Why do white people think that they deserve an ethnostate?
Why do white people think that they deserve an ethnostate?
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They don't deserve it until the know the truth about IQ and r/K selection theory.
>muh IQ
You're still dumber than Asians and Jews.
We will take it.
We owe outsiders no justification
We had a very lovely ethnostate.
And then the white nation attacked.
What are you waiting for?
If you had what we've got then you'd want a special place all to your own as well.
Every race has an inherent right to self-preservation.
We don't need to justify our existence to anyone, kike.
>Every race has an inherent right to self-preservation.
Says who?
Why do you deserve a house with your family? There’s homeless Mexican and African people and you have an extra bedroom so you have to let them live in your house.
Because when you make something great like Western Civilization you have to preserve and take care of the people who made it, like how a farmer preserves the best of the cattle.
Cuz she's an 8 and she's still hotter than literally every black and asian woman on the planet.
>Needing someones permission to preserve your own race
Lol they're waiting for permission. Pussies
you posted all jews
Yes, but still in the IQ range to build civilizations and have a high quality first world country. r selected groups will get no further than having some third world tribalist shithole as country.
You're not preserving it very well though.
Cute white girls like that are getting BLACKED as we speak.
It doesnt matter if we deserve it or not, we just have to claim it. We aren't going to ask non-whites if it's okay that we create an ethnostate, your opinion doesn't matter.
>we just have to claim it
What are you waiting for?
They deserve whatever they want except for east Asia. Whites modernized and civilized every other part of the planet. Niggers, kikes, and spics would still be living like cavemen if it wasn't for whites.
because 99% of achieviment are european ,and we are simply the master race, the jews they dont even exist at this point are not more than ideological movement
What's up, Mike Isaacson? How do you get so9 happy about destroying the white race, if the white race doesn't exist?
Self-determination is a retarded concept that has led to the deaths of millions of Europeans across the 20th century and many millions more elsewhere. You cannot carve nation states from ethnic lines like was done with Austria Hungary. States are formed on the basis of stability and not ethnic lines. You can argue that ethnostates are stable because there is only one ethnicity but we saw in the 20th century, that just because a nation-state is formed from self-determination; that does not guarantee stability.
The white race's weakness: their women's lust for BBC
There are many many many many more ethnicities than there are nations. What do you think would happen if nations were formed on the basis of ethnicity? Some areas of the earth are more geographically advantageous than others. Those people who previously had access to those lands will be scorned - you are literally breeding contempt and instability everywhere on the Globe. For the non-edgy people, this is a formula for global catastrophe.
you only have to look at california all the smart people of the world caming up and europeans are the ones who create 90% of all the multibillionaire busines ,where are all the smart chinese and indians ,the top 1% came here and we still are leading the way
Castiza women are hotter than her lmao
You haven't answered the question, Mike: How do you get joy out of annihilating the white race, if race is a social construct?
You wish.
Niggers are universally despised, even by their own kind.
Race isn't a social construct. That's just what we tell the dumb goyim.
In reality we want to exterminate the white race in order to rule over the entire world like supervillains. Also, revenge for the holocaust.
You guys on Sup Forums know too much. You must be dealt with accordingly. We have very powerful people in very high places. You would be wise not to fuck with us.
Sweet Rabbi Jeshua, what a fucking larper you are.
The jews fear the Samurai. The Jews will never win.
We don't deserve it we will take our homelands back if needed kike.
Because the Asians have them, the blacks have them, the Hispanics have them. Why can't we have one? Shit skins cry about how hard they have it in white countries but keep coming here in hordes because they know we make the best civilizations and they pollute it and it will eventually be as bad as the cat piss hell holes they crawled out of.
Why do Jews?
Well a lot of truth here but it was still (((them))) desu, they have been doing this shit since Atlantis nothing new
because we're better than everyone else
>current year
>white people fighting for something of their own
do ho ho that is a good one.
girls in bunad makes my soul peaceful
Turn the tables and ask yourself why do kikes and niggers and everyone else have their own shit holes?
Why do non-whites think they deserve air?
You've obviously realised by now that you're not going to out-breed us, and there IS going to be a war for a Ethno-Europe very soon.
what are you going to do to stop us?
What are you going to do when the already alienated police forces openly join us.
What are you going to do when our agents inside your Militaries go rogue.
