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>1% italian
you're not white you fucking mutt
What test is this? How much dollaroos?
Can you submit these anonymously? Is there some chance I can get the results without them having my DNA linked to my name and shit?
This was 23andMe. Retail for Ancestry + health is 200 USD, I got it during the Amazon sale in December for 99. 23andMe periodically offers it for like 170 too. If you get an ancestry only test it’s cheaper.
You don’t have to use your real contact information. You could create an account and name yourself whatever you want.
Thats a good question
>1.8% Southern European
user...I'm sorry....
All my Germanic / French / Italian genes come from grandfather who was Swiss.
you're still the mutt offspring of every european nationality. disgusting existance
You can upload your ancestry report from 23andMe on Promethease and get a health report for $5. You don't have to pay the extra $100 on 23andme.
Your DNA will never be anonymous.
Well you can submit your sample and use pseudonym. They don’t use your address, it’s all online.
>potato nigger educating us on who's white
No, you are not huwhite!
Funny now that they got busted for adding Jew into everyone people are seeing all white results
I r wite.
This, OP belongs in an oven
Kike spotted!
He is not but remind me the percentage of European people in your country
>France has a law against making distinctions between its citizens based on their race or beliefs
Whiter than you, Achmed
Chief Wahoo here
i k r
>political divisions of territory and culture are the same things as race
You're getting closer, Abdul, but you still aren't grasping the concept of race
Faggot frogs are the least white people in Europe
99.9% + 0.1% + 0.1% = 100%?
>unironically shilling mutt meme in 2018
>see flag
>tfw too Jewish to be considered white by most white organizations and too gentile for Israel
Native and east Asian are grouped up it shows combined on the top one which is just the native 0.1%
> 0.1% jew.
open the gas valves.
At least we didn't elected a bigger twice
Wanna talk about Sicilians and Sards? Half of your country is populated by sandniggers for ages.
Nice lineage, do you know about how and why your ancestors came to America?
They do that on purpose with pure samples.
no one is white. weve all been jewed and we fight amongst each other about whos white or some faggy ecelebrity. damn theyre good at what they do
We didn't elect a nigger *
>0.8% Finnish
Come home, yellow man.
West Germanic and Nordic Haplogroups
We are Italians dumb frog
and here we have a minority of slavs and asians, blacks and arabs are almost non existent
Your country is 20% arab and niggers
stfu kike.
If your people are white, I would hate to be white.
>italians are not white meme
Yeah I got one that was 100% European
I was 96.2% NW European and the kikes always put some bullshit in it. Mine said >.01% Indigenous American, nice try Schlomo
Italians are NOT white.
Italian isn't even an ethnicity, Mario.
And Sicilians (as well as every South Italian) are part Africans :
Those north of Rome are white. Below, they mixed with phenecians (Lebanon) and other North Africans long ago. It's the same case for Provence, South-East of France.
That's a lot of kike
Phoenicians > slavs
Sicilians aren't Italian. Try again Muhammad.
I spoke about all south Italia, diaspora Luigi.
Nobody cares, just keep your borders open
that is a top tier cutie
looks like someone got a little bit handsy with the native girls
I have a good collection of qts
>la luz extinguido
>"I-Italians aren't white!"
>Blocks your path
yes you do
But your jewish
They literally brag about it, it's
That girl looks like shes one deep dicking from being sane.
Besides, the data isn't at all accurate. Completely open to interpretation. It's more of an educated guess.
>dark hair
>dark eyes
>round face
>small ears
Almost looks like a kabyle to me, you can trust me on this point : I currently live in Marseille, there are many of them. North Italians don't look like that btw.
LEL at the Macedonian
It say that it's BS right there.
>Almost looks like a kabyle to me
No, that's an Italian you fucking nitwit.
Your pic related on the other hand is a literal Arab.
But even in North Italy only 50% of people have light eyes and less than 10% blonde hair
North African =/= Sub-Saharan African
Go to Trieste or Toscana, then to Pugliese and Sardinia, you'll get the difference. I know your country quite well, and people clearly aren't the same north and south. But you're right : only a few Italians have light eyes / blond hair. It's the same here in South of France.
What's your point? North Africans still are Africans, though they have common ancestors with Europeans.
My pic related is a kabyle, which is a berber tribe. They have fewer in common with Arabs than with South Italians, in genetics as well as in behavior. FYI, some bloodlines even have blue eyes and/or light hair.
>100% European
>0.1% Jewish
What did (((23andme))) mean by this
I'm pugliese and i don't notice any difference except that they have more people with light eyes and hair.
Maybe in sudtyrol are more nordic looking and fucking autistic
>Hes not even white guise
>Southern European Latin Genes
What state (or general region) are you from
algerian hands typed these posts
You tend to be quite impulsive in Pugliese, your facial structure tends to be quite round with sharp details, like eyebrows, and your noses reminds me berber ones. You also have a brown tan.
Anyway I don't care about this "who is the whitest" aka divide and conquer game. It's just quite funny noticing the difference. Even if Sicilians are mostly sandniggers.
Wrong guess, Pajeet. I'm European, but not from France.
My nose is normal