ITT: villains who didn't deserve their fates

ITT: villains who didn't deserve their fates

Pic wholeheartedly related


He was gay for Doppio. He deserved it.

Zamasu was entirely right.

Science man did the right thing.

Damn meddling kids.

Eternal deaths was too much, and it didn't even make sense with GER's powers. Why in hell did he even experienced different deaths? Instead of the same death all over again?

He didn't want ningen, he didn't want other gods who disagreed with him, he basically wanted to be alone in the universe. It was pretty pointless.



>He was gay for himself

Let's see...
>Was molested and abused as a kid which triggered his personality split
>Never bothered to say anything because of shame, religion, and/or fear of being punished
>Known as the village idiot to the point that his adopted priest dad thought the same of him
>Protects his original personality most of the time when there's a bigger threat going on
>Severe untreated paranoid manic schizophrenia sprinkled with avoidant personality disorder
>Mafia boss who controls Italy's underground world and has a "me against the world" attitude
>Willing to sell drugs to kids for profit and extend his wealth
>Wants to live a quiet loner life
>Was the guy who sold the arrows to Enyaba and gave his arrow to Polpo as a recruitment/ritual/initiation tool for future stand users without facing consequences
>Buried and tortured his mother in his room before it got discovered by his priest dad
>Burned the village, killed his parents, dumped his girlfriend and fled town when his secret got discovered
>Was the cause of major crime rate spike in his country and possibly half of Europe to the point that Polnareff noticed and deduced his identity
>Didn't bother to finish killing Polnareff because he got too confident and ambitious which bit him in the ass years later
>Ruined Bruno's life and lots of others as mafia boss
>Was aware of his dying ex-girlfriend looking for him and never bothered to visit her in the hospital or even write a coded letter
>Deadbeat parent
>Wants to kill his daughter because they're related despite her not knowing anything about him except from what her mother told her which was next to nothing
>Likes to donut and karate chop people to death
>Finally abandons his original personality during the SCR arc and left him to die alone for selfish reasons and saw him as a liability at the moment

I don't know user, he deserved that fate even though I wish that he and Giorno should have had at least battled before GER took over.

>Was molested and abused as a kid which triggered his personality split
>Never bothered to say anything because of shame, religion, and/or fear of being punished
>Known as the village idiot to the point that his adopted priest dad thought the same of him
>Protects his original personality most of the time when there's a bigger threat going on
>Severe untreated paranoid manic schizophrenia sprinkled with avoidant personality disorder
>Wants to live a quiet loner life
I feel like some of these things aren't crimes

>the only crime he committed was staying true to himself

Oh, and...
>Picked a regular arrow instead of the special beetle one probably because he could get a higher price for the latter in order to quickly get out of Egypt and return to Italy, also bit him in later years to come thanks to Polnareff, Bruno, and Giorno
>Told his daughter that he wished she was never born, cementing deadbeat pos dad status along with the Brando dads, Giorno's step-father, and Johnny Joestar's dad.
>Uses his daughter's soul to control, manipulate, and hurt the remaining crew in order to gain the upper hand
>Underestimated Giorno, Gold Experience, and the beetle arrow even though desu the two barely share a hero/villain connection unlike him with Bruno and even Polnareff which were obviously blatant and personal.
> Took control over the original personality to the point where he assigned a different name for him and made him become the dormant "harmless" personality subordinate to use for whatever he pleases as long as the results are good enough for him

The cons outweigh the pros, user. Therefore, he kinda had it coming a long time ago because he left faint clues that led to his identity. He had the chance to do things differently but he ultimately went to the darker one once the "Diavolo" personality took charge when he became an adult. Had he stayed as Doppio, perhaps he could've redeem himself or start over, but that didn't happen.

I mean I don't think he deserved his fate because he was a cute fuccboi. Or maybe he was in the wrong for inspiring lust in churchbros.

Awful character


he only wanted a peaceful life he didn't deserved the ambulance treatment

Shalnark was awesome. Fucking hell Togashi.

he's also a bald faggot




Honestly, it's his end goal of drugs for everyone which makes his fate seem silly.

More of an antihero but still did nothing wrong