I fucking knew it!
Human/Chimp Hybrid?
If it was white semen it'd already be superior to niggers.
yes, niggers exist.
Fucking Florida would be the place this would happen.
Gonna be hilarious when niggers are the result of human/ape relations created to build be slaves.
>millions spent on creating human chimpanzee hybrids
wtf i could've supplied them with one of those for like $20
Well there you have it. Niggers are not human.
If they crossbred a bonobo with a Congo pygmy it would work.
And Gallup, who teaches biopsychology at the University at >Albany in New York, insists that humans can be crossbred with all the great apes – not just chimpanzees
Imagine a human - gorilla hybrid. It would be a killing machine.
That's dumb. Niggers have sex with primates in Africa all the time.
nah, next-level funny is knowing that the ape-human hybrids will rapidly surpass the negro in racial hierarchy within a few generations and thenthey'll cry racism so they can tip-toe around the fact that the problem is actually the blacks themselves and their shitty self-destructive culture
That is actually a pretty nice stone covering of a monkey in a professional suit. I'd buy it if I was rich.
The comment section was a pretty good read.
The mutts are going to succeed where Stalin failed.
They're called "African Americans"
Fucking racists
Go fuck yourself you wimp nigger lover.
Stalin had some scientists try that. He had gorrilas fuck women.
Just as predicted by the Hopi life-myth that's well over 10,000 years old. The last 20 years have been right on the money with SW Native Prophecy.
>animal human hybrids
all of it.
yeah what do you think mulattos are?
A shadowy group including doctors from America and other countries did this successfully a few decades later. 61-65, after years of work.
how the fuck did this get on the front page of Drudge lol