What are you going to do when Europe shakes under the weight of our men marching and the cities become clogged with the blood of a million dead humans.
What are you going to do to stop it from happening ?
You cant stop it. And the clock is ticking.
>except for east Asia
We've always been at war with them anyway
Nothing is deserved, you vile Libtard. What you can take and hold is yours. Your reach ends there.
Because the judges of whether whites deserve an ethnostates are white people and white people alone.
Your nigger opinion has no voice in the ethnostate, nor does it have a voice in the ethnostate referendum.
Why do you deserve a family?
It just gets my nationality pumping, "ja vi elsker"
Because were better than you and you fuck everything we build all to hell. Why do you think you deserve to live in a white mans country?
pumping like Ulla Forre
Why do people with a pulse think they deserve life.
Because the last time we had an ethnostate in the Urheimat (Yamna), we gave the world domestic horses, animal husbandry, technology, the Vedas, civilization, and art.
White people don't deserve an ethnostate
however they have the power to make one.
We will only take in those who follow us
and excommunicate the rest.
Show your flag kike. You're not fooling anyone here.
The White Man molded and fashioned the spirit of human knowledge, and the truth of their impact stretches across every continent.
This is a jew. This is also a demoralizing derail/slide thread.
Because white people have developed their own culture, traditions and heritage and it is not compatible with the culture of other races. Trying to force 'diversity' by making people with different cultural and traditional values live with us will only lead to strife and instability. You fucking kike.
>small white dick
It checks out.
No wonder your women are going BLACK. Your little shrivlled pink dick will never be enough.
nah, Europe shits on Jews and Asian countries with true measure of intelligence, Nobel Prizes.
Jews have the highest number of nobel peace prizes per capita by far. It's not even close.
Because most everyone else has one. Identity is the basis for nationhood and the nation is the basis for the state.
>w-when the day of the rope comes wypipo will be marching in the streets
>Jews have the highest number of nobel peace prizes per capita by far.
The Irish do you fucking nigger.
You wouldn't consider a virus smarter than its host
only white men want an ethnostate.
white women like the one in OP's pic want some big black cock deep inside them
>being this stupid and unobservant
>nigger confirmed
Looks like the sculpture's pubic region is broken and eroded. Not that dick size is an argument.
It's time for you to kneel to your masters. The Dravidians in India did it, and now it's you're turn. If you learn your place, you will flourish.
No one deserves anything. The strong takes.
>It's time for you to kneel to your masters.
It's time for YOU to kneel to your master whiteboi: the BBC.
Well I guess that means that you're weak since you're not taking jack shit. Whites are a race of pussies.
such a hot photo. gotta be more to this comic. that black dude probably nuts all over those big aryan tits and probably rams his cock deep inside that blonde-pubed pussy
I already live in my silesian white ethnostate.
Slavs and Albos are not white.
Hello Schlomo.
I just want you "qt's gettin' blacked" dindus to know I fuck your women pale on the reg.
Why should a man kneel to an animal?
We MADE you, negro. We bred the strongest negroes to produce strong offspring. American Negroes are the product of the White Man's animal husbandry.
Know your place, darky. It will bring you harmony.
Why haven't you shot yourself in the face yet? You have nothing to live for
How does IQ mean you deserve it though? White people didn't do anything to earn their IQ. Ancient man just so happen to randomly get lost in Europe's shit ass climate. They had no clue that such a region would positively select for IQ. Everything regarding group differences can be chalked up to RNG.
na, i love fucking blonde white bitches real good with my 7.5 inch black dick
shut the fuck up with "deserve" faggotry. some people think whites should set an ethnostate as a goal. that's all. pfff fuckin "deserve" gtfo with that rookie bullshite
lol At least you're a good sport
> Said mountain jew with trash skin and mostly dark hairs.
Why do black people think that they deserve an ethnostate?
no one deserves anything but the grave. we want subhuman scum the Fuck away from us. and we're willing to do what it takes to get that. that's all there is to it.
Why is it always blonde bitches who love the BBC? I've noticed this as well
So why haven't you done it yet you pussy ass whiteboi?
You have it all wrong, we believe that we deserve an ethnoplanet.
we wasnt part of it... unless you are a peruANO
>13 posts by this ID
Why do you always make it so easy to spot you JIDF?
Usually fake blonde bar stars
>same eu meme flag
>same shitty bait threads