Literally Shaking: The Thread
Unironically calling for President Schiff
Schiff is such a drama queen and he should seriously stop because hes riling up the activist portion of the democratic base.
They are literally talking about an armed uprising if Mueller or Rosenkike is fired as a result of this memo. They are also flipping out over the investigation into the FBI and DOJ.
>needing ice cream but not having any...
Go to the store nigger!
First 2 Scoops, then two boxes of fish food. Now Memos? DRUMPPPFFFF!!!!
Actual Americans believe this.
>The party in control is attempting a coup
It'll be a short one
>following due process and having a democratic vote on the topic
Fuck these people
What's he saying?
I need some ice cream
What a fucking fag
A umbrella with that^
>armed uprising
>They are literally talking about an armed uprising
Please God, let it be so.
>I feel so nervous
>I need ice cream, NOW
These people are literal children. I've carried the bodybag of my best friends overseas so politicians and detached limousine liberals can not only destroy the nations integrity, but they've managed to put the nation on a path to destroy it genetically as well. These people truly deserve to experience a civil war.
Quick rundown pls
Justice is happening. How can these people so retarded?
Someone have that composite gay face pic? Kevin Spacey looks exactly like that and Schiff looks like Spacey.
Pic related
Nice psyops attempt by Dworkin here. Obviously he's not this stupid.
>crimes being exposed
how dumb are these people?
This is how you think and what you believe when you get your news from CNN, The View, Jimmy Kimmel, and Comedy Central.
The Memo, once it's made public, will spell the END of the Democratic Party!
And once we kick all the illegal immigrants out, that will GUT their voter base!
RIP Democratic National Party
1828 - 2018
These poor souls. They were just a little too high strung.
Are these people real? How can they be so blind to the media "Russia" narrative, it was the most obvious co-ordinated smear campaign in the history of such things and these people just blindly follow along. It's fucking pathetic, how can they not posses any critical thinking skills?
Kikes are so tribal that they all shake at the same time
What the fuck difference is this memo going to make? There’s already been plenty of evidence of fbi collusion with the Clintons and king njgger and nobody’s done shit about it.
The Democrats haven't been this mad since this man took all their slaves away!
i wonder how many of these people are chinese shills or some shit just stirring the pot
>doesn't comply with russian sanctions
>Expecting Mueller to do shit
That's the problem. Combine no critical thinking skills and unironically watching Trevor Noah to catch up on the news of the day and this is what you have.
I'm assuming you've never met such people personally. Yuri Bezmenov was not exaggerating about such people being irrevocably brainwashed. Their entire perception of reality, their very sanity even, hinges on a few very questionable core assumptions and thus they cling to those assumptions desperately, never letting go. They can't be saved. They're zombies. The walking dead. Just forget them.
They're bots.
Context ? Are these fags upset because of the memo being released ?
Americans are dumb as rocks and eat up anything an "authority" tells them. Something like 50 million cant even read. Normies dont come to Sup Forums either
>t. burger
If they really believed their lives were in danger, they would be fleeing the country. Yet, despite the danger, and racism, and misogyny, and income equality....they stay. Extremely curious behavior.
Yes. This memo could potentially destroy their world view.
I'm ready for the disappointment.
>revealing high-level government corruption is going to be bad for the nation, r-right guise?!?!
We need to start genociding leftists from coast to coast. The worst of humanity, they are.
can someone give me a quick rundown on this memo
>tfw no skinny qt3.14 to feed and workout with
I wanna chubby fit bitch.
Yes. They Dems attempted a coup, based upon false accusations, and now a memo written by the Dem traitors detailing and planning the coup is about to be published. To the truly insane and low IQ leftists, thwarting their coup is, in itself, a coup.
IIRC, the memo showed that Obongo, Clinton and other people that must be hanged spied on POTUS.
They'll never accept they've been wrong.
Somebody upload Erin Burnett literally babbling like a retard, CNN is in total complete freefall. I expect Lemon to kill himself on air tonight
>claiming Lincoln in any positive light at all
We need to gas them. It would be the best thing for us, and for them.
There's nothing to run down, no one, except Congress and the director of the FBI has seen it yet. It's about the FISA court granting Obama admin FBI and DOJ the clearance to spy on Trump campaign during the election. It's a summary of the classified information related to that.
It's funny, because deep down they know they support traitors. The simple fact that they didn't want the memo released shows how pussy and weak willed they are. They never once challenged their worldview, and they know they are wrong. But yet they want to support the DNC. These people are scum.
>dems attempted a coup
Could you be more specific ? I only know about the spying of Pres Trump.
