Spic hate thread
Spic hate thread
When you say spic do you mean Mestizo or Spanish? This is important
go on.......
bumping cuz it feels so good
>I imagine myself in Tejas, leading my platoon.
>Our mission is to stop wh*Te gringos from advancing.
>We mow down wh*Te gringos but they keep coming.
>I shoot wh*Te gringos but I run out of ammo.
>I draw my Macuahuitl and begin slaughtering wh*Tes.
>Since wh*Tes are physically inferior to me, I slay them by the dozens.
>I get shot, but I don't fall, I keep fighting.
>Then I get shot again, and again...
>wh*Tes were shooting me from a distance like the cowards that they are.
>I lie down, facing up to the sky and I see HUITZILOPOCHTLI smiling at me.
>I smile back...
>Then I wake up, in Tenochtitlan, my homeland.
>My BROWN brethren give me a warm welcome.
>I finally made it...
>This soldier of Aztlan has finally made it into heaven...
Always Mestizos. They are the ones committing the crimes and chopping off heads.
White Hispanics are as intelligent and peaceful as any other whites
i'm not defending mexican beaners but you didn't answer my question :(
When you say spic do you mean Mestizo or Spanish?
Lol they were so confident that they were going to win. I hope this smug shit goes back.
If not I hope he gets to watch mama y padre kicked over the wall.
Which part feels good Pablo? Having an average IQ of around 80? Stealing jobs from hard working Americans? Or just a complete and utter pest?
Mostly Illegal Mexican immigrants, since the majority of mexicans are mestizo's you have your answer.
why couldn't you answer this when I first asked you? but yeah i agree mexicans are fucking gay and annoying
Because a number of chicano trash on Sup Forums are extremely insecure about their ethnicity, once they learn they have at least 20% of european ancestry they'll claim their castizo's or some shit so I assumed you were one of them.
my question was pretty straightforward with no nonsense
i think it would help your conversation skills if you weren't like that
All spic and beaner hate threads are flooded with these parasites, it's only natural I would jump to that conclusion.
my question was pretty straightforward with no nonsense
i think it would help your conversation skills if you weren't like that
This is now a nigger hate thread
It really isnt.
.seriously, what the fuck is your problem. This seems to go beyond autism. Both groups are shit for different reasons. At least you can say the Spanish conquered part of the world before becoming shit for 500 years.
Thanks for the bump Pablo, white people have nothing but animosity towards your kind, you have to go back.
How is it not important?
So if a pure mayan did some fucked up shit would you blame that on the spaniard?
i h8 dirty spic beaners.... but burritos are so good. damn, its like a catch 22
inb4 whites can make burritos just as good
It's already been stated that the hate is being directed towards mestizo's, why are you being so indignant on whether it's mestizo or Spaniard? Unless of course you're just a mexican identifying as a Spaniard than that would explain your hostility.
mexicans and chicanos ruined the word hispanic so I think that's why every other type hates them too and doesn't want to be lumped with them
Apparently you’ve never been to a trailer park is Alabama.
Is this the part where your big white god pops out or was that some other tribe?
>rednecks are chopping up and skinning people alive in trailer parks
u wut m8
>Serious question
>honestly dont know
Who are the ruling class of Mexico? Are you implying that it is predominantly Mestizos?
Nice try Pedro
Obviously mestizos
>Letting shareblue win
Respect our bioweapons to make New Spain great again
Illegal Mexicans are all mestizos or Indios. The Spaniard Mexicans get in legally and live in their gated communities in northwest San Antonio
Please explain to me how hating spics entering the United States illegally is supposedly letting "shareblue" win?
>paging mexicans
>path to wild prosperity in 1.5 generations
Allow foreigners to fully own Mexican land and defend this ownership with the military.
No, they are Spaniards and castizos (75% white)
Hence why the wetbacks are brown. They are the poors fleeing for gibs.
In 30 years Mexico will be whiter than America
Funny you should say that, since back when I was in high school there was a supposed "white mexican" who was promptly deported during the second semester since him and his parents were here illegally.
While I hate spics, hate threads only further shareblue's agenda
That’s pretty surprising, but I’m sure some white looking people/Spaniards in Mexico are still poor. What I said is mostly true though, the rich are much whiter in Mexico than the middle class or poor
Such is the fate of the an elite warrior race such as the aztecs
In what way? Please explain your reasoning.
>elite warrior race
>defeated and enslaved by Spainards
>Oh, heya normies! Look at these evil alt-right knoughtzees being mean on the internet! This is proof that Donald Trump is evil! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
that's hot
>whiter than America
And 5x more shitty. So my point stands, until further notice all Mexicans are shit. But specifically the high IQ people are actually for at fault for the absolute state of mechico. Mexico is their failure.
no...it doesnt. This is hardly a D&C. Mexico has a chance with Trump. This is their chance! I want them to be great.
You're an absolute idiot, so do you suppose we should just keep our mouths shut regarding illegal mexican immigrants? Just admit to being a spic already.
Watch out OP, there will be some Texans coming onto the thread saying how much they worship Tejanos
Over 90% of American flag posters are spics, why do you think Mexican hate threads don't get enough replies?
>As I rise into heaven, Despacito begins to play
>I reach off the mat on the floor to turn off my cellphone alarm
>Mr. Huntington needs his roof done today
>I hope that van down the road isn't ICE
This is true. There’s like a total literal 3 white guys who post here. The other several million are shitskins of various forms.
hello guys
>Making up your own statistics and believing them
You can leave, the only mexican's we hate are the one's who cross the border illegally and demand free shit from the government.
>getting this butthurt over a fairly accurate estimate
Come on now
Why did the Spanish had to rape the Aztecs instead of killing them?
>tfw my sister tried to say Dreamers were born here in an argument with me
So this is the power of Spanish colonization
>I realize I don't have to go back to mexico
Really the only way a mexican ever wins.
Lol. Shitlibs don’t know anything about immigration except for what they hear from other shitlibs.
just deport them why waste time hating call ICE and be done with it
also isn't funny that San Diego is x10 whiter than LA and SD is closer to Mexico lmao
Your wife is pretty hot desu.
What do you guys think of Black spics?
Isn't this the girl that got tortured by the cartel and fed a single taco a day?
Schlomo tricks to divide and conquer due to memo release
Fuck I forgot about this video, and how angry it made me.
The economic officer for Everett WA, under the new major Cassie Franklin, is an illegal immigrant. As are his parents. The absolute state of WA. No one here cares. I can't get an inch. An illegal mexican is apparently more deserving of a mayoral cabinet position then an actual American.
>be me an undercover fag spic
>light skin hides how wet my back is
>born in US but residual moisture from father
>love fuckin with sjws when they pull white male card
Roleplaying again turkroach?
Nice try Jose, you fucking civic nationalist parasite.
stfu pendejo. my people are based and better than most of the trash that live here already. without us, the USA would be nothing
Mestizo. Not even the natives, just the mestizos, most of them are around 12% African DNA, which explains the low IQ and criminality.
Why are you spamming these? No one in this thread has made any mention towards Nazism in any way.
Well would you look at that, the guy who spams ugly kekistanis is here.
He's a commie, that should tell you all you need to know.
If you said half of what's on that sign even on a left wing site like reddit you'd get accused of trolling and false flagging.
In what way? By driving down our national IQ? Stealing American jobs? Crossing the border illegally? Selling cheap drugs to unsuspecting teenagers? Raping countless women? I could go on but you get the point, you people are literally worthless, Mexicans can't even run their own country properly, it's truly pathetic.
Try again shariablue
21% face now