HAPPENING: Memo on way to White House

Republican memo approved for public release. Democrat "counter memo" will only be available for viewing by Congress (and 100% illegal to leak)

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Looking those numbers..

Also, I didn't think the memo was going to be yuuge, til the Dems started losing their shit...

Now we know...


Dems goin down


Gods be praised.

inb4 404

>the absolute state of Dems right now



He is with us, lads.

Baracko Barner's goint to jail!


The happenings... I can feel them.



Fuck these Democrat cucks they all deserve to be hanged. Fucking trying to sell our country out.

When do we see King Nigger and the Treasonous Cunt hanging from a tree?

Trump won't approve this until Thursday. SoU is tomorrow

As much as I'm glad the Nunes Memo is getting released, I think blocking the Democrat counter memo is a bad move.

This will be used as ammo to say Republicans are blocking something they don't want the public to see because Trump's scared of it, and they will downplay the Nunes memo in the media and will make liberals chant "Release the Counter Memo".

Just release it all!

You realize this is a trap laid by Mueller right? Trump will have it released and then he'll get impeached for mishandling classified information. I guess Trump underestimated who he was going up against...

Can I get a quick rundown? Been busy lately

Your ID should be “PN/Cuckx

>Jason “Dick Swangin’ “ Chaffetz
All y’all niggas going down

Quick, send this to Trump!

>Trump will have it released and then he'll get impeached for mishandling classified information

The president is incapable of mishandling classified information by definition.

It might get released. Theyre just making Dems go through the same process as them. Open for viewing to all members of Congress first, then will be voted on again whether to release publicly

Wew laddy checked

>Republican memo approved for public release. Democrat "counter memo" will only be available for viewing by Congress (and 100% illegal to leak)

What's taking so long, are we using the pony express?

He's here and he's been saving these digits for a long time. Now we know.


Please show some respect. Scott Dworkin is an (((MSNBC contributor))) AND he helped uncover the #GLUMPFMUHRUSSIA scandal!

Who knows? Trump signed the tax bill like 2 weeks early because the media ran their mouths about him not signing it in 2017 as he promised. There’s no telling what the fuck he’ll do.

Dahnald, take my memo.

((Counter memo))
Jesus Christ I hate Democrats

CNN: "The memo may already be here at the White House"

I don’t understand what difference this memos supposed to make. There’s already plenty of shit that’s happened where heads should’ve rolled yet they didn’t


This could be a great time guys! I feel the happenings in the air.

You're a fucking retard. Trump can declassify any information he sees fit. It is literally his constitutional right, especially if he feels it is something the American people need to know. Not only that, the House Intelligence Committee VOTED to release it.

Eat a dick. Our Government is better than your EU shithole.

Trump is not ordering a release. It was decided by majority vote in House intel committee.


lol it was just declassified.

Oh are you scared you racist little baby? Scared your cheato President is going to go to prison and your whole family will disown you for being a traitor to the republic and being duped by Kremlin stooge? Stop it, I'm not trying to make you cry.

It won’t because it’s make believe horseshit and anyone with a brain can see its damage control. Also, they have to get a majority vote. It’s 13-9 Rep-Dem, good fucking luck

Basic gestalt—

This memo will show that the predicate for the FISA warrant was sparked by the Fusion GPS Trump dossier, which was funded by the Clinton campaign

obama bout to be trapped in basedworld

checked and keked

a communications disruption can mean only one thing...


Can you even imagine being this stupid?

CNN on death watch.


Can he postpone his SOTU speech?

It will create immediate buzz if he frames the memo as important enough to postpone the speech. Media will try to spin it negatively but it will only draw attention to the memo.

holy faak it keeps habeninggggggg

Lol, funny thing is he didn't even share his Memo with the Republicans (you know the majority of Congress) and then bitches about it to the MSM for 30 minutes.

>100% illegal to leak

It'll get leaked anyway


there was a vote on that memo, too, and the GOP said NO haha. it's just their CYA talking points bullshit, not anything important to release.

Uh oh.

Checked, you evil monster you.

I have the memo, Dahnald

All big kike twitter accounts in full meltdown mode calling it treason and fake and whatever
Epic happening


What's preventing some democrat from writing a bogus counter-memo and making it public?

>he doesn't know about the tunnels

David Gergen on CNN: "We are seeing a breakdown of democracy"

I would find it amazing if he reads at the SOTU

It's going to contain specific details that make the crimes committed crystal clear. The Deep State's room to play politics and confuse the public is going to be decimated.


I wonder if we’ll see a Baptism of Fire like in GodFather.


>Democrat "counter memo" will only be available for viewing by Congress (and 100% illegal to leak)
wew, that's not going to get leaked, is it?

They tried, It was voted down for release.

Checked. I am sooooo excited for some fresh salt!

This. I fucking hope so.


>tfw too much happening

Checked my nigga, Kek is here.

Credibility and resources and considerable circumstance. ...None of which fits in the time the Nunes Memo became apparent.

> 666 checked.
Why not just released the original? What's the niggering about the R vs D memo about the memo bullshit?
So this isn't the original memo?

this is a summary of the internal investigation into FISA abuses and associated crimes. It's big.

By his command, Kek wills it.

That would be awesome.

If numbers, jail terms incoming.

good thing we aren't a democracy then.

1776 AGAIN


He is here
The presence of the Lord Kek is so fucking strongggggg

We'll see. The truth is, this memo is garbage. The Schiff memo is the real deal, and trust me, Trump does not want to make a man like Congressman Adam Bennett Schiff his enemy.

Thanks Satan



they tried today and they voted on it right before
they voted not to release it

How absolutely fucked are the CIA Niggers right now?


This cunt on CNN is just mad she has a double chin and a kike nose.

Your tendies are getting wet fren

damn cnn, I said to them this lobster is up to code, but no no they had to go there. So they said the lobster was 24.9cm, while it was 25.

Die bitches, you will never get my lobsters

>SOTU tomorrow night, all networks covering
>Talking heads make idle gossip while everybody comes out onto the floor
>There is a lull in the action; POTUS doesn't appear at scheduled time
>Tension rises
>Mueller walks out and ascends to the lectern
>Every leftist in the country simultaneously creams his/her shorts
>Mueller begins a very somber preamble regarding high crimes and misdemeanors
>Leftists achieve a level of ecstasy that risks their physiological health
>Mueller pauses, takes a deep breath, and then reads out indictments containing more than two hundred criminal counts against HRC, Obama, and other members of the deep state cabal (including Soros)
>Says the parties to this treason have been arrested and detained at U.S. military facilities pending speedy trial by impartial tribunals
>Concludes by announcing that federal marshals will be escorting more than 150 co-conspirators out of the joint session of Congress
>Mueller steps down and walks off; the hall is silent and all are ashen-faced
>Most of the 150 show themselves the door
>Major TV networks receive instructions that the SOTU is not over yet; by law they cannot break away
>Most are silent as their CIA-backed hosts have fled or they simply can't think of anything to say
>After 30 minutes, Trump takes the podium
>He makes no reference to what just transpired -- only what he is doing to Make America Great Again
>The mood turns as he speaks about the American economy and the restoration of dreams once shattered
>All of the remaining members of Congress stand in exultation
>Following the address they hold an emergency session and immediately pass his entire economic program
>On July 4th, the traitors hang on the National Mall

Like the Dems didn't already plan on doing that.

Ted Cruz runs slowly