you be doing for the midterms? Any ideas?
Carter Ortiz
(VIRGINIA) 2016 Presidential Election: 1,769,443 Trump (44.41%) to 1,981,473 Hillary (49.73%) 2016 House Elections: 1,843,010 GOP (48.74%) to 1,859,426 DEM (49.17%) – 4.82% downward swing from 2014 for the GOP, 9.55% upward swing from 2014 for the Democrats 2014 Senate Election: 1,073,667 DEM (49.1%) to 1,055,940 GOP (48.3%) >Dixie state turned pretty blue >Tim Kaine, Hillary’s running mate, looks solid but he’s definitely still someone who can be BTFO like Pence did at the VP debate Who here lives in Virginia? How many people do you know will vote this November? What will you be doing for the midterms? Any ideas?
Noah Jackson
(MINNESOTA) 2016 Presidential Election: 1,322,951 Trump (44.9%) to 1,367,716 Hillary (46.4%) 2016 House Elections: 1,334,686 GOP (46.73%) to 1,434,590 DEM (50.23%) – 0.03% upswing from 2014 for the Democrats, 0.20% upswing from 2014 for the Republicans 2016 Senate Election: 850,227 GOP (42.9%) to 1,053,205 DEM (53.2%) >state that has gone blue for the Presidency in every year since 1972. Even Reagan didn’t win it in the 1984 49 state landslide. However, Trump ALMOST won it in 2016. Keep that in mind >there will be two senate races because of Franken’s resignation; we have a chance to pick up 2 new senate seats for the GOP Who here lives in Minnesota? How many people do you know will vote this November? What will you be doing for the midterms? Any ideas?
John Flores
(NEVADA) 2016 Presidential Election: 512,058 Trump (45.5%) to 539,260 Hillary (47.92%) 2016 House Elections: 498,104 GOP (46.19%) to 508,113 DEM (47.11%) 2016 Senate Election: 495,079 GOP (44.7%) to 521,994 DEM (47.1%) >purple state that swung slightly blue in 2016 >if we get GOP turnout high, we can win decently in this state in 2018; Dean Heller is the GOP incumbent and a lot of money will be spent on keeping him in Who here lives in Nevada? How many people do you know will vote this November? What will you be doing for the midterms? Any ideas?
Logan Moore
2016 Presidential Election: 2,819,534 Trump (36.52%) to 4,556,124 (59.01%) Hillary
2016 House Elections: 2,530,437 GOP (35.56%) to 4,464,934 DEM (62.74%)
2016 Senate Election: 27.2% GOP (27.2%) to 5,221,945 DEM (70.6%) >solid blue state, but that doesn’t mean it can’t go red >if Gillibrand suffers a scandal and we nominate a strong GOP candidate, it’s possible for it to turn red; after all, there are lots of potential votes in upstate and Long Island, and there are more Trump sympathizers/supporters in NYC than you might think; >I live in NYC and went to HWNDU…lots of young college aged adults and teenagers actually support Trump, though many keep it low key Who else here lives in New York? How many people you know will vote this November? What will you be doing for the midterms? Any ideas? Over here pretty much everyone my age doesn’t seem to care about the midterms. That will change come November, and I’ll make sure the right-leaning people or those disenchanted with the left who I know (and I know plenty) will vote even if it’s an uphill battle. There are many people here who can be flipped to vote for the GOP…some former leftists (like myself) who used to support the Democratic Party, some people on the fence, and some people who didn’t care about politics until now.
Carter Lewis
(NEW HAMPSHIRE) 2016 Presidential Election: 345,790 (46.6%) Trump to 348,526 (47.0%) Hillary 2016 House Elections: 316,001 GOP (48.4%) to 336,451 DEM (51.6%) 2016 Senate Election: 353,632 GOP (47.8%) to 354,649 DEM (48.0%) >purple state; reddest state in the North East; most libertarian state >Trump would have won it were it not for voter fraud, or Gary Johnson siphoning off 30,000 votes >2 House elections this year, no Senate Who here lives in New Hampshire? How many people you know will vote this November? What will you be doing for the midterms? Any ideas?
2016 House Elections: 2,397,436 GOP (45.74%) to 2,810,536 DEM (53.62%)
2016 Senate Election: 2,184,693 GOP (39.8%) to 3,012,940 DEM (54.9%) >solid blue state, but decently sized pockets of GOP voters south of Chicago
>possibly has the most corrupt politicians in all of the USA
>where Obama was senator before POTUS, where Hillary grew up Who here lives in Illinois? How many people you know will vote this November? What will you be doing for the midterms? Any ideas?
2016 House Elections: 2,272,460 GOP (60.26%) to 1,498,437 DEM (39.74%)
2016 Senate Election: 2,135,806 GOP (54.8%) to 1,599,726 DEM (41.0%) >red state that seems to be turning a bit purple; leftists were claiming it would go blue in 2016
>if you compare the House and Senate results to the Presidential results, it looks like there were lots of NeverTrumper faggots Who here lives in Georgia? How many people you know will vote this November? What will you be doing for the midterms? Any ideas?
Tyler Green
(NORTH CAROLINA) 2016 Presidential Election: 2,362,631 Trump (49.8%) to 2,189,316 Hillary (46.2%)
2016 House Elections: 2,447,326 GOP (53.22%) to 2,142,661 DEM (46.6%)
2016 Senate Election: 2,395,376 GOP (51.1%) to 2,128,165 DEM (45.4%) >went blue in 2008 for Obama, red in 2012 for Romney, and red again for Trump
>there are hipster-ish cities like Raleigh and Charlotte and Asheville, how did that happen? Who here lives in North Carolina? How many people you know will vote this November? What will you be doing for the midterms? Any ideas?