Will it go down as the worse chimpout in history?
Will it be worse than....
Zanj rebellion
Zanzibar genocide
Or any others one can think of.
South African genocide
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Paybacks a bitch.
source on 3 pls
>Zanzabar genocide
Need a quick rundown
no because killing whites is viewed as progressive even if they are the minority
Look it up faggot
Nothing is going to happen, other than white being killed.
Other white don't give a shit about other whites.
arabs and some indians were the ruling class of zanzibar. there was a revolution in 1964
That was from anti-chinese riots in Indonesia
The chimpout that is going to occur in the USA when the welfare money runs out as the empire implodes is going make Haiti and South Africa seem like wonderlands in comparison.
>niggers killing cucks until the army kills the niggers
sounds like this is just what we need! collapse now!!!
>Implying your army are not niggers themselves
exactly. what goes around comes around anf niggers are getting their tabs written every day.
watch out niggers, The Eternal Anglo does not forget. Does not forgive.
i'm seriously thinking about getting an organisation together to sponsor whites to get them out of south africa. i dont have the money personally or the contacts/logistics but i know it can be done. there's lots of SA whites in oz so there's a community to come to.
Shit. It'll be open season on nigs and spics. I don't know about you fagots, but I'll be waiting.
Armed and trained.
Those niggers and wetbacks won't stand a chance; and that goes for jews and sand niggers, too.
The next wave of slaughter against blacks will be historically unprecedented.
The Jews will have left months before anything happens, so it will be mostly Mexicans vs Blacks with geriatric whites caught in between.
Maybe if you learn Spanish and marry a chola, her family will protect you.
The fucking niggers are going to die of dehydration.
The spooks can't even handle the basic necessities required to sustain life.
I've only ever known whites to be straight up pussies irl. Which makes me question the historical narrative.
We're going to nuke everything south of Texas, shitskins.
Kiss your Latinix brown ass goodbye.
Fuck all you shitskin, Indian/nigger mutts.
Pussies can't conquer and colonize the world.
That's because we've grown weak through lack of outside pressure. The past has had extraordinary pressures, which we may again see.
Then you've never lived outside a city.
Bring your ass to the rural areas...we will kill you without bating an eye.
You've been confusing fags and kikes with whites.
Never going to happen.
been thinking of heading to south africa to rape white women with my bruddas.
That's why I said it makes me question that very narrative.
Like the african colonization story. It sounds meme tier when one considers more Africans live in Europe than the other way around. Influenced would have been a more accurate descriptor, but white historians felt the need to use tougher language to soothe their insecurities.
Karma for colonizing their land
If I come alone and unarmed of course, but if I bring muh niggas and we strapped...... It will be another episode of white flight.
>Karma for colonizing their land
You misspelt civilizing
>Paybacks a bitch.
every nigger is going to be ground up for fertiliser for the great dead nigger forest
they deserved it.
you're just mad your country is a shithole
Like halving a coconut.
Bantus aren't native to south africa, my shit-flinging friend
Shouldn't you be blowing up 62 other muslims in Afghanistan or something? I mean, didn't that just happen. Fucking Muslim pig.
I hope one day the ancestors of the Eastern Europeans and Indians your ancestors enslaved, raided, and raped slaughter your whole family in front of your eyes.
The South African kikes who ended apartheid will pay
LOL not gonna happen cumskin. The Indians will ally with us to enslave, raid, and rape your daughters. You cumskins are being wiped out in SA and neo-colonization is already in full swing in europe. Even here in Canada you cumskins are a minority in major cities. Take a look at places like Brampton where there aern't many of you cumskins around.
>admitting you need backup and a gun to be threatening
Imaging being so much of a pussy that this is a brag
Beautiful! Saved.
>Will it go down as the worse chimpout in history?
It only counts when white people do it.
> cumskin
That's really your brain working at maximum capacity hm?
people always say "Well maybe they should just leave". They actually try but any Anglo or EU nation they go to just deny them residency and deport them.
It's funny how easily and quickly they do it to actual refugees. Yet completely ignore the invading hordes.
>Thinking one man can take over a place with his fists
>Being this stupid
Sounds like I made the little shitskin mad. I've never met an Indian who didn't hate you pedo-worshipping goatfuckers.
The best thing about all this is that it has the potential to get all Europeans across the planet to unite and fight back. Once we start it'll be very hard to stop.
>implying the one on the right isn't at least preferable to the nu-males that inhabit the rest of the west or the monkey-tier hordes that exist everywhere else
At least the kids trying, give him some discipline and training and he'll be a soldier.
full context of these pictures?
> If I come alone and unarmed of course, but if I bring muh niggas and we strapped...... It will be another episode of Rhodesia, Zulu War, Angola, Bush War, Border wars, Katanga, Sierra Leone, Bloed River, Scramble for Africa.
FTFY Kaffer
they will come, with 100% certainty the pressures will come. You think China is going to be content with their own borders? They're already not. History is a story of the strong conquering and raping the weak. The only reason why things have been so good is we've been so much stronger than anyone else but that's changing due to China's rise and our downfall.
Keep posting, need to masturbate
I also pity all idiots Who think there's a White genocide and thèse pictures Côme from a "White genocide". Even if There was, it's Payback at worst
How did it feel to have zanj raiding your home's detaining and humiliating you.