I hope he hands out envelopes Budd Dwyer style
This is why I don't think the memo will have the impact it should. They are all committed to hating Trump too much to pay any attention to facts/ details. It's about their tribe now.
>((((((ARI MELBER)))))))
>all these normie lemmings following their lies and fearmongering
The JQ is clearer each day.
This feels like a big nothing burger
Btw, I don't know if we had a significant influence on the releasing of the memo, but Twitter got it trending and Sup Forums (4ch or 8ch) tricked dems supporters by psyoping them into thinking it would hurt the POTUS.
Good job guys. The swamp is finally drying.
I physically shake in moments of anxiousness or nervousness such as publicly speaking or getting into combat in games with permadeath such as ARK, DayZ, Rust, or PUBG. Also once in extreme anger on ARK when the argent I raised from birth was killed when I failed to track its stamina in a fight with an alpha carno, therizino, dragonflies, ants, and dimorphodons.
>I'm stunned
Something you would never hear on Sup Forums
Oh, shit. It's a salt mine? You mean there's actually a reason to watch CNN tonight?
Schiff just gave a press conference bitching about how they voted to release the original fisa memo instead of the democrat edit of it.
we won , Yankee Doddle Dandy , hahahaha prepay your angus..
Ya its good, but dont put it on your TV just find a live youtube stream
Lol, that's my third trips in like 10 minutes. Other two ITT 6s, 7s, now 8s
The memetics are out of control today!
>trip trips
Niggers aren't Americans
this salt is glorious, 2016 all over again
its an outline of all the pay to play politics the DNC has been running since 2016, including the "muh russia" scandal.
However the media has started to spin that the memo is now somehow a republican coup attempt. lmao. Imagine being so braindead that a sense of justice is considered a false dichotomy.
TDLR: all of this was already leaked on wikileaks. The memo just breaks it down into a simpler format
Pathetic, predictable, too easy...
Yep, you're a cuck
Boomers were taught that the FBI is incorruptible, that the media is always honest, and that the government is your friend.
They actually believe those things.
Poor naive fools never stood a chance
Can the civil war just happen already? I never want to read tweets as stupid as these again.
I wanna see some heads roll.
hue hue hue
This whole "Russia" nonsense. There was no collusion, collusion is also not even against the law, and the Dems, while attempting to use the government to rig the election, just couldn't let it go. They have actually committed treason, and have earned the death sentence. Hillary, the nigger, Comey, Jarrett, Brennan, Clapper, Holder....all of them.
I want all these fucks dead before they make this country even worse. Imagine being so retarded that when the truth gets exposed you cry "Russian GOP coup." Part of me feels bad for these people for being so propagandized, but at the same time, they have a responsibility to not be this retarded and I feel like these people are becoming so unhinged that are going to be a danger to society (if they already haven't become one).
My brother married a lefty and worships John Oliver, the 18-35 year olds of today have been completely brainwashed.
So scared right now!
My thoughts exactly. People as stupid as the Dems cannot possibly ever be used for any kind of constructive purposes. Their "studies" degrees, miseducation, sense of entitlement, and low IQs qualify them only as organ donors. But they aren't even good for that, because of the AIDS.
It's going to be amazing to watch what happens to them when Obama is implicated in all this shit.
And this is why I tell people to piss off when they say shit like "the truth needs to come out slowly, so that the left has a chance to come to grips and accept reality."
It was a fucking mistake to let the Russia nonsense go on for an entire year, because now that is FIRMLY entrenched as the truth on the left. If the Russia BS died after a couple months and Trump went ahead with firings/arrests the left would still be crying dictator, but at least they wouldn't have had over a whole year of Russian brainwashing clogging up their memory.
yeah too many took a trip off the looney toones and got lost in Adventure Time with Finn over Reality
That Q leaker is followed almost entirely by boomers. In their groups they're also STARTING to question the kike and are about half aware of the child pedophilia/sacrifice shit. Not all boomers are as bad as publicized IMO. They just take a lot longer to come around to the thought their idols lied to them.
The fact Sup Forums is as large as it is, and the 18-35 demographic makes up 90+% of it's userbase shows not all is lost.
its cuz all the murder porn MSM TV Shows that were produced
I think this is going to mentally break people on the left. They may talk about rising up, but when they figure out just how badly outmatched they are, they'll have to stew in their own fucking shit.
The strain was too much to bear.
These cucks give menopausal women a bad name.
Euro memeflag cunt here. Any chance of a quick rundown about exactly whats going on and what all these reactions are to?
Don't follow American politics or news.
>Underestimating your enemy
a fitting .gif really.
These people are too stupid to live.
These people are so fucking dumb I can't believe they're not bots...