thinking about porsche panamera or volkswagen, any other suggestions?
So i am a newly minted bitcoin millionaire, what altright car should i buy?
vw is cucked now. buy 1930s mercedes
Get a Lada.
>he isn't buying tesla
enjoy living in the past lol
buy a classic daily driver and a lot of land.
Bitcoin was the best decision I ever made. And you too can be a bitcoin millionaire. All you need is a check or debit card.
Tesla and solar stuff to charge it.
Buy a VW Atlas and fill it with white babies, user
Aston Martin
You should buy the Volkswagen, good reliability.
Get a brand new Merc E63 AMG
Safest car in the world
Jaguar, wait.. You're a non-anglo subhuman. Nevermind
Personally I'd probably look at an Audi RS5 or RS6
>make a bunch of money from nothing
>hey dudes how should I waste my money haha
you're retarded
If you want a sedan, at least get a Bentley Continental Flying Spur.
Buy a dictator car:
3k Civic
Keep the rest in Bitcoin, WE AREN'T DONE YET BABY WE'RE GOING TO THE MOON!!!!
A WW2 era VW beetle that was delivered to the staff office of Göring recently sold for $300k. too bad OP missed out on it.
I suggest you to buy noodles while you still have currencies.
You could probably be a millionaire too if you sold all that salt you're producing.
THIS. aesthetic and resistant to lardass commies
My boss bought a Panamera, was nice car. But then it rained and shorted out something in the truck spoiler. His insurance totalled it. Cayman S would be the Porsche for me.
Not after what those Jews did to /ourguy/ Henry Ford!
Educate yourselves:
>is a case in which the Michigan Supreme Court held that Henry Ford had to operate the Ford Motor Company in the interests of its shareholders, rather than in a charitable manner for the benefit of his employees or customers. It is often cited as affirming the principle of "shareholder primacy" in corporate America.
It doesn't get any more Jewish than that, Dodge are the sole reason our capitalist system is in the horrible state it's in today.
Buy a prius but modify it with a conventional diesel engine to fuck with people.
Any car dealer dumb enough to accept bitcoin I guess because you cannot change it for gold.
great red pill, mate
have a (you)
how are you newly formed with bitcoin has been basically steady at 11k for the last month?
Shit I didn't know that
>I actually work in a salt marsh
Call me when you'll be able to buy a house with your ethereal money.
> buying a Jewish meme car that only faggots from the silicon valley actually want to drive
buy stocks and real estate when the prices are low, but keep some of your fortune in cryptos.
How is this even a question ? A hellcat challenger
Buy a Yugo
Porsche Cayman S is the official car of white nationalism
Buy a lexus. They have some of the highest customer satisfaction. Plus they have a good rep for being reliable, just like a man should be.
Save your fucking money asshole. Don't blow stupid amounts of money on a car. Buy something reasonable and focus on improving yourself. Good luck.
If you were American I would have better advice, but you have to get an audii if you want a future for white children
Volvo 240 and learn to fix it.
fucking kikes.
maybe this is why Ford starting hating the Jews.
Yeah, but
I can smell the golf clubs from here
Pretty sure he hated Jews before that but yeah....
Educate yourselves
>not golfing 18 holes every weekend
Could you be less American? i bet you don't even use a charcoal grill.
Just buy a decent car without it looking too flasy.
1. You don't want to look like a poser.
2. Rich people stay rich because they know they shouldn't buy overpriced shit when not needed.
Do car dealers accept bitcoins?
(((Shareholders))) = Jewish control
Yugo, convertible. Hold value well
enjoy trying to get the money out. ive had multiple sell orders SITTING for 2 months now. i had to break them down to $2k each just to try to get some of the money out from bitcoin. ive been able to remove $6k out of $900,000 in 5 months.
There is classic for sale.
Challenger Demon or any massive pick up truck should give you the proper look. But remember, nobody suspects the man driving the Honda Civic or other common car, if you are thinking of doing anything revolutionary. Also, SUV's are comfy and you can drive way out into the middle of nowhere with them.
fake news. Buy a Porsche Cayman S so your test can go up and you can have white babies
Vehicle of choice for the High Stock Alpha Male.
Buy my debt.
Tesla model X, SUV
Early 2000’s Porsche’s are a great deal. You can get a Boxster S or Carrera for about 10k.
Can you even buy a car with Bitcoin?
when Dodge was asked about their strangely semetic logo, they said that it was merely a cohencidence.
Dacia Sandero, do not fall for jewish lies.
Revelation 13:16–13:17 (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 14:9–14:11 (KJV)
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Will You Take the Mark of the Beast?
Buying with a Bitcoin NFC Chip Implant
Tesla is the official car of the Alt Right. Forcing communists to disavow electricity as run them down is where its at.Absolutely ironic state of bliss
You faggots said this about UPC codes
challenger, obviously
Hi OP. Fellow /biz/raeli here. I cashed out on a 996. I also run an ecommerce store which is my main source of income so obv a 20k car isn't an issue.
I would HIGHLY suggest getting a 911. A 997 911 is the perfect car IMO, if not an old 964.
>bitches love it, regardless of year
>all the prestige, and its well deserved
>excellent handling
I love mine, I think you will too.
>a shitty 10 year old coin with awful tech and slow transactions is the coin of the devil
you've just proved you know absolutely nothing
The logic sleuth kills the LARP.
Buy a real mans F250
>buying the literal soycar
>Hi im a lying soyfag who desperately wants attention
I made close to million as well. On bitcoin and alts 720s is the only way to roll
Buy Adolf Hitler's mercedes
>meanwhile bitcoin is going down with all the news about hacking and scamming
Kek. And with quantum computing right around the corner, kiss your bitcoins goodbye.
i have both. I concur. Best car in the world.
It really didn’t go down that much. The correction was very healthy
Nigger you know you can buy shit with it! I’ll buy your coins. .50 on the dollar
Tiny cars with cheap 4 cylinder engines. No thanks Porsche.