Yo, it's maggotskin, not cumskin lol. They are maggots
> poos ally with nigs
> “we’re gonna win”
Because that’s worked in the past... even with 10:1 odds in your favor you shitskins still get slaughtered.
When whites are finally cornered and they strike back, I wonder how historians will describe it.
They're not even supposed to be there.
I guarantee you're the type of faggot who cries on social media every time a cop shoots some black asshole who was in the process of committing a crime
So what you are saying is wut ? Next time whites should show no mercy and just finish the job ? Hey live and learn I guess
And your skin is the color of what comes out of our asses. It smells just as bad too.
Your skin is the color that comes out of dick and smells bad too.
shutup faggot
honestly a lot of this is american media's fault (and the boomers who ran it), they promoted the idea that white south africans were a bunch of racists and blacks needed to be in charge.
the murderer mandela still gets a ton of praise in american schools, we think he was great while he was singing songs about killing whites.
quick rundown
>white people think diversity is a good idea awhile back
>turns out it isn't
>getting genocided in horrible ways, officially on genocide watch
>little kids being tortured in ways you couldn't imagine, as you're reading this, right now, statistically as of 2018
This is like the 7th time this has happened btw. Turns out when you let yourselves become a minority to niggers as white people, you die, horribly. Who would've guessed
if you're new to this you probably think i'm exaggerating or you misread, but nope. You'll google it, see that MSM says it's a 'rumor', they say this because the quote AfricaCheck, which is ran by the people killing them. But if you choose not to be a moron and do a little bit of research, you'll see that this IS happening and all the evidence is there.
Just yesterday 2 towns got attacked, whites had to evacuate. Here's the video: africancrisis.info
you're living in the USA. how the fuck do you think that came to be?
If your cum smells as bad as shit you might want to see a doctor you fucking retard.
This is why we shouldn’t let niggers run their own countries. Look at Uganda, their Fucking parliament had a fight that looked like monkeys fighting each other.
>just yesterday
on the 24th*
sad thing is the nigger government of SA gets praised for protecting human rights here in american schools. our boomer teachers basically think all is well in south africa, and any white who gets killed deserves it for being racist.
No one in history has ever been able to beat pissed of whites in a war. Only whites have been capable of beating other whites.
All the wars that the niggers apparently won, they lost a lot of men and there were battles where they got utterly destroyed.
I’m literally looking forward to it every single day. My rifles hunger for nigger blood.
the white problem has always been inter tribal fighting, we can easily handle outsiders.
remember, the niggers of SA would've never been seen as angels and given the moral authority they have without the european and american influence. whites once again threw their own under the bus.
Says the Dominiggerman
Remember what the niggers did to South Africa.
they should just become refugees and go to Europe and rape wymens
let the SA niggers starve to death
And what they did to Rhodesia.
My anglo founding father forefather General greene had sex with one an African concubine of his and poof. Caribbean pirates from Scotland had sex with africans in the trans-atlantic slave trade and poof. White settlers had sex with some lenape Indians and poof.
Do you realize how many ancestors one has when they go back that far?
What’s ironic is that a black person probably did this and yet the Africans hate white people for something they did themselves. Why are black people really this stupid?? It reminds me of when they turned on Bernie during the elections even though he was the only politician that gave a rats ass about their pathetic existence.
more like scary famalam, the UN praises Robert Mugabe constantly too.
When I found out that we as in Americans literally paid for him I lost my shit. Our tax dollars went directly to Robert Mugabe up until recently. We are L.I.T.E.R.A.L.L.Y paying for this shit. Fuck, the entire reason for the African population-boom is OUR MONEY. If it got cut off, they would all legitimately be dead within a month.
My point is this was clearly planned
And Mozambique, and Angola, and Zambia, and Kenya
I can go on forever but the fact that over the last 8 decades whites still don't realize that if you let niggers in, and they ever start to outnumber you, you fucking die horribly with no exceptions, is absolutely fucking mind blowing.
Tl;dr they deserved it if you look at the big picture
Dear shitskin, why are you in a white country?
South Africa wasn't built by niggers.
99.9% chance that nog was killed by another nog
Ok pol, lets not 4get that ZA is a huuuuge country and statistical density of inhabitation incredibly low, so :
Hear me out ... POL could well give tactical intelligence to the white ZA population to effectively organize and make moves, to win this war the blacks are obviously waging against them right now.
Pol being the intelligence base for the wide ppl og ZA to obsserve the situation and feed info ....
U get me, do you ?
Ghandi on South Africa
from Ghandi's "Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi"
Sept. 24, 1903: “We believe as much in the purity of race as we think they do… We believe also that the white race of South Africa should be the predominating race.” — Vol. 3, p. 256
Kek. Humiliating? Zanj would join the list of “roadkill” I have had turn up on the free way. Even with practically every country in the world coming to your aid, isolating us, and you outnumbering us no less than 10:1, it still takes decades for you to accomplish a COMPROMISE.
We have the money, guns, land, power and experience. We Boers are a race of people stemming from keeping kaffers like yourself in their place. Many of us are vets, fighting in the border wars. You won’t take us down, and if you try, don’t expect for us to turn the other cheek like the rest of the cucked white races on this board.
Middle pic looks computer generated
The wrath of the awakened Anglo will be far worse than anything these nigs can cook up. They're living on borrowed time (and food).
Chimpout, sure.
What would result will go down in history as the biggest ethnic cleansing in world history.
A world without niggers is going to be nice.
Blacks can't fight
like they REALLY cant fight