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le 66% face
>with two t
Get the fuck out of here with that nigger shit.
ITT: Racist wipipol
I want to breed her, I want her as my Mutt Baby momma
Would still make 83.2% white children with.
Is pretty cute now you mention it
We just need to breed the black out of her
Stop it Sup Forums, you all lust after those milkers.
I knew she was a quadroon. I've never shilled for Britney, but I'd still fill her with cummies while making her take the pill.
She's a beautiful mutt. Fuck you, Nazi LARPers. Aryans can be of any race.
Reminder she is 2/3 white talking about lets make AFRICAN (With great emphasis) mud pies, hey lets use an AFRICAN tool to get that out of oven, oh ok, bananas (cuz niggers are monkeys and eat bananas) he's that's real smart (sarcastically) did you use your AFRICAN IQ to think of that?
She was caught and banned rightfully
hahahahahahahahahaha, this kills Sup Forums hahahahahahahahahaha
No shit lolz I've been saying all along that she was just a quadroon and got lucky with more white looking features.
>aryians can be of any face
Aryans not Brits
If you couldn't tell she had a substantial portion of negro blood in her just by looking at her photo you probably don't belong on Sup Forums.
>got lucky with more white looking features
oh dear
Pretty sure Sup Forums has been saying she's a quadroon since forever.
I wouldn't start down that road unless you want hurt fefe's, Americoon.
Ugly circus-freak tier.
yeah, and?
Just bants, don't get butt blasted.
Show your real flag, leaf.
knew she was a little black, hnnnnggg shes so hot tho, sexiest mutt i've ever seen
even in her bad photos, I'd bang the shit out of her until my heart stopped.
He probably just heard today after her twitch stream was banned because of racism.
Bobs and vajen ples
So she's Indian
She's what America will look in 2050, and she's beautiful!
66% that makes her 10% more white than the average American!
Pull my finger and see who gets butt blasted.
Doesn't this chick publish her (genetic) family tree (no monkey jokes plz).
video? lmao
brb cryo freezing myself
Shes fucking ugly. I'd prolly still hit though because those milkers are prime.
um no we said she looks like Ice T
>queen of pol is literally a 66% huwhite American mutt
this is bullshit, a quadroon is darker than her
left is ~20% black and right is ~45%
Oh my gawd, even though shes disgusting I would Pork her, cuz I'm desperate for human contact, albiet Subhuman contact.
>Every user here
As opposed to European mud pies, or Asian mud pies, or Aborignial mud pies. Oh wait, no other group of people is so stupid and lazy to get to the point where they have to eat fucking dirt.
Her face is cute and her body is hot :3
>to get that out of oven
jew goes in oven not out of
56% isn't real germy.
It's 62%. 77% if you count Hispanic whites (but we don't count Hispanic 'whites' - if you do that then Argentina is officially whiter so don't try).
Finally a brit that comes to our aid instead of the endless shit-feed we usually receive.
t. genetically illiterate
live on twitch
Why would anyone count Spics as white unless they want to rig the crime statistics. Obviously they aren't. At best some (many) of them are Spanish rape babies. Then again, given Americans are 42% white on average, she's 24% above it! She's still a mutt tho.
nobody said that OP. not a single person ever. many called her a hungry nigger
hottest mutt in the hut
Hispanic isn’t a race you moron. If you were born in Spain and came to America you would be hispnic. If you had kids with an Anglo your kids would still be hispanic
She's a good grill.
Sociologically you cannot judge a group upon its exceptions, you have to judge the group.
(And therefore object to mass immigration which is harmful).
But there are still existential exceptions.
She's apparently one.
And She's a good grill.
(I'm fading out to play Far Harbour so don't reply, crazy peeples)
hungry for white cock
But thats not 100%
Jesus, if you're gonna do a fake at least get the tit size right.
We have called her a mutt for the past fucking year you mongoloid.
>said she wasn't black
no one in the history of forever has NOT accused her of black ancestry
I want to know what my genetic make up is, but I really don't want to freely give my DNA to Jews, what do?
Twitch forces black streamer to submit DNA analysis over african cooking show
We've gave always called her a quadroon. She just happens to have a bit more in her now
Ok, now can you photoshop boobs on this?
You realize it's not the hispanic descent that makes beans brown? It's the aztec genes.
Hispanos are white
Neither are you
giv milkies
Fuck shes beautiful I dont give a fuck what she is.
Would marry/heartbeat
I bet she could grow an afro if she stopped straightening her hair.
Spanish people are Spaniards, not spics you 35% moron. Comparing them to the likes of Mexicans and other South American trash is insulting to the extreme. And no, the kid would be Spanish/British not a spic. Then again, you're living proof why the US should be cleansed in nuclear hellfire alongside the Middle East, South East Asia, Africa and South America.
10/10 face.
10/10 body.
she went to my highschool. always used to identify as "black." dont know what happened.
>10/10 Face
Are you fucking memeing son?
>i'm white in america
Why are her eyes so far apart? Is that a nigger feature?
They're Spanish rape babies conceived with locals. Hispanics refers to people from countries formerly affiliated with the Spanish Empire but not Spain itself. Someone from Spain would simply be a Spaniard and not a Mexican Hispanic.
Sup Forums has once again proven itself to be more tolerant and accepting of individuality than the left.
>Have genes from Conquistadors
>Have genes from Aztec Conquerors
Born of Conquest, literally nothing to be ashamed about, its just that Anglo-Americans have an unnatural sense of Superiority
Spanish people fill out hispnanic on a census. You are the one that said they aren’t white because they are Hispanic.
Probably not, she is aWHITE and (surprise) a racist pos
literary who
Hell yeah son.
Im literally a namefag nazi and Brittany is my queen, and this is known.
I’m sorry you don’t know anything about America but try to larp as you do. A half Spaniard half Anglo in America is a Hispanic on the census. Dumb fuck. I see you inherited some of the mongol genes
10 inch space between the eyes
she's a solid 10
It wasnt rightful though.
>he says posting a gif of a white American
All of this is white in America.
She looks decidedly "off" where her face is concerned. She reminds me a bit of someone with slight down syndrome or the likes. Now we know why.
Str8 from heaven.
God that Groid nose, Holy shit i'm a spic and I can see that she is not worth it.